The following is a transcript found after the Willamette Mall Outbreak. The following is uncensored and should possibly explain some of the incident.
Kevin's Log…day one…
It's been 20 hours since the outbreak and I am trapped in the Willamette Shopping Mall. Zombies…weird huh? I cant believe its finally happened…unfortunately there is a problem…I've been trapped in this mall…and foods running low…the supermarket was locked and there's no possible way inside…so I am left with what everyone is facing….fighting to survive…
…the power just went out…sorry for adding a random note but…this toy light saber I found is my only source of light now….I have to say it's creepy….oh I'm bunkered in a closet by the way…
Anyway…I've dispatched 498 zombies since the outbreak, and have looted some stores for a better chance of survival. The mall uniform is surprisingly warm and padded so it's replacing my regular outfit since its more practical. I've found a helmet and hockey mask as well to protect my head… although Im not proud of looting I had to do what I must…to survive…you know? …that brings me to the next thing I must share to whoever may read this.
I've killed people….living people… Im not proud of it…but if it makes a difference when my soul is judged they attacked me first…they wanted my food… and were going to kill for it. All I could do was kill them first…and it turns out…they had food too… I've killed 7 men, and one woman…just for some food…satin be merciful…
Im writing this log to explain my predicament and to give people my side of the story. Plus… it passes the time…my iPOD wont last forever. I've found some food to last me the night and Im going to go on the search tomorrow morning. I've found two small chainsaws. Three books which have taught me how to eat wisely. A book on how to care for blades. A….hell, I wouldn't know what to call this…some sort of flame gun or something. My light saber, and food. As soon as I have room to move on I will.
I wish I knew what to talk about…but Im too tired… I miss my friends…my family…my computer… I found some steak which I think I'll have for my dinner….not sure what else to do. I'll continue writing this later.
Good night….if you want to call it that…
Kevin's Log…day two…morning
I'm saving all the pizza I found for later…don't laugh at me….Im having the last stake I found now, and am regretfully leaving one of my chainsaws behind as well as the book on blades. I just have to find a way out of this god forsaken mall…will continue later…making my way for the food court.
….I just threw up a little…. So much has happened since the last part of my log…. I left my camping spot and found one of the men I killed….surrounded by…hell…20? 30? Maybe even 40 zombies…his entrails everywhere.
Supplies are in the food court…but Im leaving them for another day… I need to find a way out of here.
It was still dark when I found Al Fresca Plaza, an outdoor area of the mall….it was infested in zombies…practically shoulder to shoulder…gonna try there again later…
I went for the security room and found this girl…I offered to help her…I really did…but the poor thing was so wacked out…she shot at me. With no other option…I shot her. Im not gonna forget her though. Orange hair, in good shape, light blue shirt… and she was sure set out for kicking a**. A handgun, a battle ax, a guitar, and an orange. I left her everything but the orange. When I do go to hell, I can't wait to meet her again.
Im currently in the entrance plaza… to my dismay the entrance is barred shut. There was also a sniper there…I killed him, but with all the shots he got on me and the zombies, I had to retreat before I could salvage any of his items… I'm eating a pizza now and going to see if there was anything worth taking. Post more later.
10:00 AM
******** ******** ******** ******** ********!
I've made it to al fresca plaza… but not alone… some crazy chick on this motorcycle attacked me. I got a few shots on her and got out ok. She had a hell of a lot of food though. She had a shotgun too, and I found a nice place to catch a breather….but unfortunately one of the windows is broken and this place is no longer safe…I don't wanna be here at night neither…so Im leaving now…I have to leave my saw and shotgun behind. More later.
Found a dead survivor on the roof…musta been looking for a helicopter for help….or just for her dog. 5 things of dog food and one pizza…uncooked. Unfortunatly theres no point in going on without a weapon, so Im currently waiting to eat some food so I have room for a new hand cannon.
Im currently camping in the security room…no real reason…but to be honest…I cant find many people…just zombies…and no working phones. Oh…did I mention this little bit of info? I've been bitten…like 5...or 8...maybe 13 times…yeah! So with that im gonna keep on until I either die of starvation…or just die… and turn…
I had to eat a pizza early…sad…but that old lady had so generously given me an uncooked pizza…which I don't know if it can spoil. Out of fear I ate early so I had room for my new cannon. That was two hours of food wasted for eating early….but I gained 10 more instead….
Night two…
I went into the maintenance tunnels in search of supplies…found another survivor trying to run me down with his van. Reluctantly had to shoot him…got more supplies…never want to go down there again.
