You- a 16 year girl in high school
    Rachel- your bestfriend
    James- your boyfriend
    Emiliee- your 15 year old cousin

    All other charractors will be introduced in chapters!


    "Hey ___! Wait up!" Your best friend was yelling as she ran towards you. You were at your locker putting ur books away after the last period on a friday and it was time 2 go home. She finally got 2 my locker and leaned on the lockers next 2 mine.
    "I was just thinkin' maybe we should go shopping this weekend.You in?" Rachel asked you as you shut your locker and leaned next 2 her on the lockers.
    " I dont think I can. Me and James might do something." She nodded.
    "Your so lucky. You have an awesome mom and a beautiful boyfriend! I'm so jealous." She said playfully.
    "Don't forget me awesome bestie!"
    "So your cheating on me." She told me acting suprised. We laughed. Everything was perfect. I had a great best friend and a great beautiful boyfriend. I turned towards her, my shoulder still on the locker.
    "I'll see if I have anything going on and maybe we can go shopping." I told her. I gasped as something touched my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder suddenly and was relieved 2 see James. Rachel slipped away as I looked towards James and he put his arm on the locker near me.
    "Hey babe. Need a ride home?" He asked me looking in my eyes. I stared aimlessly into hims eyes until i realized he'd asked me something.
    "O yeah. Sure. I just need 2 drop some things off at my house. Then I'll walk over 2 your place."
    "Er. Sorry babe.I'm busy after. But I'll call you later." He was always busy. I never bothered asking him what he did but I didn't want 2 be nosy. I nodded and we walked 2 his car. In the car i got a txt from my mom.

    Mom: I need 2 talk 2 you when you get home.
    Me: Ok. Ill see you then mom.

    He drove me home and i walked up 2 the door and waved good bye as he speed off. I walked in the big wooden door.
    "I'm home!" I yelled as i sat my things on the back of my mocha colored couch.
    " In here!" She yelled from the kitchen. I walked toward the kitchen and she was sitting at the bar. She motioned 2 the chair and i went and sat there.
    "Whats up mom?" She hesitated.
    " My job is moving me again." she said. I frowned. Her job always moved her. Why couldnt we stay? I had finally got used 2 this place.I had a friend and a boyfriend. I was not going 2 just give all that up.
    "But mom! I finally have a friend and a boyfriend! Yu cant do this 2 me!" Now i was crying. I knew she couldnt refuse or else she would lose her job. "I like it here!"
    "I know sweetie. But we have 2 move. I guess i should tell you we're moving next door 2 your cousin and aunt. She will be going to the same high school as you so you wont have 2 worry about friends." I didnt want to leave. Everything was perfect. I didnt want 2 listen 2 anymore. I got up and ran out the door.I ran until i got 2 James house. I knocked on the door and he peeked his head out the door.
    "Hey. What are you doing here ___?" He look worried. I was still sobbing so i pushed the door open and walked in and he wrapped his arms around me. He finally let go and i went to sit on the couch. There was a purse laying on the cusion. It look familar. I stopped crying and James stayed silent. I knew someone was here, it was just a matter of who.
    "Are you ready?" A voice said from the bathroom and then the bathroom door opened. She stepped out and my mouth dropped. It was Rachel in a bunch of red lingerie. She covered up her body as soon as she say me.
    "____! What are you doing here?!?"She was as suprised at my presents as i was of hers. I glanced at James 2 see him staring at me with horror.
    " Its.... not what it looks like." He said but it was 2 late. I ran out the door and back home. I told my mom wat happened and we packed as fast as we could. My phone way ringing off the hook and vibarating from many texts from Rachel and James. I asked mom and on my way out of town you changed your phone number.Now it was time for a fresh start at a new town, with new people, new friends, a new school and a new chance at life.