Some people use dreaming to escape from the real world, some people use dreaming to create a new reality where everything goes their way. But what is dreaming really for? There is no right or wrong way to dream, yet people discourage others by the different dreams they have.
Dreams can sometimes come true, like Walt Disney’s dream to create Disney Land and Amelia Earnheart’s dream to fly. But sometimes it isn’t your dreams that come true its your nightmares.
Not all people know it but nightmares can really come true, just ask Davy Morse, his nightmares all came true.
It all started on a very nice day, kind of like today, he woke up, got dressed, came down stairs to eat breakfast, then left for school. Sounds pretty ordinary, huh? Well while Davy was leaving the house he had noticed that it was very quiet around town, maybe every one is still asleep, Davy thought. When Davy approached his school it was still very silent he had noticed that no one, not even teachers, were there. He was all alone. Then he had realized he hadn’t seen his mom, dad, or sister that morning either. It was like a horror movie that Davy had seen before, except this was real. All of his friends and family were really gone. Where could they have gone? Davy kept asking himself.
Davy decided to skip school and look for everyone, anyways it wasn’t like the teacher would wonder where he’s at. Davy remembered that his mom was going to go shopping today so he went to the store. And like Davy should of guessed the whole store was abandoned. But he heard something, it sounded like a basket raddling, like someone was pushing it. He decided to check it out, when he reached the spot where he heard the basket, there was nothing there except his mom and dad’s bodies covered with bright red blood, and scratches. Davy didn’t know wether to puke, or see if his parents were still alive, which he doubted they were. He chose to see if his sister was at the store too. So, he looked in all the places he could think of for his little sister, and finally after searching for what seemed to be an hour Davy found her. She was sitting in the utility room crying because she was so scared.
So Davy could get an idea of who or what had killed his parents he asked his sister what she had seen. Lilly (Davy’s sister) had told Davy that it looked like a giant bear with purple fur and it had bright red eyes and had sharp green teeth and very long black nails, which he had used to kill there parents. Davy couldn’t believe what he had heard, it just sounded to fake, but his sister was there. He and Lilly had chosen to go look for there friends, and to no surprise they had found them in the first place they looked, there tree house. Davy asked them all if they had seen the beast, and in unison they all said yes in very weary voices. They said that the beast cant climb so that’s why they were up in the tree. “Sis, you stay here with them I’m going to look for more people.”
“Be Careful Davy!” said Lilly as Davy left. About one or two hours later Davy had given up on looking for others and decided to look for the monster which went much quicker. After going one block he had found the monster killing the mailman, “ Oh god, that’s just disgusting” Davy said to himself as the monster was diminishing the mailman. He didn’t know if he should yell at the beast to get its attention or just walk over to it. He decided to just walk out into the middle of the street. As he started to lift his foot someone grabbed his shoulder, it was all of his friends and his sister. “Couldn’t let you do this alone dude,” said one of Davy’s buddies.
Now that they were all together Davy was ready to get the beast. They all walked into the middle of the street, then the monster slowly turned its head to look at them, it snarled and dropped the dead mailman and slowly walked over to them. A few seconds later the beast was right in there faces like he was trying to choose which one of them he’d get first. Lucky number one was Davy’s best friend Clair and then slowly his friends disappeared into the monsters giant mouth. The last one was Davy, the beast picked him up, hung Davy over his mouth, then dropped him. Davy closed his eyes as tight as he could and then he noticed he was still breathing. Davy opened his eyes and to his surprise he was at home in his bed feeling safer than he had felt before. But, how was he home if the monster had eaten him? He quickly got up got dressed and ran down stairs, and guess who was there? Davy’s mom was there cooking breakfast, Davy’s dad was there reading the news paper, and Davy’s sister was there eating cereal. Then Davy thought if they’re all alright my friends should be alive too! Then Davy ran out of the house and straight to school and waiting right in front of the school were all of his friends. To this day Davy still can’t believe it was just a nightmare. Maybe it wasn’t a nightmare and he was dead and the life he woke up to was heaven. But how should I know I was only one of his friends.

Comments (1 Comments)
- spica-aprentice - 11/12/2008
- I didn't read the whole thing but I know its great by the first paragraph I like it
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