Today, the third years of Seishun Gakuen are to graduate. This is the reason why everyone, even the first and seconds years are there, to watch and bid their friends farewell. It was the start of spring, as why there were Sakura blossoms in the wind, and beautiful pink trees lined up, setting off the magnificence of the decorations. Being that there are sakura blossoms in the wind, this year the celebration was held outdoors.
“Today, we will be celebrating the transfer of our third year students to high school.” the principal, a rather tall man with a proud and terrifying aura, announced, “Us, the staff and myself, all wish you a good next year, and hope you do not forget about us.”
The third years, sitting in the first few front rows, either nodded or clapped, or both. Some were to transfer to other schools and away from old friends, some transferring to Seishun High, a neighboring school. All in all, they will be graduating…
“But first…a few words from our sports teams’ captains” the principal announced motioning a group of students towards the podium on the stage. They walked on one by one, Tezuka and Oishi standing side by side, “We will start off with our soccer team’s vice captain”
“I wish the best of luck for my current and future regulars or team members.” Oishi finished his short but sweet speech, walking to the side letting Tezuka step up to the podium.
Tezuka, after a few minutes of getting comfortable, was now looking around, showing his recognition to the tennis players in all the grades, whoever and wherever they were, “Yudan Sezu ni Ikou*”
Those, my friend were the last words Tezuka spoke to his peers, all sweat dropped at the fact that Tezuka was still the stoic rock he was, no matter the reason, place, or matter.
But still, we love Tezuka, rock or not.
* - You should be familiar with these words, they are Tezuka's catch phrase. If you don't know 'Yudan Sezu ni Ikou' means 'Don't let your Guard Down'
Tezuka's Last Words
Midnight Strawberry
A Prince of Tennis fanfiction. This is meant to be funny, but I guess it depends on you. I posted this on fanfiction, under the same name, also.
This is a one chapter story. Please rate and comment.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Everything belongs to Konomi-sensei.
A reference picture is shown incase you do not know who Tezuka is.
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