It was a dark gloomy night and humidty hung in the air as if it was too storm. Arya still lingered on her trail, a trail she chose for herself, a trail of never ending pain agony and torture! Treading on for three days without a meal without water her body straining to keep up with her will. Off into the distance she spotted a small cave on the side of the mountain. Once inside Arya settled herself on the pine needles and dosed off, meanwhile in her sleep her past came to haunt her once again. The smell of blood, burning wood and death was heavy in the air. There she stood, claws drenched in fresh blood. She knelt on one knee to catch up with her breath and yelled at the top of her lungs her roar echoing throughout the valley's small village. Her eyes glowed an eerie red when she took a step forward a step closer to the village's square. There at the square she was greeted by the village's elder and his four trusted men. She let out a vicious roar and proceeded to approach them. "Arm the crossbows!" the elder replied. "But sire she's just a girl!" One of the elder's men replied. "Raphael she was just but a girl, she is now a monster a rouge werewolf most dangerous to our kind. That girl killed her family and her clan with out hesitation, were all that is left of that clan we need to stop her now before. She goes onto other clans and destroy them as well." "She's transforming!" one of the men shouted. "Fire, fire the arrows!" the elder shouted. Arya was half way through the transformation and leapt high into the air and dodged the oncoming silver arrows. On her way down she completed her transformation and landed on one of the elder's men sinking her razor teeth deep down into his collarbone spewing his blood onto the barren earth floor. She cleaned her teeth off with her tongue and glared at the remaining men. "Sire what shall we do?" whispered one of the men. The elder looked at the. Corpse of Raphael and then glared at the creature before him and his remaining men. "Protect me one last time my favored men as I try to end this once and for all!" Arya moved quickly to the right and took down another man with her bare claws. "I will kill you monster!" one of the remaining men said. She just curled back her lips and let a low growl escape from her throat. "Seth are you crazy you'll just get killed look what happened to Raphael and Zex they died!" Seth looked at him and a glazed expression washed up on his face he looked down to his chest to see that the creature tore her hand through and ripped his heart out also. "Joe......seph!" was all that Seth could say before she pulled her arm back out of his chest. "Seth! You merciless beast look what you have done! You killed your family and friends you killed your clan members like they meant nothing to you....... Your a disgrace to your own kind!" Joseph yelled at the beast Arya stood on her hind legs and roared at him. Joseph glared at the beast dead on and it disappeared for a quick second and appeared behind him. "It is quite simple Joseph, I live for the kill!" Arya said and decapitated his head from his body and watched him crash to the ground. The elder grew pale with fear and held up the talisman he created as his men sacrificed there lives for him one last time. "You beast! You will not be forgiven for what you done to your clan!" he threw the talisman at her and in burned onto her fur. Arya winced in pain and growled at him in rage. "From now on you will relive your past everyday of your life and for those you have killed may they haunt you for the rest of your life!" The elder said in anger. She leapt into the air and tackled him to the ground the elder took out his special dagger and stabbed her in the upper arm. She jumped off him and examined her wound and roared again at the elder. "You will suffer for what you have done." he said as he tried to defend himself from her but was unsuccessful. Her massive jaws were around his neck and about to snap before the elder said his final words. "You the one they call rouge will be cursed for the rest of your life to wander in your wolf form never to change into your human self again!" the elder said before his head was snapped off. Arya looked at the village and upon herself and howled a song of rage into the night. It was dusk when Arya awakened from her past. She hauled herself up and shook her exhaustion off and went outside to examine her environment. To the left the sound of a river could be heard, and to the right she spotted elk eating and keeping to themselves. "Finally a meal to satisfy me well." she replied as she crept over to them and lurked in the shadows of the forest. The elk kept to themselves the females were grazing with there young and the young males were challenging each other to head but competions, while the elder stood on the small ledge looking over his herd and keeping watch for there safety. Arya hid in the shadows eyeing her prey and looking for the weakest link in the herd. Finally after about an hour or so the herd moved on leaving a wreck less male behind. Arya seized her chance that lay before her and leapt out of the shadows onto the elk killing him almost instantly. The feeling of warm blood and meat being consumed brought ambious strength back to her, picking the bones clean she left for the river to clean her jaw and paws of yet another tainted kill. Once in the river Arya dunked her jaws into the river and took in the fresh water, revitalizing her body to her full potential. She sat on her haunches and gazed into the river watching the trout swim quickly by till she jumped in and waded her way down the river. On her way down she came across a small pack of wolves. They glared at her and watched her every movement wile staying good distance away from her. A massive wolf with Wight fur streaked with a black stripe down his spine trotted his way to the front of the pack and stared her down. "What brings you to these parts of the forest?" he bellowed. "I'm just passing through but if you want trouble I can give it to you and your small like clan."
