• ♥Chapter One♥

    "What is it?" he whispered in that sweet low voice that draws everyone in.
    I looked at him, stunned for words. What could i say to this beautiful creature? My heart was racing. I could feel the blood pumping through my body as he whispered in my ear.
    "I-I-I.. I don't know." I managed to stutter these words as I looked at the ground.
    I felt his hand under my chin, lifting my head so that I was looking right into those beautiful baby blue eyes.
    "Something's wrong. I can sense it." he said looking at me, the uttermost serious expression on his face.
    I closed my eyes as his hand graced my cheek, wiping away the tears that fell from my eyes.

    "Bridgette, look at me." His voice was still but a whisper in my ear.
    I opened my eyes, his face was closer than I had expected.
    "What's the matter ?" he asked wrapping me in his arms.
    "I'm sorry." I whispered against his soft skin. He was perfect. Too perfect, I didn't deserve to be anywhere near him.
    "What for ?" He asked looking down at me.
    I looked up at him, "I shouldn't even be here. You deserve so much better than me."
    He moved me a couple inches from him, never letting go of me, "Bridgette Marie Walsh, do you really think that I could live without you?"

    His eye's were so caring, so beautiful as he starred into mine. "Yes." I said quietly never moving my gaze from him.
    "Well your wrong." he said sitting down on the sofa and pulling me into his arms. "If anything ever happened to you I wouldn't be able to go on knowing that I would be living without you here in my arms."
    A small smile tugged at the edge's of my lips, "Err.. Well. I mean. I don't know. Matt, come on. You know im no good at explaining."
    "Bri, do you have any idea how mush I love you?"
    "Yes." I said looking at him seriously.
    He laughed and whispered, "Good."
    I laughed half-heartily, "Yes, very good." I said as i folded my arms across my chest and pouted.
    He smiled and lightly lid me down on the couch, pinning me beneath him, "Your so cute and irresistible when you pout like that." He said kissing my lips lightly and moving down my neck to my collarbone.
    A slight shiver went through my body at the feel of his touch, though it was something I was quite used to. "Am not." I said quietly, barely able to speak another word.
    He laughed and I could feel it go through me as his lips touched the hallow of my throat once again. He raised his face to mine and kissed my lips lightly while picking me up and sitting me in his laps. "Well if you keep this up then im going to have to get the house to myself." He whispered as his sister, Harmony came into the room.

    Harmony was her usual hyper and happy self as she walked into the room and took a seat on the chair next to the couch, "You guy's better not be doing anything down here." She said in that sing-song voice of her's that all guy's seemed to find irresistible.
    If Harmony wanted, she could have every guy in the school. She was the perfect young girl. Long dark blonde hair, peircing blue eyes and the perfect tan skin.
    Any guy who compared me, with my long light brown hair and hazel eyes, to Harmony always say her first. She was possibly the most beautiful girl in the entire school.
    "No worrie's Harmony." I said glancing up at Matt who was looking out the window, a disappointed look on his face.
    She laughed at his expression, "Matt, if you keep that up your going to get frown lines." she said smiling triumphantly.
    Matt didn't laugh. He didn't even smile, "And how would you know that?" he snapped back at her.

    I placed my hand on his cheek and looked at him, "Matt, calm down. She's only joking around."
    "Yeah !" she piped in cheerfully and defensive.
    He looked at her and then down at me, "Okay." he whispered kissing the palm of my hand.
    I glanced over at Harmony and smiled.
    "You have him whipped." she said with a little giggle.
    Matt smiled and kissed my forehead, "Not really. I don't think so at least." she said nudging my chin up so he could kiss me again.
    I laughed, "I'm not sure. You just said that you couldn't live without me so.."

    Harmony giggled behind me. I looked up to see Matt's parents walking in just as I said it. I could feel my cheeks burn as I dug my face into Matt's shoulder.
    "Oh my god." I whispered as my face went back to it's normal color. I looked up and smiled at his parents.
    Matt's face was also red. His parents had heard every word of what I just said.
    "Good afternoon Bridgette." It was Alice, his mother.
    "Err.. um.. good afternoon to you too." I replied as my cheeks started to burn again.

    I could hear Harmony, trying so hard to keep herself from laughing, behind me as she let out tiny giggles.
    As Colin, his father took a seat I could see the color returning to Matt's face. I smiled weakly at him as he wrapped his arms around me again.
    Matt's mother was a beautiful woman. Like Harmony she had long dark blonde hair and peicing blue eyes. Her face was heart-shaped and her small nose helped make her face perfectly proportionate.
    His father was who he took after. Though he had his mother's eyes, Matt resembled his father more and more every day.
    If you stood them next to each other you could immediately see the resemblance. The dark brown hair, eyes set in the perfect spot and a perfect nose.
    The only difference was, Colin's eyes are brown where as Matt's are a sweet baby blue.

