• Chapter 1: Evan

    I’m blind. Can’t see the world right in front of me. It’s like there’s a electric fence in front of me and every time I try to get passed it, it shocks me. Mom and Dad don’t even care. They used to stay here in the mornings when I was little but as I grew older they stayed farther away. Got me Marcia, she takes care of me even though I’m 15. I still am a ‘handful’ because I have ‘special needs’. It doesn’t make sense, why can’t I be normal? Has God put a curse on me? I mean what the he- “EVAN! Come down here! We need to speak to you!” I heard Dad bellow. I ran down the stairs feeling the smooth mahogany wood until it ended and felt the cold, ruthless floor beneath my thin slippers. “What?” I demanded. It was almost as If I could feel dads cold, blue eyes staring into my very soul… I heard a shuffling from somewhere towards Dad. It was mom. I could just picture her smiling a grin that shows we-look-like-we-love-you-but-we-don’t look. Oh wait I can’t see. Well I’m imagining it. I heard lips parting to say something “Dad and I, have thought it over thoroughly and we think that you should start going to a public school” Mom said the words coming down like huge boulders, hitting the ground one at a time. Oh god. I shifted my weight “Well…um I don’t know…WHAT!?”. “Evan we just think tha-“ I interrupted my father “I will probably be labeled Blind kid or no eyes! Big mistake Dad! Oh no wait HUGE!” I shook my head as I spoke this response to my parents. I retreated to my room, as I was thudding my way up the stairs towards my room I heard my mom say to my father “Hormones David, all girls have them, even blind ones” My eyes started to feel the sting of tears coming. Why? Why couldn’t I have parents that supported me? Maybe I should go to this school, prove my parents that I’m not a helpless blind kid. I feel my way to my bed and move my hands along the bed searching for my pajamas Marcie left out for me. I slip them on and crawl into bed. The next thing I know Marcie is shaking me awake “Come on hunnie time to get ready for school!” I groan “Ok, Ok” I shuffle downstairs in my robe and slippers. I feel for the railing. My hands slide as I walk down. I hear Dad sipping his morning coffee between a sip or two he says in a weird tone “Your wearing THAT to school?” I frown. Dad knows I always wear my slippers and stuff to home schooling… Oh no maybe he has somewhere to take me that is ‘more educational’ oh crap…or worse. Last time Dad took me to the Wax museum and it was completely pointless because I couldn’t even see the dumb statues of Abe Lincoln and the signs of information? Yea couldn’t read it, no brail. Or the time he took me to the zoo there was this smell and- “Even!” I rolled my sightless eyes “Yes Dad?” Dad grumbled “Well since you left so abruptly and didn’t answer our question clearly-“ that did it. “You didn’t!” I screamed. Dad chuckled like the evil villain who’s about to kill the good guy. “Yes, now the bell rings in half an hour! Go get dressed now” I opened my mouth to protest but I didn’t dare. I shrugged tiredly and trudged upstairs to do the most biggest mistake in the world, but I didn’t know it was going to be the best.

    Chapter 2: Sean

    I rolled around on my bed. “OW!” I pulled a toothpick from under my butt. God how did I sleep with this stuck in my butt? “Sean honey bunny!” I am treated like the daughter my mother never had. She would probably LOVE to get rid of me but…”Munchkin! Get out of your pajamies and into your school clothes!” My mom smiled. Have you ever seen the perfect Old Navy mannequin family in the window? Well that’s what my family looks like. My mom is the blue eyed blonde mother. My dad? He’ the dude flipping burgers in the yard all flawless…. Me? I’m the freak who likes to draw and paint by putting my emotions in my artwork. My mom doesn’t really notice the REAL picture all she says is “Oh Sean that’s adorable!” My Dad doesn’t even glance at the artwork or me. He replies like “What did you get on your math test?” or “Did you study your division?” All that man cares about is math. Ugh, Math is not my greatest strength. Oh well I guess I don’t care. I jumped out of my bed. My mom was watching me at my door. “Uh Mom? I’m up and need to get dressed so can I have some privacy?” Mom looked stern but than her gaze softened. “Ok honey breakfast is waiting downstairs” I nodded “Kay Mom” She blew a kiss and closed the door. I waited a couple more seconds just in case. “God Sean your 16 and your mom treats you like you’re five” I say to myself out loud. I grab a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt, walked down the stairs and into the picture perfect kitchen, complete with pancakes with a smiley face with whip cream. “Mom I’m a little old for these” I groan. Mom just sighed and grabbed her purse “Bye Sean” and kissed me on the cheek and left for work. I glanced at the clock “Shoot 8:40” I grabbed a granola bar, my backpack and I was out the door. I ran to my bus stop seeing the other kids leaning against the bus shack; smoking, applying makeup…weird stuff like that. I arrived two minutes early. HA! Oh I’m good. The old bus came rolling almost hitting a kid. Well that was close I thought as I walked towards the bus later jumping up onto the steps and setting my butt on a seat. I felt like peoples eyes were glued to me. Soaking up my every move like a sponge. But you know I’m not that popular for people to watch me like that. It was just every conversation, whisper and giggle I thought was targeted at me. Weird. I looked cautiously to my left, sure enough someone was staring at me. She looked really nervous in a way. She wasn’t exactly STARING just looking into space really but it felt like it. I didn’t have any friends and this girl looked like she didn’t either. So I switched seats to sit beside her “Hi I’m Sean” I said. “Um..hi I’m Evan”

