We all agreed to the plan and the rest of us walked out of the classroom to go down the stairs to the school yard.
“Let me see if I can see anything from the sky...” Sol said and grew her blue dragon wings.
She flew up on her wings and as soon as she was high enough, we heard a large ‘thunk’ and noticed that she had hit her head hard with a large barrier that was covering the entire school. Then, she fell from the sky, landing right in front of us hard.
“You ok?” I asked.
“Not really...” Sol said, rubbing her head.
“Great, we’re trapped in here...” Gabriel said.
“Not even our cell-phones work here...” Felicity said.
“I guess we better stay the night here...” Jason said.
“I got it..! Let’s split up in partners. I can go with Jason to check around the left side of the school; Gabriel and Felicity can get some food from the cafeteria while Eleanor and Fairyboy check the right side of the school.” Sol said.
“Oh, hell no!” Edward said.
“There’s no way I’m going anywhere alone with him!” I said, pointing at Fairyboy.
“Too bad...now go!” Sol said.
“We can’t send them off alone! Only one of them might come back alive and it just might be Eleanor...” Jason said.
“Hey, I’m not that weak!” Edward said.
“Yes, you are...” Felicity whispered under her breath.
“Then, why don’t you go with Jason and Fairyboy comes with me?” Sol asked.
“If Fairyboy comes with me, we’d probably go insane and Jason will probably eat me...” I muttered.
“True..!” Jason said, grinning.
“Then, choose. Fairyboy or Jason?”
“Jason...I’d rather die than be with Fairyboy...” I said, frowning.
Then, Edward just gave me a look. I’m not so sure if it was a pissed look or a depressed look. Maybe it was both... Oh, I don’t know. I just ignored him and walked away from the group, Jason at my heels.
“Wow! You must really hate Fairyboy, but why?” Jason asked, curious.
“I have my reasons...and let’s just say that those reasons are a secret...” I said.
“Is it because the other students once voted you two as ‘Best Couple’ in middle school and maybe, just maybe deep down, WAY deep down, you really do care for him?” Jason said, smirking.
“Ok. First of all, Eww! Second, that’s not the reason and third, Eww!”
“I don’t understand you...”
“Neither do I...”
We just kept walking up the stairs and walked down the halls of the high school, securing the area until we reached the ramp. From there, we could look out the second floor to see the entire high school yard. Everything looked just fine until I saw a quick flash of black feathered wings by the school library.
***What the ********?!***
Then, the wings disappeared and a full, blood red moon appeared in the sky.
“Uh...Jason, let’s get out of here...... Jason? Jason!” I said, turning around.
Instead of finding a normal Jason, I noticed something monstrous behind those pale blue eyes. His hair started to grow longer and thicker as I saw his eyes were turning a light yellow. I just stood there, afraid. I’ve seen Jason transform countless times and this was one of those times. Apparently, the red moon was only affecting half of his transformation since he hasn’t turned into a wolf...yet. If he sees blood, he might actually eat me! So, what do I do?
That... I screamed and ran down the ramp at top speed. Thankfully, Jason was still stuck in his transformation, giving some time to escape. I reached the high school yard when I heard a strong howl behind me. From there, I went behind the ramp where there was a small, secret room that’s only known to us. I ran inside and barricaded the door with everything I could find. Inside, I saw Solange in fetal position.
“What happened to you?” I asked.
“Well, we just got chased by rabid, pink bunnies, you?” Sol said.
“I ran away from a hungry Jason... Where’s Fairyboy?”
“He was chased by the bunnies to the other side of the school...”
“How are we going to get out of here?” Sol asked .
“I don’t know...”
“Well, Jason obeys you, doesn’t he?” Sol wondered.
“No, he’s not my wolf...”
“Whose is he?”
“His Ulfric (pack wolf leader) died about a week ago, but they haven’t picked their new leader yet...”
“Hey... The howls have stopped...”
“Let’s go check if he’s gone...”
We took off the furniture from the door and walked outside. Thankfully, he wasn’t there.
“I wonder where he went...” I whispered.
“AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” A loud, female scream was heard around the school.
“That’s Felicity’s voice! Let’s go!” Sol yelled.
We ran down the high school yard and through the gates, reaching the other side of the school. When we reached the school gym, were found Felicity, trying to climb the bleachers to escape from a starving Jason. Also, she was trying to defend herself from Jason...with a stick...
“Felicity!!! Wave the stick!” I yelled.
“Wave the stick?! How’s that going to help?! Felicity yelled back.
“He may be a wolf, but he’s still a dog!”
Felicity, then waved the stick side by side and Jason started to stare at it.
Jason: *puppy dog eyes* Bark! Bark! ^^
Sol and I: Aww! How cute!
“Oh! You want to fetch? Ok, fetch boy!” Felicity said, throwing the stick.
Then, the stick went straight for me and hit me hard over the forehead.
“Oww! Stupid Stick!” I yelled, rubbing my forehead, but then noticed Jason running toward me, “Oh s**t...”
Then, Jason pounced on me, following the stick faster than you can yell “Butterscotch!” Then, the strangest thing happened. Just before we both hit the ground, somehow our lips accidentally met. The kiss somehow brought Jason back to normal. Then, we both finally hit the ground and I pulled away from Jason, pushing him off of me.
“Uh...what happened? Why are we in the gym?” Jason asked, sitting up while rubbing his head.
Apparently, he didn’t seem to remember what happened, not even the kiss.
“Well, you almost turned into a wolf again and Eleanor brought you back by-!” Solange said before getting hit by the stick thrown by me, “Hey, that hurt!”
“Good!” I said.
Over with the hidden group:
“Why do I have a feeling of celebrating someone’s pain?” Tobi asked himself.
Back with us:
“Why do I feel as if someone’s celebrating my pain?” Sol asked herself.
“Whatever, let’s just go back...” Jason muttered.
“Hey Felicity, where’s Gabriel?” I asked.
“He went to get the food while I checked the gym...”
“AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” Another scream was heard over by where the group was hidden.
“That’s the third scream heard tonight!” Sol said.
We ran out the gym and into the high school yard. There, we found Fairyboy and Gabriel running towards the Spanish classroom while Jacob ran down the ramp towards us.
“Guys, come quick! There’s a-!” Jacob was interrupted by a couple of gun shots.
“What the hell was that?!” Jason asked out of shock.

- Title: My Strange Everday Life ~6~
- Artist: Doll Shi
- Description: Here's the sixth chapter! Hope you like it! There's something special in this one! Find out!
- Date: 11/07/2008
- Tags: strange everday life
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- Little Christine-Chan - 07/14/2009
- Awww don't they make the cutest couple? Lol... What was that though? My fav. part in the chapter is when Elenor and Jason kiss! Lol That was great!
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- Doll Shi - 11/15/2008
- Thanks, you guys ^^
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- ShiHime-chan - 11/10/2008
- awesome work
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- The Tainted Blac Rose - 11/08/2008
- Best Couple lol Then Jason falling for the stck trick. then the the funniest thing happened Jason kissing Elanor. now that is a nice touch of plot. keep submitting the story everybody who reads likes it. I know i do. Great story.
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- music_liz - 11/07/2008
- Hmm, Jason & Eleanor's love/hate relationship may actually have some love in it??? Hmmm, interesting... more, more, MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- Random Chaos Theory - 11/07/2008
- MORE MORE MORE..........please =)
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- Ninetails kyubi Demon - 11/07/2008
- lol jason and elanor kissed real nice cant wait for the next one lol
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