Not, Technically, Running Away
Uzumaki Naruto was a very handsom handsom young man. A lot of girls swooned after him. Too bad he wasn't intrested. Unfortunetly, for them at least, Uzumaki Naruto was gay. Now you're probably thinking ok ok I know Naruto is hot and-yadayada get to the point. The point is is you have to know this because it's important to the plot. See if I didn't tell you he was gay and all the girls were flirting with him and he wasn't caring then you'd think, ok WTF is Nartuo acting like Sasuke for?!. Admitt it, you would have. Anyways back to the point. He's gay and every girl at his high school likes him.
So here was this oh so famous Uzumaki Naruto, standing in front a bus station, in the rain-excuse me-thunderstorm, at 9:36 pm. His clothes and face soaking wet and his face red. Red because he just ran 3/4 of a mile and wet beacause of the "rain" (shya right, the cry baby).
Now you may be wondering WTF IS HE DOING IN THE RAIN?! and WTF IS GOING ON?! and some people, AWWWW NARU-CHAN IS CRYING!! T^T!. To understand what's going on we have to go all the way back to this morning. When him and his gardian, Mizuki, had a big fat fight.
~ Earlier that day ~
Naruto woke up from his well earned reast. It was 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday. He reached over to his table and grabbed his cellphone and texted his best friend Ino Yamanaka.
/ hey.i just woke up.u and ur family done moving?
After that he put his cell down. I gotta go take a shower he thought. Naruto had golden skin, probably from hanging out at the beach with Ino all the time, and Blonde hair which was kinda weird for a natrually born Asian person. He also has big blue eyes, another weird thing for an Asian person to have. He jumped off his bed and started searching for towels and clothes. Naruto had a small room, fit for only one person and, for sleepovers, on sleepingbag may be on the floor. His bed was under his window and his desk next to his bed. Then the dresser and and bookshelves lined a seperate wall. It was a small apartment. What seperated his and Mizuki's room was a bathroom. Of course not that many people use it (no one wants to hear someone pooping or singing in the shower razz ). Other than that people used the hall bathroom. Naruto walked into the bathroom that seperated the two rooms and yelled,
"Mizuki-san! Mizuki-san!" The blonde put his ear to the door,"Mizuki-san?" Nobody said anything so Naruto, being the curious type, walked in.
What he saw will forever burn his eyes just for remembering. Mizuki was lying on his bed naked cooing to a naked women. The two sat there were so into what the other was saying that Naruto, instead of having to do the usual one cough, had to do a whole cough attack. Then both of them whirled their heads around trying to find the source of the coughs. If you ever saw this scene you would have sworn Mizuki was growling. His eyebrows arched, one of them twitching.
"Na-Na-NARUTO???!!!! What are you doing in here?!"
"I kept calling your name but you wouldnt answer!"
"So?! You didnt have to come in here!!" Mizuki screeched.
"Yes I did! What if you were hurt, or even dead?!"
"Then you would just have to leave me be."
"Fine then I'll just do that next time!" Naruto yelled as he left for his room.
He made it to his room when something started ringing. Naruto, being irked at the moment, threw glares at everything he looked at trying to find wat was making that sound. Then he looked at his phone, totally embarrsed, he snatched it up. Text from Ino.
/ yah! Our new town is awesome! But
thers a whole bunch of spoiled brats!
D: i wished <--*wish* u'd come Naru!
Thers a whole bunch of HOT gay guys!
anyways see you during spring break! Byez!
Naruto laughed while texting back-
/ ino stop with the lines they're confusing! >:3
so how hot r those guys? are they seme ma-
terial? ah anyways i caught Mizuki-san
'wooing' some lady. But i read her eyes, she
just wanted to get laid . she doesnt even like
him. she could have cared less. ah but i g2g
so ja ne!
He closed his phone and went to take his shower.
Upon eating breakfast, the lady Mizuki was speaking with walked into the kitchen and to Naruto.
"Uh-erm, Where's the bathroom?" She asked with her best puppy eyes. Naruto noticed the towel around her. The woman puted and Naruto snorted.
"Please?" She asked showing a little bit of one of her breasties.
"Listen here chicka, Im gay. So trying to show off one of you deflated boobs wont help. Go ask the man you slept with where it is, do you business and get out of my house."