    Of course, Colin noticed how much we both were blushing. He always noticed the littlest thing's.
    "So Matt said he couldn't live without you now did he ?"
    Matt smiled and turned red again, "Dad, don't you have anything better to do than pick on me and Bri?"
    "No actually, I don't." Colin said with a grimace.
    I sighed and attempted to climb out of Matt's arms, but of course he held me tighter so that I could not move.

    Matt stood up placing my feet on the floor. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me towards the door and to his car. "Let's go to your house. At least Jamie isn't annoying."
    He opened the door to his black Aston Martin for me. I smiled and climbed in.
    It was always hard not to laugh when Matt got annoyed.
    I didn't mind his father at all.
    Actually, all of his family is pretty nice.

    Harmony is sweet and sensitive. She would do anything for you. No matter what happen's she's there to help. Harmony and I became friends our freshman year at Calie Coast High. That was how I met Matthew, but i'll get to that story later.
    Alice, his mother, was who Harmony took after. She was just as graceful and just as beautiful. When I met Alice and Colin I was shocked at the amount of love the had for each other. It was endless and it was visible.
    Colin was who Matthew took after. Both of them are very loving and have no problem showing the world. Though, sometimes it can be rather annoying it is also very cute.

    "All right, im sure dad won't mind." I smiled at him as he got in the car.
    "I'm positive he won't. He never does." Matt said a his kissed my cheek before pulling out of his driveway and speeding through town towards my house.

    ♥Chapter 2♥

    "Dad, im home." I yelled out as i walked in through the front door with Matt trailing behind me.
    "Hey Bridgette." His voice came from the living room. I smiled at Matt and walked down the hallway to the living room.
    Jamie was sat down in his usual spot on the couch. He looked up as we walked in, "Hello Matthew."
    "Sir." Matt said with a nod before sitting on the couch.

    I took my usual seat in the chair.
    Jamie was who I took after. He to had light brown hair and hazel eyes. When mom was alive everyone always had to double-check before they realized that I was her daughter. After mom died I moved in with Jamie.
    "Matt, I thought I told you that you need not call me sir unless I am in uniform." he said with a kind smile. Jamie is a military general and Matt never let him live it down.

    "Sorry, Jamie. I guess that I have seen you in that uniform so much that it is hard for me to get used to calling you by your name." Matt replied with a smirk.
    I could tell that he was remembering when we started dating.

    The night he picked me up for our first date Jamie was not happy at all. He made sure that he had his uniform on when Matt came to the door. He had even stood right behind me while I let Matt in.
    Matt and I had met during our junior year. Though me and Harmony had been friends since freshman year I had never met Matt until the beginning of our junior year. Harmony had invited me over for the entire weekend. This was my first time meeting her parents and of course Matt. I did not know at the time that she even had a brother. She never mentioned him before. There was chemistry between us immediately. Not long after that weekend we started dating. Jamie grew to like Matt after a while. When he saw how happy I was with him he got to know Matt and, just because it's Matt, grew to like him. Ever since then, Matt and Jamie have been like best friends.

    Jamie laughed, "You and Bri have been together for a year now and your still not used to calling me by my name?"
    Matt laughed with him, "It has been a long time." he said smiling over at me.
    I turned to face the window so that neither of them would notice that I was blushing.

    "Yes, it has. And I have never seen her so happy as when she is with you." Jamie replied.
    Matt eyed me curiously. "I know one thing, I have never been happier in my life."
    I looked back towards them and smiled at Matt, my cheeks still red.

    "Bri, your awfully quiet tonight. Is something wrong?" that was Jamie.
    "Err, no actually. Everything's perfect." I said smiling and remembering what happened back at Matt's house. A small giggle escaped my lips, " I'm sorry, I keep thinking about something that happened earlier."
    "Why? What happened that's so funny?" Matt asked, though he knew exactly what I was giggling about.
    "You all ready know." I said smiling at him.

    Jamie sat and watched us curiously with a small smile on his face. He seemed to enjoy the little arguments that Matt and I got in. Even though they were all about little things and you could hear the humor in both our voices.

    Matt laughed and I walked over and sat in his laps. " Yes, I do know what your laughing about. Though it was not all that funny." he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

    Jamie smiled, "You two have to be the cutest couple in this entire town."
    We all laughed. This was a common thing in my house. Matt would come over and Jamie would make some comment on how cute Matt and I were together. It was so embarrassing, but it was also comforting to know that Jamie approved.

    "Now im not too sure of that dad."
    "Oh, I think we are." Matt said holding me closer to him.
    I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, "I know that you think we are, but im sure there are cuter couples around here somewhere." I said while playing, absentmindedly, with a loose string on his shirt.

    Matt laughed and tilted my head up with his index finger so that I was looking at him, "That's not possible."
    I smiled, "Yes it is."
    "No, it's really not."
    I laughed and kissed him quickly, "Fine, you win."

    Jamie's smile widened, "And that just made you two even cuter."
    We all laughed again.