Her fur bristled and a low growl escaped her throat. He did come down to her and he stood on the edge of the fountain with perfect balance as he looked at her. "What is a rogue werewolf doing here in Brooklyn especially in my territory!" he asked as his violet eyes gored into her like that elder's dagger long ago. "Why should I tell you and what if it is your territory? I will challenge you for it!" she said as her talons dug into the grassy earth and the smell of moist earth filled the air. He looked at her in awe, "You challenge me for my territory? Are you mad do you even know who I am? Well at the moment that doesn't have to be revealed. Fine wolf girl a fight you want a fight you will get!" he said as he with drew a wicked blade from the sheath tied firmly to his back. The blade itself glowed a luminescent color and was looked liked a blade made out of glass. Arya smiled a toothy grin at him and began to circle him and when she reached his side that seemed to be venerable she leapt and attacked him knocking him to the ground and his sword clattered to the floor a few feet away from him. "******** my blade!" he muttered under his breath. He stood up quickly and her teeth sunk into his forearm making him hiss in pain and bringing him down once again he ripped his arm out from her jaws making her chip her tooth. Arya howled in pain and glared at him as he got up too his feet and retrieved his blade. After an hour or too the wage on neither of them giving up. There blood covered the earthen floor they battled on and thunder could be heard not to far away, the sky began to darken with clouds of thunder and lighting. Arya slashed her talons across his abdomen sending him flying backwards and he hit the fountain with a bone crushing impact. He sat up and ran at her with blade drawn. Just as he left the fountain a lighting bolt struck the angel statue in the fountain and it split in two crumbling to bits. He stood still and out his blade away into its sheath. He looked to her with a thin smile and said, "You can stay here if you like, and the name is Shadow might I know your name?" she hesitated for a moment and stared at his violet eyes and said, "My name is Arya." she said as she sat down. "Well Arya I will see you in the morning." and with that he left her as it began to rain and she retreated to the hollow tree from were she entered from. When she did wake up it was dusk her body still caked in dry blood and bruised she limped her way to the fountain to quench her thirst but when she did arrive she found Shadow there examining the ruins from last night's weather. "Do I have to ask you for permition to drink from the fountain as well!" she said as she sat down behind him. He turned around and a smirk came across her face when she saw her claw marks deep in his chest. "What is that smirk on your face for?" he asked as he glared at her! “Well less likely that you are stronger than me because as you can see I don’t have a scratch on me from when we last fought yet for you you have a huge gash on your chest.” Arya said with a laugh. Shadow looked at her in a comical way in a sense of knowing she was right, “Yeah what ever just don’t go just yet.” He simply replied as he picked up a piece of the broken statue’s wing. Arya eyed him carefully and drank from the broken water fountain lapping it up with her long red toung. She sat underneath an old shady oak and rested her head on her paws. Shadow came back and he leaned up against the tree trunk ans sighed heavily. “What do you want me here for Shadow I have a long day ahead of me today.” Arya said as she eyed him. Shadow eyed her and reached into his cloak and pulled out some dried meat and laid it in front of her snout. She sniffed it and ate a small piece of the dried meat then ate the rest. “That should fill you up for now and maybe later on you so for that you wont have to go and eat the little children of this world, And I say this world because you’re the only wolf in Brooklyn and a talking one for that, I also know your not from here were did you come from exactly?” He asked her as she sat on her haunches and he sat down on under the tree as well. She looked at him and looked away, “My past is a dark one the only thing I can remember is the blood tainted on my paws and teeth. Besides why are you so curious about me all of the sudden?” She said as she jumped up onto all fours and climbed the tree to sit on a sturdy branch. “Hmm lets see you’re the only wolf demon I know in Brooklyn and you don’t know anything about this world so lets face it you cant survive here with out me you cant kill like you did back were you came from it is totally different here if you murder someone you get put behind bars in maybe a 4 by 4 room besides for you to survive you must kill and eat your victems.” Shadow said to her and sat up on a branch beside her. “Okay so tell me Shadow how do you survive here what do you hunt for and how do you live knowing what your are how do you conceal your form from all these humans?” Arya asked as she looked down upon him. “Well its kinda simple really you’re a were wolf aren’t you? You have