• Rima and the girl sat in the corner of the dark room,Rima comforting the little girl.
    "Where am i?"Rima asked concerned.
    "In the world of candles "another voice said stepping out of the darkness.
    The voice belonged to Sam,a kid with short brown hair and blue eyes.
    Rima at the time didn't know but he would become her best friend and maybe more.
    "the world of what?"
    "Candles"the boy said pointing at one of the candles on the wall.
    Rima looked with more attention and saw a dead body.
    It looked like it was dead since a while,and it was the body of the little ghost boy she saw all the time,so he was trying to warn her........
    She looked up at all the other candles,all of them were placed in the eyes of the body.
    "When one of the candles turns off,the man comes in here while you are sleeping and takes one of us,and in the morning when you wake up they are up on the wall,dead,with a new candle in them."