• The Prologue of Magik: How it ends
    But not really that at all.

    I sighed, my breath looking like fog as I exhaled. It was cold, and I had bundled up: scarves, gloves, a rather thick jacket. The works. It didn’t matter though...

    I couldn't feel it anyways. The numbness that the humans around me sneezed at, and shivered with, was nothing but mere atmosphere to me. I brushed my strawberry blonde hair from my eyes, and looked around cautiously. Boss had specifically instructed me not to make a huge scene. In such a big crowd of people, though, it was hard not to. Women and children everywhere, but amongst them was a filthy man.

    Who deserved to feel my wrath. I had read his file, and it wasn't pretty. I was going to make sure he went to one of the lowest levels I could get him to.

    I'd simply grab his arm, and drag him… into a dark alley, perhaps. And end it there, so no one would see anything suspicious, and my job would be done quickly tonight. That sounded nice.

    Finally, through the crowd of red and green clad, happy holiday goers, I spotted him: in a black jacket, a dark fedora pulled over his eyes, a gray scarf hiding his mouth. Dressed exactly as Boss had described he would. I picked up my pace, to reach him before he disappeared again. My breath still came out thick in the cold, even as I did my best not to breathe, and sneak up on his properly. Even so, he turned, and I could sense the smirk beneath his scarf.

    "Guess it's time for me to be off!" He said with a snicker. I growled under my breath, and immediately chased after him. People all around us stopped to stare, but I ignored them, even as their ridiculous guesses at what was going on.

    "Maybe he has a bomb!"

    "But that guy don't look like a security guard! Wait, why would there be security guards on a street!"

    "Maybe he forgot to pay his taxes!"

    Stupid. Humans.

    The man was good at running, and especially running in a large crowd. I had a feeling I wasn't the first to chase him like this. He shot me a look over his shoulder, one just to spite me. I inhaled deeply, before picking up my speed again, and soon I was almost closing in on him.

    When he vanished.

    I stopped immediately, looking everywhere for the clothing, listening to recognize that same dark chuckle. But there was nothing. I stood taller than the crowd, pushing myself onto my toes, but still couldn't see anything.

    I shook my head, a little shaken now, before pulling out a cell phone. As much as I hated using such poor human technology, Boss would have my head if I tried contacting him within the crowd, the normal way.


    "Andrew?" His voice was raw, as if he had been coughing.

    "Yeah. Boss, he got away."

    "How!? You're our best..."

    "I don’t know. I was gaining on him, and he vanished." Boss coughed again, and I could hear a cup shatter in the background. Obviously, he had been drinking tea again.

    "Vanished? As in?"

    "Exactly how it sounds. Vanished. No one in the crowd noticed. Only I saw him do it." I waited, but only got silence. "I saw him one second.. and the next he was gone.”

    "This complicates things, doesn't it?"


    I growled, throwing open the door, and hitting it again; a pleasing crunch sounded under my fingers. No one was home, because no one was ever home. Besides me.

    Or so I thought.

    A loud clatter erupted from the kitchen. The loud noise really didn’t help my mood. I followed the sound of rustling, surprised to see my kitchen dark. That is, until I heard a distinct yelp of happiness, and I was tackled to the floor.

    "Andy!" I looked up, nodding in the direction of the light switch to see just who the hell dared touch me. I was met, after the blinding flicker of the lights, with a head of brown hair, and bright silver eyes. "Andy! You do still live here! I wasn't sure if Boss had given me the wrong directions!" I couldn't say anything; all I managed to do was open and close my mouth, like a fish. "Andyyy, are you okay?"

    "Ferris, get off me please." I commanded. He sat up, but didn’t completely get off. "Ferris. Now." He pouted, but all the same crawled off me, back to the dining table. I stood, and brushed myself off before joining him. "So, to what do I owe this..." I grinded my teeth reluctantly. "Pleasure?"

    "Boss said that since this guy vanished, you know? That you may need some experts from other specialties." I arched my eyebrows in a questioning glare. "Sure, sure, you've got the field expertise covered, but I know more about the spells and magik than you do. And Elbert knows more about medical thingies." I laughed quietly, and nodded with him. It was a good point.

    ".. Where is dearest Elbert?" I asked, resting my chin in my palm. I sensed her presence immediately behind me. She patted my head.

    "I wouldn't be calling the person you owe twenty bucks to 'dearest'" She snapped, mocking me. I laughed nervously, ducking to avoid another pat on the head. Ferris giggled in his all but manly way.

    "So, we're a team again? Boss obviously planned this a little too well." Ferris shrugged, but Elbert, as she sat down, nodded.

    ""He specifically requested me to come help you, and of course I couldn't work without my little bro." Ferris waved his hand around wildly. I smiled into my hand.

    "Hey Andy? You got any eggs?" I thought for a second. "I'll take that as a no. You never have any food!"

    "It's not like I need it!" I snapped. Elbert patted my arms.

    "But Andrew, we’re supposed to act as much like humans as possible." I opened my mouth to object, but she silenced me with hand. “Even if you aren’t going to eat it, buy it to look normal!” Ferris nodded hurriedly. “I mean, what if you bring a nice boy home, and he wonders why you don’t have any food? You can’t say ‘oh, I haven’t gotten my paycheck yet.’”

