- Santra woke with the early morning sun shining in his eyes. He got out of his bed. Not even bothering to fix the covers or anything. He went down the stairs to see his father Kantra. " Kantra." Santra said. " I told you. Call me dad." Kantra said. Apparently his father was in a bad mood. So Santra did what he did any other day (roam around town.) Santra slammed the door. But as soon as he did his dad rammed through it and tackled Santra and beat him. Santra screamed in agony. " DONT YOU EVER SLAM THE DOOR AGAIN!!! YOU HEAR ME!!!!!" Kantra said still beating the poor child. " YES!!!! Now get off me. I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!!" Santra said with tears pouring down his face like a waterfall. " I DONT CARE!!!!!! YOUR A HORRIBLE SON I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!!" Kantra said. He was furious now. Santra laid there his mouth wide open and bloody couldn't believe what his father had just said. He felt fury inside him. He had so much strength now he pushed his father off him and pulled out betty.( Santra's lucky knife.) And started to stab his father furiously. " I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!!!" Santra mumbled. His father stopped moving. He stopped breathing. Santra couldn't believe what he had done. " Well he did deserve it." He thought. Santra dragged his father in the house and lit the whole house on fire. Then just around the corner came three city guards. " Oh my god!" One of the guards said. All three charged at Santra. Santra slid underneath one guard and stabbed the one in the middle through the back. Blood poured out like angel hair spaghetti. Santra gasped at the site. He started to run. knowing he would be caught. Just then he looked ahead and saw a horse drawn wagon. He jumped into the trailer of the wagon. Just then he blacked out. He awoke in darkness and for some reason standing up. " This is just the beggining Santra." A deep voice said. " Wha? Where am I? Who are you?" Santra asked. " All will be revealed im time Santra. Trust me. You were meant to kill that b*****d he was in the way of your destiny." The deep voice said. " You mean i was meant to kill? To be evil?" Santra asked. " You ask alot of questions. Yes you are meant to be evil. You will use your stealth and wit to bring the world into not just mine but your clutches as well." The voice said. "This makes no sense at all." Santra said. " It will Santra. It will. Now kill the driver and head to Sasuri city." The voice said. " You mean kill again? Why?" Santra asked. "Do it. Its part of your destiny." The voice said. The world came back into veiw. It was storming. The only way into the wagon was complicated. But he decided to try it. He dove off the trailer to the right while pulling out Betty He grabbed the window and flung inside. He sliced the driver and threw him out of the wagon. " Good Santra. Now hopefully you'll survive the crash." The voice said. " Crash!?" Santra asked. " Yes crash." The voice said. As the wagon flew off the cliff.

- Title: The tale PT 1 A life destroyed
- Artist: BadSeed26
- Description: The beggining of Santra's tale AKA the uneasy feeling one of my other pieces well im gonna give it my all and do my best well here it is took me bout an hr to rite diss
- Date: 12/23/2008
- Tags: tale life destroyed
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Vanije - 12/27/2008
- It was very good.HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- Report As Spam
- horseartaddict - 12/24/2008
wow i really like this!!!
it moves kinda fast tho
other than that great job!! =D - Report As Spam