• There was a girl...
    She loved a boy
    The boy HATED her
    In high-school they dated
    The boy Hated her even more
    The Girl Loved him even more
    They got married
    They had a small house by the ocean
    They had a kid
    The kid loved to swim
    The Man who once was a boy hated the kid
    The Woman who once was a girl loved the kid
    The Man died
    The Woman cried
    The kid drowned
    The Woman cried
    The Man can back
    Back to the world
    Back to life
    The Woman Loved him again
    The Man Hated her again
    The Man found a small forst
    He Hunted
    He shot a Deer
    25 points
    One Fell off
    The Man took it home
    The Woman Cried and yelled
    The Woman loved life and all that was in it
    The Man Hated ever thing
    The Woman Killed herself
    She believed in God
    She went to Heavan
    The Man sat on the sands on the ocean
    Of life
    Of The Woman
    The kid
    He died
    When he reached Heavans Gates The Doors Closed
    He loved life........ now
    He was sent back...back to Earth
    He felt funny
    He was warm...He was never warm outside
    He went to the forst were he once hunted
    There he went to the creek where he shot the deer
    He look in the water.........................................
    He was no Man
    He was
    A unicorn
    The Moon was out
    He heard something
    He ran...ran home
    He looked in the window
    There was a Girl holding a picture
    Of Him
    He Flew in love
    In love with death
    He got shot
    1 point
    1 horn flew off
    The Man who shot him had a wife
    A kid
    And later He would be a unicorn

    UNICORNS ROCK!!!! lol