    “Why not!?” I yelled.

    “Trust me, humans don’t always fall for that.” I laid my head in my arms on the table. “Let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving anyways.”

    “I’m not.” I mumbled. Ferris smacked the back of my head, and lead the way to the front door. “You guys, I just got home, I’m just gonna stay here. You guys can go get food, and bring it back to your place.” I snapped, following them only to go into the small living room, and flop onto the couch.

    “Our.. Place?” Elbert giggled.

    “Oh Andy! We’re staying with you!” Just as my eyes had slipped shut, they snapped open again.



    I was shaken awake as the front door slammed again. I groaned, rolling onto my side, trying to hide my face with a pillow. “Andy! Elbert wanted to go to her yoga class, so it’s just you and me! What should we do? We could watch Oprah! I love that show!” I growled, and threw an extra pillow at him. He squeaked. “Andyyy!”

    “Ferris, I swear to god you better do everything I say. Go take a shower, get into your pajamas, and go. Back. To. Bed.” He let out a whine like a dog, but didn’t object. I relaxed once again, and tugged my jacket closer.

    Ah, bliss. I heard the shower running, and Ferris start humming happily. He was always too cheery for my tastes. But, he was an old friend, so I couldn’t object to being happy with him back in my presence.

    “Andy, come get something to eat. I brought sushi.” Elbert called, stepping into the house. She was back so soon? I didn’t even want to question. I grumbled, but slowly sat up. Sushi did actually sound rather good right now. Elbert met me halfway in the hallway, and I followed her into the kitchen. We sat at the table. “You know, Ferris was so happy when he heard we were going to be a team again.”

    “I can imagine.” I said picking up a pair of chopsticks. Elbert sighed exasperatedly and set down her cup of tea. “What?”

    “He really missed you, Andrew! All you’ve done is treat him like a pest!”

    “That’s not true!” Elbert glared at me, and I looked away. “OK, it’s a little true.” Elbert leaned back, looking at me rather than scolding me.

    “You’re damn right it is. He just wants it to be liked old times.” I still couldn’t loom at her directly. “But now you’re some grumpy old man.” I looked at her resentfully. “You know I’m right. You don’t care about concealing your presence to humans, you don’t want anything to do with the human race!”

    “That’s because they’re stupid! And foolish! I yelled, slamming on hand down on the table. Elbert’s lips were pulled into a tight frown. I couldn’t stand to hear her whisper, but I endured.

    “You used to be human too.” I shuddered. “And that’s one reason why I think Boss gave you such a big mission.

    “I think it’s going to be your last.” I set down my chopsticks as calmly as I could.

    “Excuse me?”

    “I think this will be your last assignment before he decides to send you back into the human realm. For good.” I was flabbergasted. “I think he’s going to do that to me too. That’s one reason, in my opinion, why he wanted us to work together on this one.”

    “But.. I won’t be human! I swore never to go back to that foolish life!” I yelled, standing up and knocking my chair over backwards. Elbert hid her face in her hands. “I don’t want to ‘retire’! I am the best goddamn hunter Boss has ever had, and I know it! The while underworld knows it!”

    “I know, Andy, I know.” For some reason, her calm vice angered me even more. I turned on my heel to leave; but a strong grip caught my arm. “Andy.. Ferris isn’t actually going to be working with us on this mission.”


    “He can’t do it. Boss.. Boss is sending him up.” I stopped breathing. I couldn’t even if I wanted to, start again. “Boss said Ferris is too young to be one of Hell’s soldier.” My arms, that were once fighting to struggle against Elbert’s grip, fell limp, and I stopped thinking about anything but what Elbert was saying. “Ferris doesn’t know it yet, and Boss let me take him here, so you guys could see each other again.

    “After that, he’s gone forever.” I rested one hand against the wall, and tore away from Elbert’s grip.

    “I.. I need to be alone.” I walked down the hallway, away from the kitchen, past the still running shower, and into my room. I closed the door with a snap, and stood against it. In the blue darkness of my room. I collapsed, my face already wet.

    I was.. Crying. Something I hadn’t done in centuries.


    Ferris greeted me the next morning, cheery and oblivious as always. I smiled at him, warmer than my usual ‘grumpy’ smiles. His face brightened immediately, and in the blink of an eye he had wrapped his arms securely around my neck. Elbert was out, grocery shopping again. Convenient, it seems. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, and it sounded like he was sobbing.

    “Andy!” I held him, my arms tightly wound around his waist on instinct. “I don’t wanna le-leave you!” He sniffed; he was crying. “You and..” more tears, “ Elbert! And my powers!” I stroked his girlish brown hair, and sighed.

    “Ferris, it’s bosses’ orders. You know we can’t change them.” Ferris gripped my shoulders painfully tight as he finally raised his gaze to mine. “Ferris, stop crying please. It makes me sad too.” I said with a grim smile. He returned it just as sadly, before letting his eyes slip closed as he leaned up.

