There was no slacking off these next 3 days.
On the 8th day, master woke me up very early; we walked out to the lake again. I don’t think I was water walking again. Master told me there are 2 ways of unlocking my inner fire; I thought he was talking about personality wise. There is manually and automatically unlocking it. Then he said, “Diaz, you have a power like no human, your really the demi-god of fire” I looked at him with confusing.
“You see I was reading about the heirs to the Throne of Hell, all have powers themselves. Diaz I’m not going to be around forever, and I think you should realize that your adventures are going to keep getting harder and harder. You are my best student Diaz and you’re my son’s only friend.”
My master then walked away, I was sure he was trying to tell me what I need to do. I already knew all my enemies, I knew who I was facing. I didn’t know I had fire skills...
I guess when I am ready I’ll figure out how to use my fire, till then I need to learn the “Demon Slayer”.
The next day I was taught one last thing; how to control the fires once I find them. It was quite easy; it required mediation, concentration, and control. So I was forced to meditate in the rain on a 30 foot log for 12 hours…I didn’t stop for 1 second. It felt like only 12 minutes but it was over faster then I thought. My master said he had a surprise for me, and to go to his room for it.
On the way to his room I saw some red eyes in the woods, and then I saw something jump into Haiti’s window! Shattering through the glass with such a noise! oh no... My master!
I ran in his room with much haste, Tec was standing over a bloody body, it was Haiti!
“It was a werewolf... It attacked my father.” Tec said calmly. Then Haiti, spewing blood from his neck, telling me to come closer.
“My student, I have something I was going to give you. Take my hand and I will forfeit my arts to you.”
I took Haiti’s hand; a shock of light came to my hand! I felt as though I had been training this fighting style for years, I knew moves I never heard of!
“GO DIAZ KILL THAT DEMON!!!” yelled my master and I immediately took off after it. I overheard Haiti talking to Tec. I couldn't help but to stop and listen.
“You were the best thing to happen to me Tec, you turned out so different from me, in everyway. I’ll miss you son... were I’m going I can watch over you.”
I heard Tec cry, after I stopped hearing my master breath, even I too was crying.
This is to be my last thing I do to prove myself! I will kill my first demon! I will avenge my master! The moon if full and the night is cold, I hope I'm ready for this.
I ran to the woods following the blood, this was going to get bad but there’s no stopping me! I found a demon staring at me. I was scared, it had blood drooling from its fangs, fresh from my master. It had long devilish claws; it stared at me for a few seconds, I was the next course!
“I'll kill you!!!” I screamed!
I jumped at him, but he quickly moved to the left, throwing his claws straight into my chest! While impaled he threw me into the trees! I probably ripped out 6 trees from the roots before I stopped. I stood up for a few seconds before he slammed my face to the ground. I knew if he kept this up I would surly lose, I had to trick him. I ran to the water and started running on it with much speed, but somehow he was still following! How could he run on water?! I took a uppercut into the air, I felt like I was just a pawn in this game of chess, he then caught me in the air then slammed me into a boulder. I remembered my master, he gave me a gift, and it's time I use it!
I grabbed my shoes then my gloves, I gently took them off. I looked at this evil wolf with disgust! How can he take someone so precious to me! He hurt my only friend!
“DIE!” I yelled as I threw my weights at him. They were so strong they knocked him back and took out half the forest and shook the ground where I stood! I easily ran behind him as he laid on the floor, that’s when I stomped his face in with my foot! It created a great gust of wind! The beast then grabbed my foot and threw me at the other end of the woods! I caught my landing and flipped back up. He started to howl at the moon. Think I’m still scared of him? Hell no, I just want it dead! He then ran at me with all fours!
"Bring it!" I screamed!
He then tried to close-line me with his long claws. I swiftly ducked and threw an onslaught of punches! It was working, making it spit out blood. Then it impaled my back and threw me to the ground were he started choking me!Then it bit my neck, I was losing so much blood. I knew I lost, I couldn’t move my arms nor my legs. I could feel him sucking my blood, drip by drip. I felt ashamed I couldn’t fulfill my master’s command. Then I remembered my inner fire. I've got 1 last shot, all or nothing! I gathered enough strength to pull up one hand and folded it out. I need this to go in his gut! Here goes nothing! I pushed my hand as fast as I could! With as much force as possible! All of a sudden my arm bursted with flames. It wasn’t burning either but this was my chance! I lifted the wolf from the ground and with one punch I blew him away! Like fireworks, he was gone with a boom. It was done, I did it.
I fell over from all the pain in my neck. I guess I was really going to die...
I looked up at the moon and watched it drop, as the sun began to rise.
"If that’s the way it's going to be, then so be it." I whispered as I closed my eyes...
- by Diaz Slayer |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/09/2009 |
- Skip

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