the ability to take the human form, So it is kinda like vise versa to me too I have the power to take on the human form, I don’t know how but I can.” Shadow said as he gazed down at his hands. Arya eyed him and rolled her eyes and said, “It is not as easy for me, I no longer have the power or the ability rather to turn into my human form, It has been removed from me through a curse along time ago when I oh nevermind I am not going to tell you my past.” He looked into her eyes and said, “Really wolf girl you think I can’t understand your past let me tell you mine, I am not human nor immortal, neither am I from demon decent. I am created from a my human’s half hatred and negative emotions I don’t have a mother or a father I just exsist. I don’t know how I came to be nor do I know how it is to live in this world. This human that I dwell with his name is Anthony, He takes possesion of me when he is in a high mood or when his spirits are good. I am his negative side I come out when he is about to fight or whenever I can get the chance too.” Shadow went on how his life was from past to present but he didn’t notice that it was late and Arya was asleep in the tree branch above him. He smiled to himself and stroked her fur. A small growl escaped her throat as he stroked her, she would wince now and then but other than that she slept soundlessly. Shadow sat next to her and fell asleep himself. The next time Arya woke up she was in the same branch she fell asleep on and in the distance she saw Shadow working and moving rumble around the water foutain. She leapt down the tree and was greeted by a small sack of dried meats, curiously she ate the meat and trotted over to Shadow. “Shadow why do you waste your time on such a petty landmark?” She asked as she drank some water from the broken foutain. He looked at her and then he looked at the rubble. “Well to tell you the truth Arya this land that you thrive on is my territory and this fountain that we wrecked during our confrotation is almost like my sanctuary in a weird kind of way.” He said as he put together the angel’s wings and mounted them on the structure. She sat down and balled out laughing at him. He glared at her and just mumbled to himself as he continued to his work. Arya stopped her laughing long enough to notice his sword on his back, it gave off a weird sensation to her that creeped along her fur. “What is up with your sword?” She asked as she pawed the ground. He looked at her and grunted, “Well it should be very familiar too you.” Shadow leaned up against the same tree and eyed her every movement. “How what do you mean explain!” She demanded. “It was made from your brothers bones.” Arya was astonished and said, “How can that be?” (I killed my family and my clan I killed the elder and his trusted men and from there I killed others that got in my way.) Arya thought to herself. “Well I fought your brother once and when he challenged me to the death one night I went crazy after tasting my own blood and well I fought him to the death like he wanted except I killed him.” Shadow said as he pulled out his blade and let it shine in the moonlight. Arya shivered and left away from shadow she started to run and she left the safety of his territory. “Where does she think shes going she is going to get caught by the locals. Dame her!” Shadow said aloud as he withdrew his wings and took to the air after her. Arya ran soon she was in the suburbs of Brooklyn. “What kind of village is this, Wait what is that smell it is driving me crazy?” She followed her nose till she was over a hedge and in the backyard of a family having a barbeque. Arya stepped out of the shadows and approached them slowly. The family dog sniffed the air and started to whimper loudly and then he ran towards Arya and barked at her loudly. “Look honey another stray, Aw poor thing I bet its hungry.” The wife said to her husband. Arya confused of the dogs barking barked back louder at the dog making whine and hide behind the family. “A german sheperd afraid of a stray?” The father asked. Arya grew impatient and stood up on all fours and roared at the family. The kids ran in side screaming in fear and the mother ran in after them. Looking at her surroundings Arya scanned the area so she could escape easily then out of the night sirens went of wailing loudly into the night making the she wolf confused. Arya confused and fustrated she lept atop of the man and knocked him down she took the roast of the grill and ran over the hedge she quickly ate the meat till a bright light shown down on her she looked up to see a weird object with a bright white torch at the end shining down upon her. Arya ran back onto the street to see more weird objects surround her with red and blue torch lights flashing at her and making loud howling noises that hurt her ears. Arya confused and lost growled at them and looked despertly for a way out. Human males surrounded the weird torch things she leapt on top of one and killed him instantly. His blood covered jaws and the thrill of the kill ran through her adrenline. The men were talking loudly and they all cocked shiny black