- Title: Lutes - Fandres - Arek
- Artist: Boudicca
- Description: Those guys are characters from my comicproject "Karanest" (seems to be a posing for a boygroup-poster *laughs*)
- Date: 10/17/2003
- Tags: comics
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Comments (7 Comments)
- superkristi - 12/08/2006
- X
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- daveplunger - 12/07/2006
- O RLY? pretty joyful <3
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- narutonian35 - 11/30/2006
- very astonishing
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- Dgnr8Jr - 11/24/2006
- this is cute wee!
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- Malik_doom - 11/19/2006
- Very charming !!!!
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- Uzuma - 11/17/2006
- hmmm yes
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- queens #1 - 11/17/2006
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