tab Camina pulled a glock 9 from her jeans' waistband. The millennia neteru queen, used by vampires to create a living day walker. The neteru is also given the job of protecting heaven and earth from the evil creatures: vampires, werewolves, demons, etc. Camina was the newest of them all, soon to join the rest on the female Queens’ table. The seat was waiting for her. She two-stepped to get in front and leaned in the doorway just as the sun began to set lower beyond the hills. Sighing, she knocked on the door and called to the inside.
tab "Hello, anyone home?"
tab Fayt loaded his pistol with some holy rounds, he sighed a bit as he loaded one into the chamber,
tab "Guess that’s a no. Then I guess we'll just help ourselves…"
tab She nodded. "Guess so.."
tab She pulled down the hammer, clicking the rounds into place. She stepped back and picked up her foot high to kick the door in.
tab Fayt did the same thing in cocking his weapon and raising his hands, crossing one over the other, gun in one hand. Then all at once both his and her foot slammed into the door, almost knocking it off its hinges and it swung open hard.
tab The last rays of the sun glinted off her skin, while standing in the door, just as a voice spoke in a deep tone from within. "Welcome, dear Camina. Aren't you just a doll...I remember you well." The voice seemed to come from everywhere. "And you...a little vamp in your line." He spoke to Fayt as if he didn’t exist.
tab Fayt just sneered as he looked around through the dark, looking for the voice.
tab "Yes you know our names...What’s yours?" Camina yelled clearly into the darkness.
tab The voice she knew was that of a vampire, one she was destined to hunt and kill. She lived off the adrenaline of the hunt. The history far too old, first appearing in the old books of England. Sightings were reported and written down. Scientists researched the sightings, finding nothing to prove them to be true. But to Bram Stoker they were all too real. His book, “Dracula“, was the first so called fictional book written on the topic of vampires. It had given the most information and proved to be the closest to the real thing.
tab A soft chuckle emitted from within. "My name dearest? Don’t you know...?" The sigh that followed echoed from each wall. "You might know me as the son of Eve and Dante, Cain."
tab Camina gasped. "You cant be...My neteru queen never would’ve conceived with filth of a demon." The light from the sun disappeared completely, leaving them in darkness only to then be lit up with a blast from the staircase in front of them.
tab "You dare come in here, insult my father and I, a neteru, who had been secluded in Nod for so many years? I’ve been deprived there and then, but now I will not. If I could not have Damali, I will have you!"
tab Nod, the place where divided souls go to prove themselves worthy or heaven or hell, kept all humanly pleasures from the most diverse set of creatures. They ran from hybrids to demons. They all had something prove.
tab "Like hell I would even let that happen!" Fayt said, pissed at such a suggestion from such a person. Fayt moved to stand in front of her with his pistol drawn and anger burning in his eyes.
tab Camina put a calm hand on his shoulder. "Shh, don’t worry. I’ll be fine." She gave him a wink.
tab “Yes, you’ll be fine, as soon as I take you into my arms like a true lover." Camina tightened her grip on his shoulder.
tab He looked at Camina’s grip and winced a little, he then looked at her seeing if she had been put in a trance or something.
tab "Dearest, are you frightened by me?" The voice sounded smug and triumphant. Camina stepped forward and stood tall.
tab "I’m unafraid of you...I have no reason to be such. I am strong with my Neteru blood and council." A burst of clouds, complete darkness, burst into flames before her on the steps. She stayed, unflinching, strong in stance.
tab "But you are a queen yourself, see how tall and graceful you stand? How beautiful you skin is? Oh Sweet Temptation, you kill me with such a desire to touch you."
tab Camina's will stayed untouched as Cain would not take away such fury and spunk from her mind. To break her spirit would be his greatest accomplishment by far. Fayt then looked forward, standing his ground,
tab "It seems I don’t exist here...guess I’ll have to make some noise...."he pulled out a couple of grenades, he was carrying so many weapons he could be called Rambo himself.
tab Cain’s smile widened with the thoughts of how killing Fayt would bring such a great pleasure in is mind, but thought against it. He was already given orders on how to deal with him. He was told the Neteru was his.
tab "You want noise? Ill give you noise!"