things at her. Arya confused and fustrated ran from her kill and down the street but didn’t get far the red and blue torches were moving after her. Arya desperate to run away from them grew her talons and jumped onto a roof of one of the suburb houses and leapt from roof to roof looking for and exit and a way back to Shadow’s sanctuary. (Dame I should have never entered that tree this world is so horrible what in all the hells is these dame things chasing after me hmm maybe I can fight back at them.) Arya thought to herself. She stopped on a three story house and looked down at the red and blue torches and she jumped down and jumped with all her weight on top of one of them and she broke the glass and killed the two men inside. The white torch light from above came back and drowned her in the light she back blind for a moment and roared in fustration and ran away from all the torches. The white torch still stayed on her and she reached a small city of Brooklyn and grew her talons out and leapt on to a building and began to climb quickly. Once on top she was greeted in men in black and with more shiny black things. Arya growled at them and refused to give up she grew her talons once more and leapt high in the air and landed on top of one of the men and jabbed her talons into his heart and grinned when she heard him yell on the top of his lungs and watched him die. One of the men fired his weapons a dart flew and hit Arya in the upper arm. She looked up and snapped her attention at him and roared in anger. Her rage grew strong her adreniline boiled in her blood moving her above her bodies limit. She ran at him and the guy behind her shot at her another dart. Arya killed another man and looked at her next victim, he seemed blurry to her and she instantly began to grow tired. Arya refused to take the weriness from the darts and stood up and glared at the two remaining men on the rooftop. “What are we to do the tranqulizer darts are not working on that beast?” One of the men said. “If that thing advances or makes another movement shoot it down!” The older man said. Arya’s vision was being doubled she saw now four men instead of two she moved to advance towards them and passed out on the floor. Scared the younger male fired two more darts at her. “It is okay lad the monster is out cold lets call in the chopper so we can take her back to HQ.” The older male said. Arya ears pricked then she faded away to unconsienceness. Shadow followed her path over the hedge to the families destroyed yard and flew over to their front yard were a paramedic was pulling a body bag over the corpse. “Dame that wolf if they haven’t got her already she will kill everything in Brooklyn, And not only that she will call the attention of all the other immortals and the hunters as well, ******** Arya you don’t know what you have done!” Shadow said as he followed the fresh blood smell trail down the street into a small city. There he saw on top of the tallest building Arya being caged and carried into a huge black chopper. “God damn they have her.” (Why am I so protective over her though, Do I love her? It cant be but then again, For the moment I will play it out.) He thought to himself. Shadow flew to the top of the tower and stayed close to the shadows. “Damn this monster is heavy” One of the chopper’s crew men stated. “Exactly what the hell is it?” The pilot asked. “Well men in all of my years of training I believe it is too be a werewolf. But come now were wasting time I want her in my lab now before the immortals find out of her presence here tonight.” He stated as he moved the cage and the animal in side the cargo port. The chopper’s blades creaked when they started and in a split second they were airborne. Shadow flapped his wings once then twice and he was behind the chopper. As soon as the chopper landed Shadow noticed that they were in a strange area he has never been to before. “ Well at least I know my way in the skies. He landed near the chopper so he could keep and eye on Arya and not be noticed at the same time. Four men had to carry the cage that she was contained in and bring her inside. Once they reached the steps to the side door of the creepy mansion Arya woke up and started growling loudly. “It it is waking up!” One of the man yelled as he let go of his side of the cage. Arya enraged tried to claw at one of the men and was burned by the bars of the cage. She whined a high pitch whine that put even Shadow’s ears in pain. When she was done whining the leader of the men glared at her and started to laugh, “You see my dear monstrosity, Those bars are made out of pure silver and are blessed the highest priest in all of the land, So go ahead try to break it try to claw one of us you will just be hurting yourself.” Arya barked at him and tried to claw him again she received another burn to her flesh and howled in pain. One of the men couldn’t take this anymore and shot her with a high dosage tranquilizer. She passed out again with dissipating growl. The men carried her inside and Shadow reverted himself into his human form and followed after Arya. Once inside the cage carrying