    I kissed him, pressing our lips together, to bring our body heat closer, before pulling away. He looked dazed at the sudden end, but didn’t say anything. He understood.

    He had always understood how I was.

    And I think that was one of the reasons I loved him.

    His head fell limp against my chest as he rested. I stroked his hair still and he almost seemed to purr because of it. I chuckled to myself, and he laughed along with me. I had missed this, so much that I had forgotten what it was like to have someone to hold close to you. Someone to cherish, and have them feel the same in return.

    “Good to see you guys getting back together.” Elbert spoke loud and clearly from the doorway of the hose. I looked back at her, and instead of the expected anger, I felt nothing but pure joy. I lifted one arm from Ferris’ waist, to welcome Elbert into out hug. “Thank God we’re like this again.” She said softly.


    Ferris, with an anxious looking Elbert behind her, shook me awake. “The one night I really decide to sleep, and you wake me at--” I looked to my left, “6:15?”

    “I’m really sorry Andy, but Boss said we need to get a move on with the assignment.”

    Ah yes, in amidst of all the returning love and friendship, I had forgotten (my, I am forgetful, aren’t I?) that we did in fact have a job to do. I shooed my comrades away, to dress myself. Despite Elbert egging me on with dirty, foolish human jokes, and Ferris giggling and agreeing with her, I forced them out.

    I soon followed after them, locking my bedroom door from the outside. Ferris nudged my hand with his, and I obliged, linking fingers with him. His hand reverberated warmth, and even when it wasn’t a necessity to me, I enjoyed the feeling. “So, what exactly are we doing today?” I asked, yawning with a purposeful groan. Elbert shot me an exhausted glare, and I just grinned.

    “We’re basically doing the same thing you did before, searching for him in a crowd.” I nodded, detaching my fingers from Ferris’ to begin searching. “He’s wearing the same thing as last time.” She’s like a mind reader sometimes, I swear. I knew what to look for, and I knew his behaviour from before, so he couldn’t be that hard to find, right? Soon..

    Ferris spotted him; he nudged my arm, and whispered something to Elbert. We each took off in separate directions, surrounding him in a triangle. He looked at each of us (because apparently we stand out) and smirked underneath that scarf again. He vanished, and I cursed under my breath, but my curse was cut short as I heard a terrified yelp from nearby, and saw the man gripping my brunette’s arm. Ferris looked scared, but he didn’t dare struggle.

    Elbert looked at me, and motioned for me to do something.
    I did the only thing I could think of. I charged He seemed surprised by a head on attack and made the mistake of blinking. I was in front of him, and I grabbed his throat through the scarf. I tightened my grip menacingly, and slowly he released Ferris’ arm. The brunette shied away, and looked at me in fear.

    “I’m not going to kill him.” I promised, “Though I would very much like to.” I waited until his body fell limp in my arms, but he breathing still fogged the chilly air. I let him drop.

    “Thanks, Andy.” Ferris mumbled quietly. I shrugged, my face dark as I glared at the man. Elbert picked him up, and nodded for Ferris to cast him away. To boss. Once he was out of her arms, I felt their gazes turn on me,

    “That was easy.”

    “Everything’s easy for you, Andy, when you’re angry.” Ferris said, latching onto my arms. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grumbled under my breath, and pulled it out, flipping it open.

    “Good work, you guys. Now, we need to discuss your futures.” I shuddered, but left the Boss with a small,


    Ferris looked crestfallen, and I couldn’t blame him. Even me, with a colder heart than the Bosses’ mother, was in pain. I didn’t want this to end. Not only because I didn’t want to be human, but also because I didn’t want to leave Ferris after finally getting to be with him again. I wasn’t going to let this happen.

    But, as soon as we stepped into the office, I think Boss understood how I had planned for his to go down. Two guards grabbed Ferris and held him above the ground, two grabbed me, but none grabbed Elbert. She stood obediently awaiting her ‘future’ off to the side. I began yelling in an ancient language, but Boss only laughed.

    “Andrew, you knew this was going to happen.” His voice boomed, but I didn’t cower. “I can’t let you three do this any longer. It’s been almost 20 years of your ‘life’, hasn’t it Andrew?” Boss, his black satin hair billowing behind him, turned to Elbert. “And fifteen of yours, dear?” Ferris was still struggling while I was silently fuming. “And…

    “You, Ferris.. You have been doing this only 3 years. Am I correct?” Ferris nodded begrudgingly. I growled, and tried to break free. “I’m afraid you seem too young to be doing this. And you obviously fail as a human.” What was Boss saying!?

    “So, I’m afraid we’re going to have to let you go.” With that, Ferris began to float upwards; I gave both men holding me two swift kicks to their groins, and chased after Ferris. Leaping over the other guards, I grabbed his outstretched hand, the weight of us sinking slowly. I felt hands clasped over my ankles, but I paid them little attention as I pulled Ferris down to meet me.


    “Andy.” I felt those unusual tears p***k my eyes again, smiling to see that they were already streaming down my love’s face. I leaned forward, our breathing mingling.

    And for what was the last time.

    I kissed the man that was so very dear to me.