Who do you love the most?
Elizabeth and Christopher had been dating for several years. They were sitting under “their” tree when it happened. Christopher proposed. He looked at her seriously with the brown eyes she loved so much and asked,” Who do you love most in your life?” Elizabeth was not the kind to lie. “My sister,” she said simply. Christopher’s eyes flashed with jealousy. She didn’t see. He sat silent for a while, thinking. Then, he turned to her and said kindly, “If you’d like, I’d be happy to let your sister move in with us.” She smiled brightly and happily agreed.
Elizabeth and Christopher married a week later and moved into Christopher’s house along with Elizabeth’s little sister, Angelique, of course. “I will show you to your rooms” Christopher said in a gentlemanly way. He led them up the aging staircase to the second floor. Elizabeth and her sister smiled at each other joyfully. They didn’t expect what happened next. He opened the door to reveal an empty, white room and pushed Angelique inside. Before Elizabeth could do anything, he promptly shut the door and locked it. He turned to face her with a slightly crazed look. Instead of the gentle chocolate brown eyes she was so used to, she saw hardened black beads.
“My love,” he said, “Who do you love the most?” Elizabeth understood the situation. “You, I love you the most.” “Show me.” He handed her a knife. “Kill your sister, if you really do love me the most.” Elizabeth stared at him, unable to answer. Christopher left the knife and the keys by her feet and said, “She’ll be dead no matter what you do. Don’t try to escape, it’s impossible.” He kissed her cheek and walked away. Elizabeth stared at the white door. She stayed still and stared. Then, brandishing the knife, she walked in.
Angelique looked up. “Big sister, what’s happening? Why’s my room so empty?” Elizabeth, with the knife hidden behind her back, rushed to her sister and gave her a huge hug. Elizabeth’s thoughts raced, if she didn’t kill Angelique, Christopher would kill her in a more painful way. Elizabeth thought and thought. Should she try to escape? Christopher said it was impossible.
Christopher was observing them from his room with the series of cameras hidden around the house. He smiled and watched as Elizabeth raised the knife. Yeeessss, do it my love. Then, there will be NOTHING to come between us! His eyes widened. What?!? What is she doing, trying to escape? USELESS!!! Doesn’t she know that we were meant to be together?!?He threw his head back and laughed wildly.
Elizabeth froze, what was that? Pulling Angelique to her feet, they ran out the door and down the stairs. Elizabeth broke out in a cold sweat. She swore she could hear footsteps following. Angelique was still confused. “Sister, what’s happening?” Elizabeth didn’t have time to explain now; she silenced her with one look.
Elizabeth didn’t dare look back. She threw herself upon the door and twisted the knob desperately. The footsteps were coming closer.
She let out a cry of frustration and looked back. She saw the deep red satin carpet fade into darkness. She thought she saw a figure slowly moving forward. She pounded on the doors yelled for help.
She felt someone breathing on her neck. She shivered and turned around slowly. She saw a figure dragging Angelique up the stairs. “NO!!” Elizabeth shouted. She ran quickly toward the stairs to find traces of blood by the white door.
Christopher came out of the shadows. “Will you listen to me now, my love? The blood you see there is from your sister. If you don’t kill her I will rip her tongue out by hand and force it down her throat!!” His voice grew in volume with each word. “Leave the rest to your imagination!!” His voice quieted down, he said gently, “Elizabeth, this is for the best. Kill her; we will live a happy life. You said you loved me.”
Once again he kissed her cheek and walked away. “This is your last chance Elizabeth!!” He called out to her. Elizabeth knew what she must do now. She clutched the knife in her hand and went in. Angelique was on the floor crying. There was blood flowing from the wound on her stomach. Elizabeth’s heart ached. She didn’t want to do this. She had to.
She hugged her sister tightly and raised the knife to her throat.
Her sister’s blood was on the walls, Angelique’s blood on the walls. s**t…she couldn’t speak…she was in shock. Christopher walked into the room with a smug smile on his face. Elizabeth was sobbing on the floor, knife still in hand. He walked to her and asked her, “Who do you love the most?” Elizabeth looked up at him, her eyes cold and lifeless. “It doesn’t matter if Angelique is dead, I still love her more you HEARTLESS a*****e!!!”
The last thing Christopher saw was a flash of silver.

Comments (3 Comments)
- SmellsLikeSpace - 05/16/2009
- holy ******** god! thats scary!
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- j3llo93 - 11/04/2008
lol..thank you!! i feel like a dumbass now!! biggrin
i changed it!! biggrin - Report As Spam
- cue the catchy piano - 11/04/2008
- well written, but the changing names IS a tad confusing, and maybe a little more structure and transition?
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