her was tossed to the side witch woke her up from the dart. Shadow found a way in side and took his risk and entered a world that never existed till now. There will vampires, werewolves, and creatures he never knew locked up and bound behind bars. He walked down the corridor and peeked into to a room only to regret what he saw it was a female wolf like Arya but normal not all rogue and she was bound from the ankles to her wrist leaning on chair exposing her back. Then came a males voice, “I will ask you once more she wolf, Were is your pack were is your leader? Were are you hiding them?” The she wolf gave him a bloody smile and said, “What thinks I will betray my clan to the likes of you humans?” The man grew angry and whipped her back raw. The she wolf screamed in agony as the silver whips touched her back and her blood poured down her back onto the floor. Shadow looked at her in pity and prayed to the Lunar Goddess that Arya was still safe and not touched. Shadow found Arya in the back room still in her cage and he came across the guard watching her. “Hey this is an restricted area!” The guard said. “I have come to relieve you.” Shadow said. “Oh well then that is a different story, But you are going to need this gun in case that beast wakes up again, Cause dude we never caught a beast like this before.” He said and headed off to his lunch break. Shadow closed the door behind him and locked it. Arya aware of another human in the room growled very menacingly at him. Shadow approached her cautiously and aimed the gun at her and said, “ You want another one of these in yah?” She scraped the bottom of her cage with her talons and sat up and barked viciously at him “Calm down Arya it is I, Shadow.” He replied. Confused Arya cocked her head and gave him a weird look then she started to growl again. “Prove it, The Shadow I know is not a human.” Shadow rolled his eyes at her and shrugged his shoulders and he unfurled his black feathered wings. His eyes were once again purple and the same demonic sword was strapped to his back. “ Arya do you believe me now?” He said as he bent the bars broken and released her from her silver cage. “ Yes can you get me the hell out of here now?” She demanded. He gave her a dumbfounded look and just sighed to himself. (Dame not even a god forbidden thank you dame what a b***h!) He thought to himself. “Yes just follow me.” He said as he unlocked the door and headed out cautiously. Once they were in the corridor he noticed not any of the gaurds were around or on duty. Shadow carried Arya on his way out and stopped were the she wolf was being tortured. Inside she was on the floor to die and suffer from her wounds. “Dame it to hell when will these ******** hunters quit, Hey Arya stay here I am going to help her out too and then from there were going to free the others.” He said. Arya just glanced at him and looked at the she wolf . He went over to her and applied a liquid to her wounds and they healed instantly. The she wolf got up on all fours and glanced at him. “Thank you creature of the night, May the Lunar Goddess bless you.” She simply said and ran out the complex to her clans home. Shadow picked Arya up again and they went to were the creatures were being held and opened all the cages. The werewolves found there mates and fled together, the vampires turned into a huge flock of bats and flew out into the night either to feed or to disappear. “Come Arya now it is our turn.” He whispered to her and he flapped his huge wings once then twice and was off in the night sky bringing her back to his sanctuary and landed next to the semi-fixed fountain. Shadow examined her wounds and cleaned them and added an ointment to prevent infection, Then he patched them up and laid her to rest. “Thank the Lunar Goddess I reached you in time I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t make it and they have harmed you.” Shadow said to her as he stroked her fur. Arya growled in her sleep as He touched her. “Sometimes I wonder what you dream about maybe you will tell me one day, When your ready.” Shadow said as he got comfortable next to her and dosed off to sleep. In the morning he woke up to find Arya gone with no sign of anything. Startled he got up and immediately withdrew his sword. A moment later Arya came behind him with two rabbits in her mouth and dropped her breakfast in the sight of him. Shadow quickly turned around and thrusted his sword in that direction. Arya was clung to the trunk of the tree as she looked at him with angry eyes. “ Are you trying to kill me you ******** essence?” She asked in anger. Shadow looked at his sword then to her. “Nah maybe one day though.” He grabbed the sword by the hilt and placed it in its sheath and walked twords the fountain. Arya returned to her rabbits and devoured her meal quickly as if someone were to steal it from her. She then glanced over to Shadow and shook her mane. Shadow finished his fountain latter in the day near dusk and took out a flask and finished what was left and turned to go towards the open field. Without turning back he walked forward pressing on to what seemed urgent