The Chosen's Halloween.
Chapter one: Reunion
Its been 3 years since the war against Giygas. As Ness,Paula,Jeff, and Poo had returned to their homes; victorious from their righteous battle. Ness had just started high school. Paula had been home schooled, taking care of the children at Polestar preschool. As Jeff returned to the country of Winters, back to his town of Snow Woods. Him and his friend Tony were the only ones there that knew of the imminant disaster that could have happened three years ago. Prince Poo had went back to the country of Dalaam to further run his country again. As the months passed the days became shorter, as night rolled in quicker. Soon days became weeks, as Halloween slowly crept around the bend, Ness stood up in his room as he rummaged through his drawers he picked out some clothing and ran downstairs in his yellow backpack and red Baseball cap. Tracy playing with King outside, as quiet laughter coming from outside. Ness hugged his mother as he rushed out the door. He hopped on his bicycle as he peddled his way to Twoson. He stopped at PoleStar preschool. He left his bike upon the fence as he walked in seeing Paula in her usual Pink dress. Her satin red ribbon tied up in her hair, as she knelt to the desk. "You can do this, I know you can. Just keep trying and you'll succeed." She spoke to the child as she stood back up looking over noticing Ness. "Oh! You startled me for a second there Ness..How are you today?" She said giving him a sincere smile. He looked over at her with a slight smile as he spoke. "Yeah.. Halloween is coming up its right around the corner... I was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with me and Jeff in Threed this year, come from there and work our way back?" Paula giggled as her face turned a light pink."Sure! I haven't seen Jeff in so long, I hope he is doing okay these days." She said with a smile as she rocked back and forth, her hands behind her back. As if she were hiding something as she spoke. "Hey Ness..? What are you going as this year for Halloween?" She said smiling as Paula sat down in a chair crossing her legs daintily. "Me..? I am going as Mr. Saturn. Jeff is gonna be going as... Well I am not too sure just yet. He really hasn't told me yet. So what are you going as Paula?" He asked with a sheepish smile plastered on his face as his face turned a slight shade of red. Paula looked at him pointing at herself. "I am going as Ms Venus this year!" She said giving Ness a wink and a giggle. "So when is Jeff coming?" Paula asked Ness curiously. "He should be arriving in Onett within a couple hours. He said he had to prepare. Knowing Jeff its going to something elaborate." Ness said laughing. As Paula giggled she got up and smiled nostalgically. "Ah it will be like our old adventures..How I miss those days.." She said sighing nostalgically. Lets head to your house and wait for Jeff's arrival." Paula said getting up from the chair near the desk. Ness smiled nodding as they walked out the door.
Meanwhile far off in the country of Winters. A small lab near stone henge, A genius and his father were. "What do you think it is son?" Dr. Andonuts asked in a very serious and stern tone. "Its called the "Apple of Enlightenment". It was created to predict the future. If we can get it up and running who knows what good can become of it.... Maybe if we connect this....here.. and transfer the central power here..." As soon as Jeff had put them to their proper areas, a loud whirr sound started echoing from the machine. Jeff fell down crawling back, his eyes glued to the machine. As it started to light up the machine started to shake, starting to glow as a hologram began to appear, tapestrating a mysterious message.. "Beware......Threed.....Powerful.....Evil......Return.....Danger....World will be destroyed if you do not bring forth the chosen four of prophecy....Jeff hopped to his feet as he exclaimed. I have to get to Onett!" Dr. Andonuts looked at him, as he fixed his glasses. "Jeff, how can you be so sure this contraption is actually not just sputtering out nonsense?" He said as he tried to talk him out of leaving. Jeff looked at him seriously for a brief moment as he brushed himself off. "I know it wouldn't be sputtering nonsensical mindless gibberish. This machine is older than time itself, it was what predicted the rise and fall of Giygas... Now I fear he might have returned...Or even perhaps... a creature stronger than Giygas..." Jeff said with a grimace look upon his face. " I must head to Onett to tell Ness, from there to tell Paula." He said as he paced the lab for a brief moment. "Dad, where is the SkyRunner?" Jeff asked anxiously. "Its over by the chalkboard like usual. All of the controls should be working. So I don't think there should be a crash landing this time hopefully.
