"You must prepare a glorious feast for our guests, Miss Herpley." demanded Perclai.
"Why do you abuse me so, Master? I can not bear to go into that horrid place and do the things no man was ever meant to do." replied the maid.
"It was agreed that you serve my every whim for the rest of your puny insignificant life, peasant, and I do not like the way you speak to me, as if I was no higher than you."
"You demon! The last time you sent me in there you know what happened! I don't think I'll ever recover from that, and yet you sent me in again and smile with your ugly rotting teeth the same smile you gave me the first time. What is wrong with you?" she yelled as she stormed out of the shabby room and into the kitchen.
When she entered the kitchen there was a note on the table.
One pumpkin pie
"That's odd," she thought, "Shouldn't he want me to make more than just that?"
She put on her coat and boots, opened the creaky wooden door, and stepped outside. It was a cold and damp night, like most there were, and the moon looked like a large round cheese wheel. She walked down the muddy path towards the garden which would be empty without its lone pumpkin. It was so ripe it seemed to glow. She picked it up and felt that it was warm. The pumpkin trembled a little in her hands. The walk back was full of whisperings and strange noises that came from the forest.
When she got back to the mansion, she set the pumpkin on the floor, closed the creaky wooden door behind her and took off her coat and boots. She was about to pick up the pumpkin when she noticed it wasn't there. Bump! She turned around to see that the pumpkin had rolled across the floor and bumped into the door. She thought nothing of it, and put it on the table. She turned around and began to open the knife drawer.
Thousands of voices were running through her head, all whispering the same thing. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but they grew louder and louder as she slowly moved her hand towards the carving knife. By the time she had picked it up and shut the drawer, she could hear what they were saying.
"Don't go near that pumpkin, don't even touch it with that knife. We wouldn't want you to get hurt, oh no we wouldn't. We wouldn't want you to injure your mind."
By now she had already turned around and began walking towards the pumpkin.
"You are too weak! You could not handle the power we would give you."
She was now close enough to notice that the pumpkin was not just extremely ripe, but it was really glowing. In the window behind the table were her friends. They had come to save her! But she didn't respond. Her friends realized this and began to press their faces to the window screaming at the tops of their lungs, but it was no use, the voices had grown far too loud for her to hear her friends.
"Don't go near the pumpkin! We must not be released on you!"
The knife was then brought down upon the pumpkin.
"Now as you all know, our raid on Balmonga has been very successful so far." Perclai announced over the loud cheering of the various demons that sat at the table.
"Long live Perclai, king of all things evil!" yelled one.
"Thank you, so much!" Perclai yelled in an attempt to quiet them down.
The demons became much more silent.
"The civilians have been forming an alliance, plotting to stop us once and for all. The day may come when they attack, and when that day comes, we need to be ready. That's why I have come up with a secret weapon. My innocent maid is about to unknowingly release the beast, so in a few moments you shall behold the most terrifying thing that has ever come from my own imagination."
The kitchen door burst open and all the demons gasped as they saw what emerged from the smoky room.
"Miss Herpley? Have you prepared dinner?"
"You have released us from our prison oh gracious girl, you shall be spared." The words came from her mouth but did not seem to be hers.
"We shall kill the one who has imprisoned us in the most dreadful prison. He is not worthy of the life he lives."
The carving knife shone in the moonlight that came through the windows.
So is the end of Perclai, king of all demons.
~Yeah, I did this for a homework assignment, and I thought it was good enough to put here, so... sweatdrop ~
~Rate it good if you like it! wink ~

Comments (1 Comments)
- Rizzle-Me-This - 09/25/2008
- It's pretty good. There's quite a bit of detail towards the beginning but it seems to dwindle towards the end. Plus her friends just seem to appear out of nowhere, but that may just be me. Either way the story was easy to follow and I enjoyed it.
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