    Chapter 3: Evan

    “I’m Evan” I answer the boy who sat beside me on the bus. “Cool name” Sean said. Huh never thought of my name ‘cool’. “Umm thanks…Sean” I could just imagine a boy about my age smiling. “Hey what class ya in?” he asked. “Oh I’m in Mr. Zephrs” I say. “Lucky! He’s awesome! I only have him for history, bummer for me… but my homeroom teacher is Miss. Lavrick she’s a little strict but not a bad teacher” I nodded “you know you didn’t need to sit beside me because no one was next to me” I nervously said. Seanh spoke, “No one was sitting with me and no one was sitting with you so it makes perfect sense for me to sit here” then his voice went down low “and between you and me I think the kid behind me let it rip” wow this kids confident I thought. Than a billion questions ran through my head. Should he know I’m blind? What if he already knew and sat next to me cause he felt bad that I was blind? Sean broke into my thoughts. “Hey you ok? You look like your concentrating REALLY hard on something” I smiled “No, just thinking” “Bout what?” my new friend asks. “Stuff better left unsaid” I answer him strongly. I heard and felt the bus stop, the sound of the bus doors opening and kids passing by and plopping their butts on the seats. Rushes of scattered voice passed Sean and I. There was a light klunk behind us. A singsong voice rang saying “Hey Sean!” I could feel Sean shifting uneasily, “Oh hi Katelyn” he answered sounding bored out of his mind. I stifled a burst of laughter. “So whats up?” the Katelyn said. Lets call her Blondie even though I can’t see she sounds like a blondie. Sean sighed, “What am I doing? I’m being talked to by a brainless dummy”. Blondie harrumphed and said “Well at least I’m not sitting beside the new girl” Whew! I held my breath when she said at leas Im not sitting beside the- because I thought she was going to say blind girl or something like that instead of new girl. Blondie switched seats because I felt our seat jerk as she got out of it. “what was that?” I asked. Sean chuckles a little bit “Katelyn Carreth, she flirts with me way too much and its really annoying” I laugh, “Wow she’s pretty determined” Sean laughed a little too. The bus came to a halt and the doors squeaking with protest as they opened. Sean got up “Come on kids are getting off!” I got up too “pffft I knew that!” I then used my senses. Kids rushing past me, pushing, shoving and swearing their heads off. I heard Sean pushing towards me “Come on! Evan!” I jerked myself towards him and made it alive. I took a deep breath of fresh air. I think Sean came towards me because he said “Kay, lets get going!” and we started walking towards the big huge, rumor filled deathbed called high school.

    Chapter 4: Sean

    It was 12:36 am. Five more minutes till I get to see Evan again. I wonder how she’s doing… I wonder if- “Sean!” I snapped my head up from my thinking and doodling in my math notebook. “Um yes Mr. Calahann?” I ask. He stares at me with his cold grey eyes that match his Albert Einstein hair, Heck! He could win Albert Einstein look a like contest first place no problem! “Do. The. Equation” he says flatly. I screech out of my seat and walk towards the board. I stared blankly at the equation on the board wanting the whiteboard marker to write the equation itself and do it correctly. I tried to remember studying but all I remember was how to do shades on symmetrical shapes. Then I thought of Evan, her shiny curly black hair and her soft brown eyes… and just like that the equation was done. I looked at the marker in disbelief. “How…?” I whispered. Mr.Calahann cleared his throat “I see you studied Sean” I nodded slowly, Calahann gestured to my seat “You may go back to your seat” I did and studied the math language that I usually didn’t understand on the board again. Mr.C had his hands behind him “this weeks homework is pages 313-134 questions 1-12” the class groaned of course. Calahann nodded with an evil smile “Study well” as if he timed it, the bell rang right when he said those words. All the students flooded out of the class. I have to tell Evan what happened! I rushed out I saw Evan looking bewildered and beautiful. I smiled and was about to make my way towards her. Than the devil came and spat fire. “Sean!” Katelyn gleefully said. She rushed towards me and hugged me. “Um…er Katelyn? Can you um stop?” I asked. Katelyn pulled herself away with a scowl. “but…” Then for some reason I felt feelings for her but they stopped abrupty. “Katelyn I’m sorry but I have to go now” I said politely as I could. Katelyn’s scowl was replaced with a smile. “well at least you said sorry” smiled one last time at me than walked away. Few! That was close I thought than my mind was set on Evan again. Ok! Lets do this! Wow that was cheesy. I walked towards Evan. She was talking to this woman that was about 40 or so with short black curly hair and small spectacles. They were talking in slow hushed voice. What are they talking about? Than as I walked closer towards them the curly haired oldie turned around “yes?” she asked with a smile. Hehe service with a smile! “Can I speak to Evan?” I asked. “Oh sure hun!” she gushed. I gulped “a-alone?” the service with a smile left, “Ok but she has to be in the room in ten minutes” than bye bye oldie! I sighed than looked at Evan her gaze set on me. “Hey Evan!” I said in the ‘Good Morning New York’ tone.