Cody breathed hard as he ran. His lungs were on fire. He's never been more scared in his life. Lexi had disappeared. He was alone. In the woods. With something chasing him.
Lexi was hiding. Resting. She was tired. She had no idea where she was anymore. She was scared as hell. She had lost her twin brother, Cody, and now she could hear noises that were not coming from her. Suddenly, a bloody hand came from the darkness and grabbed her throat.
Cody was running as fast as he could, when he tripped on a tree root. Pain shot up his leg. He couldn't breathe. He wanted to sleep and rest. But he knew if he did, he would die. A moment later, he heard his sister's shrill scream. Again. Again. Then it died down. Got quieter. Then silence. For a moment he sat there. Thinking the worst, he yelled "Lexi! Lexi!!" No reply. "Lex-" Something had grabbed his leg. It was wet and cold. He didn't have a chance to scream before total darkness enveloped him. He could feel nothing around him.
Lexi moaned as she awoke. Where am I? She thought. It was cold. Something dripped on her head. She could feel it. Drip. Drip. Drip. It was almost torture. She began to cry. She stopped, sensing that she was not alone. She was right. Moonlight shone on a figure standing in front of her. Holding a knife.
The cave floor was hard. Cody could feel that he had been stripped down to his underware. He was cold, alone, and afraid. A bloodcurdling scream shattered the forest. He recognized it-Lexi. She was not far away. At the moment he sensed his sister's murder. Something with sharp claws began to claw at his neck.
"You're next....." A raspy voice called. "Cody. Cody. Cody Cody." A fading voice said. "Wh- wh- who's there?" Cody studdered. The voice sounded like it was coming from everywhere. A hot breath on his neck made Cody's hair stand on end. He knew he didn't have much time. It's either he tried to escape or die.
He began to kick, punch, and flail all his limbs at once. He made contact with something wet and slimy. Two red eyes glowed in the darkness. He could only manage a yelp as a dagger drove through his heart.
"Our work here is done." said Dale. "Yes." replied Cal. Dale washed the blood off his knife and dagger as Cal hung the bodies of two young kids in their basement.
"They were asking for it." Dale said admiring his work. Cal replied," Same thing tomorrow night?" Dale nodded his head. "Of course."

Comments (2 Comments)
- Scarlett Shizzle - 07/02/2009
- yeah,why did they kill them?
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- LostJavaBytes - 12/26/2008
that is so morbid yet so intriguing.... had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up! o_o
who the heck are dale and cal, and what did the kids do to deserve that? T^T so sad...
still, 5/5 for the descriptions and all that stoof....
comment and rate back? - Report As Spam