As Jeff walked into the sky runner and began take off, he thought to himself. "I just hope I am in time..." As he soared in the sky, passing through the frigid cold flurries of Winters, through the bright sunny town of Summers, Through the scorching shifting sands of Dusty Dunes. As he slowed down approaching the town of Onett, the "bleep bleep" of the SkyRunner's tracking system started going off. He slowed down coming to a hover as the system started to fail a sputter was heard."Oh no... not again...!" As the SkyRunner crashed into the side of the Minch's house as a loud "BOOM!" accompanied by a rumble. As Ness,Paula,Tracy, and Ness's Mother came running out the door to see the commotion. Ness spoke up saying."Well, Jeff's here.." Ness walked closer to the crash, as charred figure walked from the landing site. As he took his glasses off wiping them with a tear of cloth He put them back on standing in front of Ness. "There we go." He said quietly. "Oh my... Jeff are you okay dear?" Ness's mother asked warmly. "Yeah, just dirty is all." Jeff said as he brushed himself off. "How are you Jeff? It's been ages since we last saw you!" Paula ran over giving him a friendly hug. "quite well actually. Me and my dad brought the Apple of Enlightenment back up from the underground base in StoneHenge. We got it back up and running too...Unfortunately it spoke of a very grim message and all too clear one at that. But lets take that inside to talk about that.." He said hugging Paula , soon after walking over to Ness shaking his hand speaking up."Its been far too long old chum. I have certainly missed all the days we would be together. Do not get me wrong, I am grateful to have my dad and have the life I wished i had ten years ago. But this is just something you never forget." He said smiling. Ness smiled shaking his hand firmly as he nodded quietly, knowing no words could possibly compare to the silence between the mutual smiles. "Well then, why don't we come inside before we all catch our death out here! I'll cook up some steak for us and we can talk." Ness's mother said with that heart warming smile and angelic voice that could lull any weary child to sleep.
As they walked into Ness's house his mother walked into the kitchen and began cooking. Ness,Paula, and Jeff sat down at the hard wood table, the walls of the house a light beige color. Calming, as King lay next to the couch, breathing ever so quietly as he dreamt. dreams of him frolicking in the meadows of Onett, chasing Pokey ever so aggressively. Ness looked over at King, his legs restlessly kicking. Ness smiled as he turned back to Paula and Jeff. "So, what is this message that the Apple had spoken of?" Ness asked curiously. Jeff looked down at the table concentrating trying to bring the words to his mouth. A bead of sweat trickled from his brow as he lifted his head again as he took a deep breath. "The Apple of Enlightenment spoke of immanent doom... A new power, or the revival of the past evil. Unless the fo- well three of us can find a way to contact Poo again to get him here as soon as possible. "if what the apple speaks of Comes to fruition"... We could all be in grave danger...It spoke of the premonition near a time of great evil... You don't think it could mean...." Jeff looked at them quietly as he took his index finger and middle finger adjusting his glasses wiping slightly his brow, As he had finished Ness's mother walked in setting down the plates as she said softly. "You three are the bravest children this woman will ever know. Ness, honey you've grown so much these past 3 years. Your friends need you, the world needs you again." Ness's mother came over hugging him.
As the three of them finished their food, Paula stood up as she spoke softly."Looks like we are to have another adventure on our hands friends. Why don't we try to get some sleep and rest the duration of the night." No sooner as she finished speaking the telephone rang. the buzzing ringing sound was all too surreal. Ness walked over to the phone, a deep voice spoke out. "Hey, its your old man." Ness stared off into space for a brief moment, shaking his head he responded. "..Hey dad. What brings you to call here?" He said somewhat hesitant. "I wanted to check up on you and your friends. I.. I'm sorry I missed your birthday this year.. If I could have been there you know i wo-" "I know dad... I know..." Ness said solemnly. "Well... I love you son. Your old man is always gonna be behind you one hundred and ten percent of the way." I know dad... I... I know..." With those last words, Ness hung up the phone. He turned his head to everyone. Ness's mother looks at him solemnly. "Oh honey... You know he means well.." She said bringing her hand up covering her mouth slightly. Ness looked at his friends standing there; Paula looking at him worriedly. Jeff looked down at the floor. Ness bared a smile for his for them. " Hey. Lets head to bed and we will get started on our journey bright and early tomorrow." Paula smiled and hugged Ness, "Alright, we will begin tomorrow at sunrise." Jeff gave Ness a smile and nod. Ness smiled as they went upstairs to ready for bed. "Paula you can stay in Tracy's room for the night. Me and Jeff will be in the room next door." Ness said with a smile. "Okay, I'll go and get ready for bed." Paula said cheerfully. Paula went into Tracy's room as she knelt on the floor as she began to close her eyes, She began to relay a message. "Poo.... Poo its Paula....We need you to help us... We are afraid Giygas might have returned....When the sun rises again.. Come to Onett.... We will explain when you get here...."Soon after saying that Paula laid down to rest for the night . As Ness and Jeff went into the bedroom and dressed for bed. Ness set up a cot for Jeff, Jeff lay there in bed looking up at the ceiling. He let out a quiet sigh as he took off his glasses and got up setting them