Himunashi sat silently in the hidden cargo hold off the cart, pulled by two mules. his friend Hanzo was driving. they were at the secret palace of the rebels fortress. the cart stopped as Himunashi caught his breath.
"what is your buissnes here," a gruff voice said. Probably the guards.
"suppliment shipment for the rebels, sent from a supporting government figure," Hanzo stated.
"Didn't know the shipments came this late," another guard said.
"Yeah kinda suspicous ain't that?" the guard questioned.
"We ran into some trouble on the roads, you know how dangerous things are getting. You letting us through or not?" Hanzo coming through for the mission again.
"okay but we'll have to check your cart first." they pokrd thier swords in and around the cart.
"Your clear, go on through." The cart pulled on into the palace.
Finally, after what seemed like hours it stopped and Himunashi got out silently. Himunashi was decked out in full black. he had a face mask, pants and soft padded shoes. his hair was spiked up and white. he had ice blue eyes and wore a black headband over his right eye diagnally down the side of his face. He was armed with three kunai whith poisened tips. He had one hand crossbow with three bolts. A grappling hook, And, of course, his famous bokken with a black blade and firery red handle, named "black Night" among the people of fuedal japan.
"See you tonight, don't forget to meet me in the forest." Hanzo said as he turned the cart and left.
"Don't worry, i wont." Himunashi whispered and ran off down the red carpeted halls of the palace.
Himunashi found the amory room without trouble and being seen. he knew what to do, where to go, and when to act. He had memorized the skematics and blueprints of the palace already. Plus with insider info, he had gotten the normal routine of Kitsune. The rebel leader who was Himunashi's target tonight.
He lifted a tile from the top of the room and silently climbed into the second floor crawl space and crawled ten feet forward were he cut a hole in the floor. he crawled up and was in the gaurds bathroom. there was a gaurd outside the room. back turned, Himunashi pulled out his kunai and sinked it into his heart as he cupped his hands on to his mouth. the guard struggled but died soon. He stashed the body in the restroom. he the ran quietly up the hall and into a cleaning closet were he climbed up a trapdoor into the third floor crawl space he then cut another hole were he entered a large room. it had a massive bed with red silk, tapestrys of dragons, battles, and langscape were hung on the walls. above the bed was a picture of a family, one of the men resembled Kitsune. Himunashi saw the kids and how happy they were, but qiuckly put it out of his mind as he realized that his buisness in life had no room for mercy. on the other side of the room was two large man sized windows. Himunashi took out his Crossbow and grappling hook.
He shot with a sharpshooters eye as the grappling hook attached itself into a large trees trunk, he tied the rope to a hard to reach spot outside the window. He saw the moon in the night sky and read it's position in the sky. He was ahead of his schedule. He moved out through the room shutting out the candles lighting the room. he sat in the darkness with his crossbow knoched and a kunai at the ready.
The door opened and Kitsune sorounded by three guards. Instantly and expertly Himunashi shot one guard in the eye, as he crumpled to the floor He let lose a kunia into one shocked guards back. Two down one to go. Himunashi had already dropped his crossbow and unsheathed Black Night and charged into the last guard, but he was ready and blocked his blade. Himunashi then feigned an arched strike and kicked the gaurd in the krotch. He went down and with that Himunashi ran him through with his blade. then he grabbed Kitsune who was supposed to be the fearless leader of the rebels. Kitsune had tears in his eyes and stood there waiting for death, which Himunashi delivered as a decapitating blow. as the body fell down to the ground Himunashi baggd the head and tied it to his waist belt. He ran to the window, when he heard a boys voice cry out "Daddy!" and a womens shreik. With only a moments hesitation, he sheathed his blade and used to support him as he spun down the rope. Mission success.
This is Himunashi's life. For better or for worse, He would have to live with it.

- Title: Himunashi
- Artist: Himunashi
Mision: Assassinate Kitsune
Target: Kitsune (last name unknown & unimportant)
Proffesion: Leader of rebbellion orginazation against Emperor of fuedal japan
Reward: 1,000,000 Yen - Date: 10/20/2008
- Tags: himunashi
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Comments (1 Comments)
- luin arch - 10/20/2008
- I like it. Its a very good story with a good moral. My only suggestion is to work on your style and to check on your spelling. Besides that, great job.
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