The isle had gone quiet, all that could be heard was the soft playing of the music in the back round, and the intercom asking for and unfamiliar name. They all stood there in silence, for what seemed to Toushiro hours. Starring unblinkingly at him, as if nothing else in the world existed. All frozen like statues, unmovable and blank. Toushiro stood in the door way of the "employees only" door, looking back at them. His apprehension visable on his ballanced face. What had he done to deserve this? But then came the sound, the world was unthawed once again. The sound that came however was the kind that sent chills up Toushirs's spine. He shuddered; laughter! The sound that was to an Ell, nails on a chalk board to a human. The humans were clutching their guts in laughter, some had dropped everything and were now on the floor.
Toushiro clapped his hands over his ears in attempt to block out the pain laughter brought. Toushiro's eyes darted all around, searching for a way out. He had to get away before the laughter destroid him. The emotions of happiness racking threw his brain stalled his mind at work. Laughter being the Ell's worst nightmare was now promoted in Toushiro's mind to something there is no name or words for.
Atlast an opening! Hands still clamped to his ears, Toushiro dashed from the humans, through isles heading for the markets glass doors. Running down the candy isle, Toushiro stoped dead as the glorious smell of sugar filled his nostrils. Oh the sweet smell of sugar!!! Toushiro stretched his hands out in front of him reaching for the tripple chocolate strawberry cream filled morsels. But as the sound of laughter rang within his ears he snapped out of his trance and ran for the doors.
Out side hiding behind the giant garbage bins, Toushiro sat. Sweat trickled down his forehead as his body healed from the laughter. The pain was almost gone now and he could think clearly. Just as his master had said, humans were dangerous. But that couldn't stop him from completing his mission. At first he was reluctant to carry it out. But now as the anger and hatred for the pain filled within him he started to understand the meaning of his mission. And so his desicion was made, humans didn't deserve to live with such a threat to his kind. But killing was quite the answer either....so the promise was made.
"I will rid this world of laughter."
he had said, without even the hint of emotion residing in his voice, all the emotion that was senced was the anger that filled within his dark violet eyes.

- Title: Dark Promises
- Artist: Zelev
kinda a work in progress, so comments r welcome!
Toushiro was never an ordinary Ell he looked & talked like one but never rlly "thought" like one. In all his life Toushiro never rlly understood the importance of wht his kind had been striving to do 4 centuries. But now as Toushiro is sent to the human world to destroy happiness he begins to understand why his kind distained the feelings of happiness and laughter. But in order 2 discover a way 2 get rid of it he must blend in and act as a human - Date: 04/20/2009
- Tags: dark promises toushiro ells
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Comments (3 Comments)
- Little Milkflower - 11/29/2009
- i love it! iyou're good. i wanna know how the happiness is taken away.
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- Minarda - 05/18/2009
- wow this is realy good! ur a good writer i never knew! but yeah, there were somethings i had to stop and re read so i would know what u had ment to say or ment to word it or spell it. thats fine tho its not a hard fix.
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- TopazSoarhire - 04/22/2009
- Heya mate! You have some lovely language and vocabulary there but remember to pay attention to the basics. A small typo like 'apprehention' will trip the flow of a story so remember to reread before posting!
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