    I always loved that it was so easy-going when Matt was around. Normal dad's would be strict and not even let guy's in the house, but Jamie is no normal father. He was always better at these things than mom. He loved meeting guy's that I brought home, though he would always try and scare them first. Jamie always welcomed Matt with open arm's. It was as if Matt was his own son. Which i'm sure that Jamie wishes he were.

    "One of these day's you and Matt will be a happily married couple." Jamie would always say at the most random times.
    "Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, dad. I'm only seventeen." would always be my reply.

    Sure I love Matt, but i'm not so sure that i'm ready for commitment. Though I am highly committed to our relation ship. Maybe somewhere down the road we would be getting married. I always hoped for it. I just wasn't ready right this minute.

    After Matt left at ten thirty I went upstairs, got a shower and got ready for bed.
    After checking my e-mails and replying to a few I climbed into bed and went to sleep.

    ♥Chapter Three♥

    The next morning was a normal routine. I got up, got ready for school and cooked breakfast for both Jamie and I. At seven thirty on the dot Matt pulled into the driveway honking the horn. Jamie waved at Matt from the kitchen window as he got out of the car to open the passenger seat door for me. I grabbed my book bag and ran out the front door to the car, quickly kissing Matt on the cheek as i climbed in.

    Within the matter of five minutes we were pulling into the school parking lot.
    There was still a few minute's before class started so we took our usual spots on the steps outside the school. Within seconds Chelsey, Jordan, Sydney, Chris and everyone else had joined us. The conversation picked up right away.

    "Bridgette, did you see the new dresses they have in over at Chez Romaiez ?" Aleigha asked as she sat down next to me.
    "No, when did they get them in?"
    "Yesterday afternoon."
    "Oh, er I was out." I replied smiling faintly as Matt wrapped his arm's around my shoulder's kissing my cheek.

    "Well we should go over after school. I know I haven't found my prom dress yet and they have an amazing selection."
    "That would be great ! I haven't found a dress yet either." I smiled and looked up at Matt, " When I get home i'll call you."
    "Okay." he said smiling.

    "Can I go with you guy's ? I really need to find a dress too." Chelsey added.
    "Sure, we can take my car. Have a nice girl's night." Aleigha said glancing at the guy's, "That mean's no guy's all night un till we get home."

    The guy's groaned in protest, but Aleigha wouldn't have them ruining our fun, "Were not letting you guy's see our dress un till prom so your going to have to put up with that." she turned to Sydney, "Are you coming ?"
    "Heck yes. I could do with a night away from Chris." She said smiling and pushing Chris playfully.

    He took that offensive, "Hey, is it that bad being around me?"
    He was half pleased with her answer.

    "So it's settled, were having and all girl's night. No guy's whatsoever. Since I drove myself today we'll take my car and go right after school." Aleigha said.
    "Okay." the three of us chimed at the same time.

    The bell rang and we all headed off to our classes. The day went by rather quickly.
    By the time it was done we were all over-excited to go on our shopping trip.

    "Hey Chels." I yelled as I walked into the hall on the last bell.
    "Hey Bri, come on. Let's get going. Don't want to keep the others waiting." she said sliding her arm through mine.
    We walked out the door and to Aleigha's car. Aleigha and Sydney were allready there.

    "Let's get this party going." Aleigha said as I climbed into the passenger seat.

    Within ten minutes we were pulling up in front of Chez Romaiez.
    "This is so exciting !" Sydney exclaimed as we walked into the store.
    All the new dresses were georgeous. One in particular caught my eye.

    It was pink at the top and a piece flowed down on the white bottom and was pinned on the left side with a gold clip.
    I grabbed it and tried it on. When I walked out of the dressing room they were all there waiting to see it.

    Chelsey was the first to see me. She gasped, "Bridgette, that looks absolutely beautiful."
    "Bri ! You better buy that right now ! You have to wear that to prom ! I can see Matt's face now when he see's you in it." Aleigha added.
    "Absolutely !" Sydney piped in.

    "You know what, I think I will." I went back into the change room and took off the dress, carefully placing it back on the hanger and bringing it up to the counter.

    I paid for it and within a couple hours they all had their dresses, shoes and tiara's.

    When Bridgette got home Matt was sat in the living room with Jamie. Thank god this is in a solid colored bag. I thought as she walked into the living room, "Um, i'll be down in a minute. I have to get this upstairs."

    "Can I see it first ?" Jamie asked standing up.
    "Later dad. Matt's not aloud to see it un till prom." I said running up the stairs and placing the dress and accessories in my closet.
    I ran back downstairs and jumped into Matt's arms kissing him passionately.

    "Whoa now. Calm down Bri. Your acting like you haven't seen him in days." Jamie said.
    "It feels like i haven't seen him in days." I replied without getting off of Matt.
    He wrapped his arms around my waist, "It's only been a couple hours. I'd hate to see what you would do if we didn't see each other for day's." she said grinning.
    I pushed him playfully, "Get your mind out of the gutter."

    Matt and Jamie laughed and the night went on.