Night continued
Made my first major mistakes in the mall. I left my only real weapon in exchange for food….ran into a survivor when I went for more food. He was big, armed with a guitar, and could really take a punch. It seemed like I wasted half my life force and then some to take him down. When I found what he had with him, I was disappointed to see it was just a piece of pie….not even good for an hour of life force…
…I savored every bite…
After that I made it too the roof and found a cop…a rather fat one, but my only thought was maybe I'd have finally found some help. Then she raised a gun at me and I knew it was just one more starving survivor…like me… weaponless, I ran but returned soon after knowing if I didn't kill her, she'd turn the gun on someone else. She had plenty of food, but with my few item space…I was forced to wait and make room…while I watched the surrounding zombies feast on her corpse.
Found a few more people this fine morning. The first survivor actually that I never felt sorry for… His name's Kent, he's a sleezy photographer son of a b***h. Before he raised his gun or camera, I shot him myself.
Another man I met, his name was Gil according to his wallet. I found him drunk…with a sledgehammer in his hand. I tried to talk him out of trying to kill me but it was useless. He had an assortment of weapons I had no room for…and a bottle of wine… I waited with his corpse for an hour or so, just singing irish songs and writing this log entry. Im gonna drink the wine now…
….to Gil…
In wonderland plaza. Thought I found a woman in a dress for a split moment…I was wrong…some fast cultist b*****d in a robe with this huge sword just attacked me… Can't believe he missed…this guy was amazingly fast…which explains the coffee and speed booster I found on his corpse. Camping in a familiar closet from day one. Will be on the move soon.
Currently camping in the movie theatre after finding another survivor…Im not sure what day it is and Im no longer sorry for whoever I kill, its always the same…but since im just killing time at the moment I've decided to write myself a check list over the different areas of the mall for future reference.
Entrance Plaza
Threat Level (out of 5) 3 Zombies and occasional survivor.
Food available-little to none
Paradise Plaza
Threat Level 2 Zombies and survivors
Food available-half a days worth
Al Fresca Plaza
Threat Level 4 Shitload of zombies
Food available-a fourth a day or so
Wonderland Plaza
Threat Level 2-4 depending on survivors found
Food Available-unknown
North Plaza
Threat Level 4 loads of zombies, tight quarters,
Food available-unknown
Threat Level 2 Easy avoidable zombies
Food available-minimum
Movie theatre
Threat Level 3 close quarter zombies
Food available-half a day
Food court
Threat Level 3 zombies
Food available- one days worth
Maintenance Tunnels
Threat Level 1 with car, 5 on foot, s**t loads of zombies
Food available-unknown
Meat Processing Plant
Threat level 4, lots of zombies and kinda creepy
Food available-some milk cartons somewhere I think… to scared to fully look
Security Room
Threat level 0
Food available none
Threat level 3, zombies around entrance and exits
Food Minimum
Threat Level 2, zombies but plenty of legroom
Food None
This checklist is for me for when I no longer find food off of other survivors. Since I have nothing left to talk of, I'm waiting here until I can move on for a new cannon.
…found a calendar…. I've been in this god forsaken mall for 3 days now….I've killed 10 or so people…its dark…and there are more zombies than before. I've killed 1700 or so but there are maybe…I don't know 10000? 1000000 zombies? Who knows maybe this outbreak isn't contained. Im on a balcony in Paradise Plaza, and waiting until there's enough room in my pockets to get a new light source while its dark. There are easily twice the zombies in this place than before…and if that's the case, I must change Paradise to a 3...maybe 4 threat level.
Did I mention I got some new cloths? It seems stupid now, I think it was yesterday actually. I found this amazing black suit, nice shoes to go with it, and a matching fedora. I kept my hockey mask though.
I can hear the zombies under the balcony Im on….waiting for me to come down….unfortunately for them they wont get me…unfortunately for me….I have to listen to them for maybe the rest of the night…
…in the food court… made some more "friends"
First was this old man…. He attacked me with this golf club…doubt he knew that it was no use as a weapon. 3 shots…before he even was 10 feet close, he was dead…
…his name was Ryan apparently…
…so's one of my friends….first time I really thought of them in a while…I kinda feel bad now…hope they're ok…
Found two ladies, and being a guy something obviously popped into my mind since they were rather attractive… but that didn't help when they attacked me, so two more to the death list. These ladies were definetly packin' though. Got some more food, going on the hunt again….
Oh…side note…saw something strange in Park today, keep eye out later.
Sniff…ugh….it is the fourth day and like….5th…or…8th hour…Im camping on the balcony of Paradise Plaza…probly cause this place has grown on me…..or because Im lazy. I've killed 2200 zombies and about 4 more people. So I really have nothing to talk about…
You know the feeling where a chick is trying to be playful and accidently chomps at your crotch? Well times that by about 8 and take away the accidental part and that's what I've felt these past few days several times. Oh you don't know the feeling? It was the single most ******** painful thing I've ever experience, then experienced all over again several more times.
…Im for once not overstocked on food… but being me with my limited knowledge of what to do, Im just gonna camp for a bit, and search again when supplies get low.