tab As his sentence ended a swarm of messenger bats swarmed at him, forcing Fayt into the next room, the sitting room, closing off the exit to help one another with a wall of bats. Other demons followed behind to keep him occupied. It was clear now. It was a set-up! With Camina side-tracked, Cain then swooped in upon Camina and blocked her path to him.
tab "Shall we dance?"
tab She raised her blade to stab at him but he grabbed her wrists. He pushed her to the wall, cutting off her movement by holding down her legs with his. He breathed in close on her neck, near her ear and let out a hot breath making her shiver.
tab "And you smell good too, damn girl!"
tab Camina screamed and pushed him off.
tab "There’s only one man that ever touches me like that, don't ever touch me like that again." Her fury getting stronger.
tab Meanwhile, Fayt looked at the other demons with a smirk as they lined up to attack him.
tab "I see. So what Camina said was true...glad I came prepared...” he said.
tab Unlike before he was wearing a coat, and underneath, hidden in the inner-pockets, he practically brought the entire arsenal. It was like he brought World War III to them and plenty more to destroy what they had known. He threw a couple of grenades he had after pulling their pins then faced them to unload the TRUE hell on them.
tab Cain gave off the illusion of a lush bedroom for her. A huge bed separating them, candles lighting the mood, located around the room.
tab "Come on, lover, give me your best shot!"
tab She growled at him and dodged around the bed. He followed her, like playing a game of chase. She stopped and turned to face him.
tab "Stop this now!"
tab He gave a power blast, sending her onto the bed, pinning her with his body.
tab "Why? Don’t you know what great power we could create together? One Neteru from the light, and the dark? Plus there's been rumors..." His lips were by her throat again. "Give me this one chance to do it, baby." He cooed.
tab "No..." She was struggling to find words, he was winning her over with his words and actions. He was seducing her.
tab During the commotion Fayt was creating, he lost focus on the prayer he had in mind and the rosemary he had, had been pulled off his neck. The infection, inside his heart, had found the strength and immediately started to attack. He felt his heart being crushed, “Oh...oh no..n..not now..." he then started to give off the vibe of a true councilmember. His body, convulsed and he fell to his knees.
tab "Get off me now!" She yelled, feeling Fayt’s life-force draining.
tab "Leave him be, he can not be saved now. Plus you really want that weak hunk of flesh?" He spoke in Dananu, the vampire’s secret language. She pushed him harder with hope to remove him.
tab "He's not weak, he's my soul mate! Let me go to him please."
tab He scoffed at her words, quickly covering her mouth with a hand. "I am your soul mate now, I still have my soul, choose me."
tab His voice oozed like blood through her system. As he continued to seduce her, she saw the chance to attack and did. She summoned her blade to her hand and in an instant stabbed the wrist holding down her hands. He yelled in agony, his voice roared with great intensity as his body fell back hard against a wall.
tab Fayt, I’m coming hang on!
tab She wiggled past Cain, as he tried to grab her again and ran to where the last breaths of his life were coming from.
tab "Fayt! God no, don’t do this to me, bring him back to the light. Let me keep him, my soul mate!" Her prayer tried to stay strong in her heart and mind, she tried to keep his soul from lifting from his dying corpse, but the dark surrounding them was stronger than she. "Please come back to me Fayt, please?" The tears streamed down her face in rivers of pain. His heart was dying and taking hers with it.
tab Every vampire around him had stopped advancing as they felt his vampiric vibe emitting from his body. To them it seemed like it just wasn’t normal to have a vibe rattling their bones. The infection within him continued to devour at his body, almost unstoppable as it started to change his soul into something else other than human, the pain was so unbearable for him that he was about to pass out.
tab She grabbed his face, holding it on both sides, shaking him.
tab "No Fayt, look at me! Stay with me! I’m not letting you stay here with them. You have to come back now!" She demanded, watching Fayt's eyes roll back, feeling his body convulse again.
tab She hugged him to her body, the tear’s rivers never going dry. "Fayt, not like this, not now!" The vampires edged away, feeling her rage toward them building. Each tear now laced with pure silver as it fell from her cheek. Her eyes ablazed, rimmed in silver, she glared at them all.