She whimpered as she left. Naruto could have just told her where it is but nooooo he felt like taking his anger and annoyence out on someone. But that was only a slice of the cake he was ready to serve.
Naruto went to work.
Came back at 8:30pm
~At dinner~
Naruto made Dinner and was currently sitting across from Mizuki. They were both eating in silence until Mizuki spoke,
"Ana told me you told her to get out of your house. Where do you get of saying that crap?! huh?"
Naruto really didnt feel like arguing, so he decided everything he was going to say was going to be said bluntly and calm.
"This is my house. I pay the rent, do the taxes and buy groceries. Oh except the bread i pay for that. So basicaly all you can pay for is: bread, clothes, and hoes." Naruto said holding the peak of his nose."
"You filthy stinkin rat! After i took you in because of what happened to Iru-"
"SHUT-UP!! Dont you ever say his name! It's not a request it's a command! No scum bag like you can dare say his name!"
"Iruka. Umino Ir-" Mizuki never got a chance to finnish because Naruto leaped over the table and grappled him to the floor. Naruto was on top of him, choking him.
All of Naruto's adreneline was kicking in. He calls it Kyuubi. After his older brother. Naruto has more adreneline power than the normal humanbeing. Fortunatly for Mizuki Naruto didnt want to be a murderer like Mizuki so he quit choking him and went to his room, packed some bags, put his cellphone in his pocket and headed for the front door. Unfortunatky Mizuki followed him,
"Just where do you think you're going?! You cant survive without me!"
Naruto looked him dead in the eye and said, "Oh contrary." Then he stepped out the house.
For some reason he ran, he ran 3/4 of a mile (b/c of Kyuubi) in a thunderstorm and walked the rest of the mile, where he ended up at a bus station.
~Where We Began the Story~
Naruto's phone vibrated. Ino. He took it out it read :
/ sorrie i'll stop with the lines. OMFG a whole bunch of seme!
and thers this one guy TOTALLY perfect for you! He has
nice hair too! so kawaii! x3!
Naruto chuckle as he put up his phone, the bus was here. He got, paid, and took a seat next to a man with one of his eyes cover. Naruto waved at him then took out his cellphone:
/ so wat is this guy who is 'TOTALLY' for me like?
I hope he's emo or um goth or something. Esspecially
emo. Altho it's hard to fing emo seme's ----
Naruto was interrupted by some one....chuckling? He looked over to the chuckling guy. It was the guy with one of his eyes covered! He was reading what Naruto texted!
"What's so funny about it?" He asked
"I know and emo seme, in fact he's my boss, heh heh!" He held out his hand,"Kakashi Hatake!"
Naruto took his hand, "Naruto Uzumaki!"
"Yes you too! Ah! Hold on!" Naruto quickly finnished his text:
-look hard for me sweetie! kisses! ja ne!
Kakashi took out an orange book called, Icha Icha Paradise Vol III : Runaway To Yaoi Heaven!
"Hatake-san! You read that stuff?! So people really do read Ero-sennins books!"
"Please call me Kakashi or," he pinched Naruto's cheeks "Kaka-kun."
"Are you flirting with me?! Naruto said grabbing his cheek.
"Maybe. But i already have my Dolphin-chan!"
"Hmmm acutally i wouldnt mind going out with you! You couldnt possibly older than 21. And im 18." Naruto joked.
"Actually im 34."
Naruto's jaw dropped."Nuh-uh! You're too hot! And too well built! You're lying!" Naruto started gapping.
"You should reall stop that Naru-chan. You look like a gold fish. And Emo Seme Boss loves those!!"
Naruto laughed. After a while of silence Kakashi asked,
"Why is a young chap such as yourself on a bus at," he looked at his watch "9:45?"
Naruto looked down as if the answer was on the floor," I walked out on my gaurdian."
Kakashi raised a brow.
"Yah. We got into a big fight. Well sorta. Anyways i left, and i dont even know where im going. I don even have a place to go."
"Well you can come live with me! My Dolphin-chan is just like a mother!! Plus we're butlers in a masion so you can probably work or go there everyday!!"
Naruto jumped on Kakashi's back and thanked him repeatedly. Now he was on his way to a masion. Wow, Naruto thought Didn't see this coming.
Not, Technically, Running Away
SasuNaru in latter chapters. basically it's about Naruto who ran away and met up with Kakashi on a bus.
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