Time…hell I don't know, still day 4, Im camping in the food court rest of the day, gonna eat all the food except for the wine I found. Not many people today… found this asian guy in the meat processing area…. God knows why he was down there, place was neck deep in zombies… I panicked and ate a pizza when my health felt low…wasted a good few hours… but…I did grab 3 milks while I was down in the basement area…and thankfully Im not going down there again.
I have four milk cartons, 3 veggies, two special juices (one a speed enhancer the other some sort of thing that makes you invisible to zombies), a coffee creamer (blech), yogurt, and some OJ.
It's the fifth morning and Im really freaking out…I've ran into two survivors I swear I killed before. Kent and that fatass cop. Not sure what to make of this but I have to keep on my guard now…. Security room is no longer secure…zombies are in it now, not many but still a threat. Im currently waiting in the warehouse for a while, just waiting for hunger to return so I don't leave any necessary items behind.
Oh, I almost forgot…I'm so jittery I forgot why I'm so jittery. Found something in Park…a jeep…with a 50 cal' mounted on the back…and three convicts manning it. Park is now level 5 danger.
Anyway I'll talk later when I calm down.
Day 6...morning…or night…whatever… I ran into this girl who was being attacked by a zombie…I helped her…and she responded by attacking me instead…I can tell why…a box of cookies is nothing to live off of.
In paradise plaza…had a mental breakdown after I killed this…clown…two chainsaws on him, attacked me with him. When he died…I took his chainsaws, his food, and shot him a few more times….Im not even sure why… then I turned to the zombies with a smile and just went loose on 'em…not even caring what would happen to me… I've got to go…theyre starting to surround that clown's corpse…
Found a military soldier on the roof! This guy was kickin a** with his bare hands, so I offered to help and asked him when we were getting out of here. He didn't respond and attacked me. My blaster made quick work of him and I salvaged some more supplies….unfortunately all uncooked I had to leave my books behind to cook them in time before spoiled. They were gone by the time I got back so I had to go on the search for replacements…forgot to get more ammo…Im down to 53 shots and I've got two of my three books. Waiting in an empty room until after lunch, then going for the last book.
Ambushed by a sniper in entrance plaza, killed him with my new blaster…but I understand it now…the reason why there's all the killing…its because no one is coming to rescue me, us, whoever! For all I know there's a nuke heading for this hellhole right now. Too much stuff to carry…Im leaving two of the books behind. I ate a lot before the outbreak…why should it change me now?
In the food court, found a survivor, surrounded by zombies. He had this fancy machine gun…like one of them swat guns. While the zombies still attacked at him, I shot him in the head, before he could even think about attacking me. I have 3 pizzas, 3 steaks, 2 milks, an orange juice, and five bottles of wine which I am saving for later. Until then Im just being my fatass self and roam arund de food court, kickin a**…
Ok, there were ariginly six bottles of wine.
Its been 6 days and 20 or so hours…I've killed those blasted convicts that had been harassing me the past few days. With nothing else to do, Im waiting atop the picnic area for the rest of the night. Few strange things have happened since then however.
Found less zombies in the security room than before…not sure if they were killed or died of other reasons.
Was ambushed by a female zombie, blond hair, business suit, nice chest… recently infected… actually had spoiled food on her… at this point I can tell foods not gonna last forever around here so I took it from her… she wont need it anymore.
Had fun with the jeep and 50 caliber I found. Kill count is about 5000. Nothing left to say except to have a drink.
Day slevin
I' fecking wasted…No much food left…No more survlivirz…No mer paper for da writing…but if ur reading this…
I'm Not A Zombie
I'm Not Infected
I'm Still Alive
I'm Not Sure if That Means…
That I'm still Human…
To the chairmen of (confidential without proper clearance)
While it brings a tear to my eye to see such a poetic story unfold through these "logs", I must say they are of no help of any reason. No real detail of much, just mere footnotes which are nothing more than bookmarks to our plan. While I thank you for your concern and bringing this to my attention, I must assure you, the outbreak was completely contained. And we have nothing to fear of in the future such as this incident. While losses may have been rather high, I assure you such a thing will not happen again…
-The outbreak spread nationwide one month later...
- by Chad Van Grimgravy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/20/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Willamette Incident Transcript
- Artist: Chad Van Grimgravy
- Description: Basicaly i wrote this while i was striding to reach my goal of getting Dead Rising's "7 Day Survivor" achievement. For those of you who have played Dead Rising and know what im talking about, ull understand where im coming from with this story, and for those of you who havn't played the game, it'll be just as good a story but u might not get some of the referances.
- Date: 08/20/2008
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Comments (1 Comments)
- bro mo dat chi - 01/02/2009
- Zombie thing isn't really original, but the plot's a bit different, I like it I give 5/5
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