tab "Draw back your energy now or find yourselves floating in the Sea of Perpetual Agony!!" The unknown abyss in the depths of Hell. A few did and ran the other direction the others stayed with a smile on their faces, knowing the battle was won.
tab "What's done is done dear. He's ours!" Cain’s laughed with such venom she wanted to smack the taste out of his mouth.
tab "He's not!" She cried out.
tab Fayt wanted to answer, he wanted to look at her and hold her in his arms. So much pain...I...I can't move....please...please Camina..stop crying. His sight was fading as his soul slips deeper into the darkness of the infection.Through the pain he prayed; prayed to stay with her, prayed to be with her in both night and day. The infection had finally consumed him; body, mind, and soul.
tab The prayers did not go un-noticed. The infection may had changed him but the prayers of both his and Camina did something unexpected, it didn’t make him a normal night walking Vampire, but rather into the one thing that the vampires had sought for so long, a Daywalker. Fayt’s body cooled from the heated pain, leaving him relaxed in her arms.
tab The vampires hissed and advanced.
tab "Stay back! He's mine!" Camina cradled him in her arms and stood.
tab "Who says we'll let you take him from us."
tab Out of no where, the tattoos spread across her shoulders, shining a pure silver and gold arrangement. "I say..." She looked at Cain, silver burning the darkness around him. He hissed. "He is my soul mate."
tab His fangs grew to six inches, battle length. "I will strip that thing from your arms and force you to take me. You are an angel, like Damali. You will be mine. I will raid your house, pick off your family one by one. You will have no choice. You either come to me or watch them suffer."
tab She turned her back, struggling against the vampires trying to pry their new day walker from her arms. Her arm outstretched, she attempted to run with her newly found strength.
tab "I will never come to you, ever!"
tab The vampires' talons scratched deep into her skin, drawing blood. His body fell from her arms as the sun began to rise. The house closed off and sealed with the blink of eye and disappeared into a cloud of darkness.
tab "No! Damn you Cain!" She stood still in the middle of the road, too amazed to move further and too saddened to speak. She then realized with her clothes, she’d be caught by passing by humans and questioned. Renewed tears fell and with that the rain began to fall. Climbing into her van, she began the long trek home, slowly.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~
tab Fayt could feel something around him and then that something disappeared. It took him awhile to regain control of his body as the infection had finally sunk in. His long hair shrunk to almost shoulder length. The black color of his hair ran off like water, revealing a new orange hue to his hair. Red tattoos slowly faded into view of many different patterns on his face and arms. His clothing changed to a dark black color with matching red pattern like his tattoos to decorate and impress the viewer.
tab When his eyes finally opened, they revealed the same red color as his hair. He stood up as, not a full human nor a full vampire, but as the Daywalker of legends told by the many generations of Vampires.. He breathed in the air and nearly choked. He could pick out the fear and the joy from the vampires around him. He looked at each and everyone one of them with such an evil stare that it pierced deep into their soul.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~
tab Camina sat alone on their love-bed, tears still falling, still laced with silver. Her body refused to relax, even as she prayed for it to.
tab "Why god? Why couldn’t you hold him for me, just a little longer?" Before she could start another sentence, a pink pyramid opened before her.
tab "Come child...talk to me." She stood slowly. "Eve?" A small chuckle was her reply.. "Oh no, Its Damali." She gasped and walked forward through it, having the bright light completely envelope her.
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~
tab Fayt smirked as he saw the vampires back away from him, he looked like a psycho. Then they moved aside like a wave being split in two, revealing a group of council members. They approached him slowly, seeing his hair and eyes not being the normal vampiric colors along with his clothing, a sleeveless coat that ran down to the ankles, no buttons or zippers, along with other clothing they had never seen before. “Uh oh...new rules..." the head councilman said as he looked at Fayt closely with eyes filled with shock. The council members dared not come close to Fayt, afraid of what a day walker is capable of since there has never been one in the vampiren history. His stride was too strong, asking for respect. No, he was demanding it now. He was the ONLY day walker in history.
My Torturous Vampire
This was part of a roleplay and i love it so much. I took the posts between me and the other person and created this. I took out some things, I added others but its a spinoff of the book series Vampire Huntress Legends, By L.A. Banks. Enjoy.
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