Current Future
On a cold wintry night,….no. One sunny summer day in the Red Republic, Steve , spent the morning at the beach enjoying the water as it licked his feet, and the sand as it cradled his hands. Completely ignorant of how important that day would be for him, and the whole entire world.
“what a great day in Red”, said Steve as he watched children play in the sand, making sand castles. Up until now the war waging between the three republics and rebellion seemed to distant, it was another three years before he could be enrolled in the forces and he had no intention to join in the first place. “Come”, “who are you?” said Steve. As he looked up Steve realized there was something wrong with this person, he (Steve assumed this person was a he) was dressed in all black in a T-4 hover bike full face helmet with a jacket covered in red spots that looked very much like blood.
Steve got a bad feeling.
“lets go”
“where?” Steve said.
“you’ll find out.” and with that the assumed man gave Steve his shirt waited for Steve to put it on and proceeded to lead Steve toward Steve’s own car “That’s not my car” said Steve “yes it is” “how do you know?” “we’ve been tracking you” “we?” “We have taking a liking to your skills” “I don’t know what you’re talking about” “yes you do”. crap. Thought Steve, they know, and I thought I was so careful to.
Wow. Said Steve, as he held the gleaming sword in his trembling hands. “This is amazing.” Steve held the sword as if it weighed five pounds although it was easily five feet from the tip of the blade to the hilt, and a foot in width.
“I just said out and the blade jumped off the paper, mom I swear!”. Steve had said.
“don’t tell lies, the devil will enter you soul with martinis and party hats, and I will not have a son of the devil in my house as long as I live.”
“so don’t lie and god will use his blessings to heal and help you in life.” “well if god is so blessed why do we have war?” Steve said cockily.
“because god has a wonderful sense of humor” Steve heard his dad say from another room. “Jerry (Steve‘s father), lets not do this”
“yes dear” said Steve’s father who was now in the room “anything you say” he said with a mournful glance as he sat in his big comfy anti-air chair. “So what’s this about a drawing then?”
“I drew this sword and then it jumped off the page into my hand.” said Steve.
“hmmmm….” “what sword?” Steve looked around and the sword had indeed disappeared from the room. His mother was dumbfounded, his father was lazily scanning the room with less interest then he’d have for a horsefly. “Alright.” Dad said, “lets say there was in fact a swor-”
“but there was!”
“I know” said dad “but it’s gone now so lets forget about it.
Although his parents seemed consistently calm from then on. Steve knew they feared his supposed ability because they always had a chore for him when he started to draw, sleeping curfew was enforced so he wasn’t alone ‘till he in fact fell soundly asleep in his room, and there was always just enough paper (newfound water on mars allowed farming and agriculture to keep trees and other organic substances alive) to do homework and notes on. Meanwhile I discovered the secret to my drawings.
Current future
Darkness hugs me.
Steve was now hurling down aero-way 92 with the stranger in black motionless except for his hands and feet witch controlled our speed. “Aren’t you going to tell me where were going at least?” screamed Steve over the roaring sounds of thousands of other aero-vehicles whirring past them, “to the base” was the only response.
“Thanks, that’s a whole lot of help.” murmured Steve to no one in particular. “At least we’ll get there fast and in peace.”
Wham! Steve was sent flying while the stranger hung to his aero-bike while the defensive shields went up around the bike. A giant military issue mecha defense unit proceeded to catch Steve in mid-air. Crack! was the sound Steve heard as slammed to an unexpected stop in the mech’s huge titanium re-enforced stainless steel hand. “Crap.” Thought Steve, “I broke something” suddenly a booming sound, like a worn-out stereo, crackled to life and a voice said sternly, “Steven, age 16, Republic: red, code 222; objective completed, recon beginning”. Steve took all this in and realized with a dreadful moments thought that the military was looking for (and had now found) him, “crap.” Steve knew he was in for a bumpy ride. Looking down, Steve realized there was a dart in his side “Good night” said Steve as his body slowly went limp.
Chapter 2
Gone into the pitch black night. “Where?, Why?, How?, Crap.” Steve hadn’t the slightest idea where he could possibly be. Everything was a blur, he tried to recall what had previously happed, but when he did a searing white hot streak of pain rushed up to meet his forehead. That’s when a man with no face came to him.
“sleep.” Steve obliged reluctantly, because he was so tired he couldn’t resist the temptation to drift into sweet inviting darkness.
Dream State
Steve thought of a happier day when his mother used to sing baby songs to him as a child.
“My sweet child, lost in bed
Dream soft dreams of a baby’s head
Hear my song and sleep with ease
All my tunes are meant to please
My sweet child, lost in bed
Lord cleanse you heart of sores and dread”
Steve would later learn to cherish that dream.
Present Future
“Ughh…” Groaned Steve as he got on his hands and knees, “ I have to make sure I don’t keep listening to weird people in black suits” Steve brushed his hair out of his eyes then staggered to his feet so he could get a better look around the room.
“nothing.” That’s all Steve could say about the bleach white room, it was just a box and he was the only thing that seemed to be there. “HELLO!, ANYONE?” screamed Steve at the top of his lungs until he ran out of breath. “I have to…to ..to.” It all caught up with Steve, the Mecca, the voice, and the man in the damn red freakin’ suit. Steve puked, normally Steve had a good handle on his stomach, never ate to much, kept a somewhat healthy lifestyle “if chips were carrots” his mother would say. Steve steadily regained his composure and said to no person at all “I need something to do.”, as if answering Steve the floor quivered for a moment and a bright red button emitting from a thin column emerged from the polished floor, a pulsing button that lured Steve, begging to reach out and just touch it. “ok” thought Steve to himself “If I’m going to do this I’m gonna have to be ready for what will happen” he wasn’t about to go taking chances after what had happened to him. “ok” Steve said again reassuringly “legs…check, arms…check, ribs…” but as Steve stroked the sides of his body a rib moved and sent jolts of a unique feeling up his spine and back down once gain repeatedly, like prickling of a hair brush rolled along his backside continuously.
“Good as I am gonna get.” thought Steve as he walked to the button. “Do I really need to do this?…….well, it cant get worse……I hope it doesn’t get worse” Steve quickly slapped the button and readied himself for what was going to happen next.
He wasn’t ready.
Steve watch the ceiling, jaw agape, as a unreasonably, amazingly, gigantic and gaping hole appeared above his head and suddenly, as to say unexpectedly, out dropped…………a small red handball.
creations (cont.)
i just added (chapter 2) to the first, i aslo read the pm's i was sent and made revisions to chapter 1. i hope you enjoy chapter 1 final and chapter 2 rough, i will probably do this alot, it's just the way i want to write.
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