upon Ness's dresser for the night.Jeff tossed and turned in his sleep his brow became feverish, as a terrifying image began to unravel inside of his mind. It was dark...The innards of space itself, engulfed in sheer terror. Jeff looked around in the darkness of space, he saw a being that sent shivers down his spine. He saw the four of them when their souls were bound to the machines. Jeff sat there watching them fight valiantly, Watching each of them take blow after blow, trying to find an achille's heel to the entity. Jeff called out to them. He screamed and shouted, but nothing could be heard.. The four of them grew tired from the fierce battling of all the struggle. Jeff shouted louder. "Only prayer and the power of us can defeat him!" But all that came out was silence. Giygas spoke..As if the heat and emotion had been sucked right from the room. "Foolish Ness... You cannot hope to defeat me.. I am all that is evil inside of the heart of man, I am the essence of pure evil. After that being said Jeff awoke in a panic. Jeff sitting up panting quietly he thought to himself. "If what was said is true, How can we possibly defeat him now..." Jeff wiped his brow as he laid back down into bed. As darkness became light from the morning sun. The sound of blue birds could be heard outside the window. As the firs morning light shined into Ness's window. Ness shielded his eyes with the palm of his hand. He groaned slightly at the fact of the morning sun beating down in his face, but he was alright all and all. As he got out of his bed, his hair messy; his pajamas the same ol' white and blue horizontal stripes. Ness got outta bed as he shook Jeff's shoulder gently as he spoke. "Jeff..Jeff. Its morning.." He said as he looked at him groggily. But Jeff just mumbled as he covered his head."Mmmm..Not now Tony.. I don't have class till at least nine..." He mumbled. Ness sighed as he took a deeper breath. "JEFF!!" He shouted. Jeff jumped startled as he fell to the floor from his cot. "AAAH! Ness!? What was that about!?" He asked him. "its time." Ness said extending a hand to help him up. Jeff slept in a tanktop and his underwear, as he takes Ness's hand lifting himself back up. "Sorry about that Ness. Shall we wake up Paula?" He said curiously. Ness looked at him up and down as he chuckled slightly."Maybe you should get dressed first Jeff. Jeff blushed slightly from embarrassment, his face turning an apple red. "Oh! Y-your right! Sorry about that." He said quietly. As the rustling in the boy's room started to become more elevated in volume, Paula couldn't help but hear muffled speaking. Paula in her light pink night gown, her long blond hair frazzled from tossing and turning in her sleep. She gets out of her covers as she walked to the door of Tracy's room. she opened the door as she walked the few feet to Ness's room. She knocked quietly as she spoke. "Ness? Jeff? Are you guys awake in there?" By then Jeff had put on his pants, and working on putting his jacket on. Ness had just finished putting his striped shirt and was brushing his hair down with his hands. "Yeah come on in Paula. Were just finishing up here." He said. Paula looked at her self as she said to them. " I will be right there, just let me get dressed okay?" As she hurried into Tracy's room as she quickly put on her favorite dress and tied her ribbon. She came back out as the two were just closing his door exiting his room. "Oh! There you two are." Paula said somewhat confused.
"Hey, lets head downstairs. I gotta say goodbye to my mom anyhow." Ness said anxiously. "Sure, lets get this rolling!" Paula cheered. "I guess it can't hurt to leave now." Jeff said as he straightened his jacket. As the three of them headed downstairs. Ness looked at his mother as he smiled. "I am leaving again mom, I don't know when I will be returning. But I know that I will think of you." He said warmly. "I will be behind you all the way son! Tracy is here if you need to leave any mementos. So be sure to say goodbye to her too okay?" She said choking back her tears. "I hate to see you go big bro. But your the bravest kid I know! So good luck on your trip, be safe!" Tracy said as she ran over hugging her big brother one last time. "Thanks Tracy, that means a lot. Well I guess its time for us to head out. Be good King, take care of mom and Tracy for me while I'm gone okay?" Ness said as he knelt down petting his head gently. King looked up at him as he laid his head back down. His tail thumped on the carpet as his head being pet. As the three left the house, Ness took a deep breath. The smell of fresh dew, as the morning sun was still new. "Smells like a fresh new day fellas. lets ge-!" Being interrupted by a booming thunder sound. The three of them see a white blur run past them. As they look over, the morning sun blocks the image showing only a silouhette of the person. "I heard you guys needed me once again.." As the familiar voice came closer to them. "Is.. is that you Poo..?" Ness said anxiously. The figure nodded as he spoke again. "I am. I am prince Poo of Dalaam, I have come to aid you once again Ness. Paula spoke to me last night." He said as he shook his hand.
Okay so I am putting this in as a little bit of a guide for those who don't understand certain names of people and towns.
Giygas: Guy-gas
Andonuts: An-donuts
Onett: One-ett
Twoson: Two-son
Dalaam: Dah-lamb
Rights of the game,characters goes to Shigesato Itoi
- by Zombie of Threed |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/18/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: The chosen halloween
- Artist: Zombie of Threed
- Description: A personally made fanfiction of the Mother 2 game, 3 years passed from the war against Giygas. I hope you enjoy, because I labored out of love to create it. <3
- Date: 12/18/2008
- Tags: chosen halloween chapter reunion
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