to him. Curious Arya followed him she lurked in the evening shadows and stood a good distance away from him. Shadow stopped and said. “If you wish to follow me just ask. I get vary and on edge when someone follows me.” Arya just looked to the side and sat next to him. Together they moved forward in silence. Finally after what seemed like an hour Shadow randomly removed his sword from the sheath and plunged it deep into the earth, he stood back said a few words and pulled the sword out of the ground and made a slash in the air to reveal another world on the other side. Arya stepped in first and was in shock to see her world again. “Shadow , H how did you find this place.” She asked as she took in her surroundings by every detail one at a time. “Arya seriously how do you think I obtained your brother’s bones or even kill him?” He asked as he sealed the portal behind him. Arya just growled at him and ran off. “Arya wait this is not the same area you were from!” He yelled at her as she ran off. Arya ignored him and faded away into the night. Shadow shrugged her shoulders and walked off to the right maybe even to his own end. He walked across a vase meadow then through a mountain valley before he reached the depths of the Dark forest. Once inside he came to an opening and withdrew his sword once more place it against his head and sighed heavily, He then muttered in unusual language and pulled the sword away form his head and held in the air and a white flame engulfed the blade. “Alright Jin Kotsu lets see what your bones are made of.” he said. At that very moment swarms of demonic and demon armies came screeching in his direction. Bound with rage and anger. Shadow eyed everyone of them then screamed at the top of his lungs and swung his blade in an arc killing the demons that surrounded him in a wave of white fire. A demon grabbed a hold of his wing and tore it off, Shadow screamed in agony yet regenerated a new wing. The wing itself sprang open splattering fresh blood onto the floor. He stuck his blade through the hearts of four demons at once and ripped the sword away from the demons making them squeal loudly as they dissipated into a black mist. Shadow turned around and swung his blade again only to miss the monster before him. It struck him with a spiked shield making his sword crack. “Goddamn my blade… I have to remove that weapon of his.” he stepped back quickly and got into a stance. The monster charged at him again and threw his shield at him and kneeled down to the ground. Shadow quickly dodged the shield and eyed the monster warily and stood now in a defensive stance. The monster then stood up and pointed his worn hand at him and muttered something in his native tongue and closed his hand into a clenched fist. Iron chains dispersed from the earth underneath Shadow and wrapped him tight and pulled him to the ground. He screamed in pain and agony as the demons took there chance and leapt on top of him trying to attack him in what way they could. Shadow squirmed and twitched to try to free himself, Then one of the demons a rather large one slashed his talons across his face and made a gash onto his eye. He screamed and hissed in pain. Shadow tried to pull himself up but was slammed back down to the ground. The larger monster held a spiked club up above his head and brought it down upon Shadow with bone crushing force. Shadow spat up his blood and wheezed heavily for blood was filling his lungs barely making him able to breath. “Arya….” Shadow whispered. Suddenly a bright light flashed in the air above scaring the demon and making them run away. A elf the a size smaller than him tapped the chains to release them. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a mahogany colored flute and blew a quick note. A black stallion returned and She placed Shadow on top of the horse and hopped on behind him and rode the horse out of the Dark Forest. Once out side the forest the horse lead them to a huge old oak tree and knelt onto the floor so the elf could get off. She carefully pulled of Shadow and knelt him next to the tree she stripped off his shirt and cleaned his wounds. Not to far Arya was trotting back from her adventure and picked up the scent of Shadow nearby. “Shadow found a way back to my home world…. Maybe he can help me retrieve my human self back.” She said as she passed the boulders and then she saw her. Shadow with the elf. She grew infuriated and ran the opposite direction. “I was a fool. I was a fool to think I could trust him. Besides why am I acting like this what is this I am feeling I have never felt this way before?” She asked her self and stopped in her tracks and headed to her homeland.
- by Lone Wolf Rayne |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/04/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Forbidden Fantasy
- Artist: Lone Wolf Rayne
- Description: This is a story about a rogue she werewolf that finds her way into modern day brooklyn she meets up with a vampire escense and is slowly trusting himbut not quite
- Date: 12/04/2008
- Tags: forbidden fantasy
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