It was a rainy and cold day in Konoha. Well, the outskirts of Konoha. Katsuki's father hated people and spaces where lots of people were like in a town.
So he moved to a far off forest to live there with his two daughters, one a ANBU, Katsuki, and one a new Chunin, Yuri.
"Oy...Kat...?" he moaned, on the floor and mangely shaking a bottle of liquor in the air. A girl with auburn hair and minty green eyes slowly walked into the room.
"What dad?" she asked in monotone.
"Go an' get me 'nother beer.."he said. Katsuki stared at what she was forced to call father.
"You've finished eight bottles already, dad..."she replied. Her dad groaned.
"Lazy a** of a child...no wonder yer mommy left ya here..."he muttered. Katsuki heard that and flinched. Her stimach twisted.
"So...you...you needed more beer?"she bit her tounge in fury.
"yeah..hurry it up, kid..." he tried to sit up then fell over.
Katsuki ran into the kitchen. She was about to take a steak knife and slice open that man's head. How dare he talk about her mother that way?!!
She only left them because he was such a drug-addict!! But..but why would she leave her two duaghters with this...this...madman?!!
Yuri would have to manage on her own... Katsu thought.
She reached into the cabinet and pulled out a liquor bottle. Slowly, with thoughts screaming through her head, Katsuki walkied to the den again.
"I brought your wine, dad..."
...Enough of this...
"I hope you...e-enjoy it.."
I'm not taking orders from you any longer...
Katsuki saw him reach for the bottle when her anger took over. She smacked him with full force in the head with the glas bottle. She stared as he screamed in pain and rage. Quickly, Katsuki ran to her room, the only room i n the house that seemed to carry at least one loving memory. One room that her father didn't attempt to kill her in. Katsuki locked the door behind her.
She took out a bag and began packing. Her brush, some extra clothes, a jacket, and a metal box she kept extra food in. In a rush, she wrote a letter for her sister, explaining what had happened.
"KATSU!!! KATSU GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Her dad's loud demands meant nothing to Katsuki as she jumped out the window, the landed gracefully on her feet.
"YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING FORME!!! DON'T EXPECT ME BACK!!" Katsuki screamed, then took off running. Anywhere. She had to go somewhere away from there.
-----Chapter 2------
Deidara walked around without a point in what he was doing.
"why...am I here, hmm?"he groaned. Deidara felt like he was having a hangover, though it was a possibility...Tobi could've drugged his coke...
Deidara was knocked over sudenly, and a girl with auburn-ish hair was on top of him. She stared at him.
"oh-ohh! I'm so, so, sorry m'am!!" Katsuki apologized, jumping off Deidara.
"EXUSE ME, HMM?!!! Deidara yelled, standing up. Katsuki blinked. She didn't talk like a woman....
"Er--sir?"she asked, scratching her head. Deidara sighed.
"what's with kids these days, hmm..."he mumbled. Katsuki started walking off, slightly with a limp.
"Hey you, are you ok, kiddo, hmm?" he asked, looking at her leg.
"What happened to your leg? It's all swollen,hmm."
"Lovely, you aren't blind...."Katsuki muttered.
"HEY!! I'm trying to be nice!!!"DEidara said, holding her back.
"I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY!!!" Katsuki yelled. She jerked away from Deidara and almost was able to run when she tripped and cringed in pain.
Her body was badly scratched up, and her ankle had twisted.
"Here, I'm not pitying you, hmm..."Deidara heped her up and carried her to a nearby cave, out of the rain.
"Why do you care?"Katsuki asked. "Everyone thinks I'm just a street rat!"
"You just need love and care, hmm.."Deidara sighed, putting her down.
"I'm a bounty hunter..."Katsuki said quietly. Deidara smiled.
"Really? You don't seem like the type,hmm." he chuckled.
There was an awkward silence. Katsuki held out her hand.
"My name's Katsuki...Katsuki Mitarashi..." she said.
"Deidara, hmm" he shook her hand. Suddenly Katsuki pulled away.
"WHATS THE DEAL WIT YOUR HAND?!!!"she spazzed. There was a mouth in it, licking his palm.
"Oops...I'm sorry..I can't really control what they do,hmm..."
"Do you always say 'hmm'?"
"Yeah, hmm...Speech inbedment patterns."
Another awkward silence.
"You're in Akatuki?" Kastuki asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, hmm. Not all that great..."
"Can I call you Katsu, hmm?" Deidara asked suddenly.
Katsu smiled. "Sure."
Deidara meets Katsu
Mainly its about how Deidara-san from Naruto shippuden came to meet my character, Katsu Mitarashi. I don't own Naruto.
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