Chapter 1
History, Cars and Japan
For as long as I can remember I’ve been fighting: fighting to leave the life I once had, fighting for respect from all the wrong people, fighting for my beliefs which were all twisted and dark, fighting for my survival in a cold and cruel world, and now for freedom from that horrible life. Seems like my whole past has been fighting. Yet somehow, for almost two years now, I have avoided fighting altogether.
I had a life full of violence, pain, and rage. It took being incarcerated for me to realize that the evil life I had lead needed to stop. And because of the kindness of friends I clearly didn’t deserve I was given a second chance.
I’ve always been able to hold back the urge to fight; the wanting to go back to my old way of life. But never like now have I wanted a good fistfight! All the old memories that I had suppressed came back now that I was in a familiar city. The large city sprawling over the land; lights that shone even in the sun, skyscrapers that touched the clouds; it was the ultimate deja vue.
Here on the street it was a human jungle. The pavement was filled with thousands of odd dressed teens and suited business people. The Roadway packed with taxis and super small cars in odd shapes. The buildings where different from that of Phoenix, lined with florescent characters and big kanji signs.
But here on the street corner in Tokyo, a group of American high school students really screamed ‘out of place’.
I took comfort in the fact that while my classmates gawked and wondered what this city is like; I had been here enough to now it like the back of my hand. But that quickly came to a halt when we walked onward to the tall hotel.
Trish looked up at the sign on the hotel. The Large red sign demanded her tourist attention span. She franticly began flipping through the guide, finding the kanji writing in English translation.
Trish was my only friend, when I first got to Arizona she was the only student that even looked at a girl with a parole officer. She was an outcast of sorts, just like me. Only instead of being a troublemaker she was just an unsocial bookworm. (A status of which I have almost cured her.)
Seeing her sudden interest in the hotel name I decided to help.
“It says Aidoin.”
She looked at me with a slight grin of disbelief. “Rachelle, how do you know that?”
“I told you I knew Japanese.”
“Well I didn’t believe it. Japanese is way to hard for me to learn.”
After a moment I saw her move towards the book again in the corner of my eye. She started to go through another section of the book; looking up the translation to the words I gave her. But again she struggled with it. Then, in a pout, looked over to me, with sad eyes.
“It means Tall Indigo Temple‘’. So basically ‘The Indigo Temple Hotel’”
“That makes sense”, she shut her book in glory.
We saw the group shuffling into the hotel’s revolving doors, and quickly caught up to the group.
The hotel was like any other; a large entrance hall with an equally large reception desk was all I saw. But every one else was entranced in the unfamiliar sights.
The hall had classic stone floors and metal bent up on the walls. It was all very artistic and inviting. But just a little to nice for my current mood. The only good part was that the room had black and red walls.
Normally this kind of hotel would be my home for months on end if necessary; but not any more. Now it was just a bad reminder of what I used to get away with.
After Mr.Ballen had a few exchanged words with the man at the front desk, the keys to our rooms were surrendered. He then turned to the group and shouted, demanding our attention.
“You and your partner will get a room key and head up to the fifth floor. You can find your room, unpack, and settle in. Then you’re free to head out to the main square to get some dinner. And welcome to Japan!”
He then handed out the room keys. Each pair was given a key and then they’d skip off to the elevator with their pink suitcases or blue duffle bags. But as he came to Trish and me he handed her the key. Then as we walked off he grabbed my arm.
“Rachelle I’m sure you already know that I have the number for your parole officer on my phone. Please don’t make me have to use it for the first time.”
I looked at him almost thankfully, “ I’ll try. But this is honestly a sense of overwhelming deja vue that I’ve learned to get over.”
He obviously saw that I wanted to go crazy.
He had faith in me. “ You’re a good kid. I know you can handle it.”
“Thank you Mr.Ballen.”
That’s more trust than any other teacher would give me. And it proves the reason that Mr.Ballen is my favorite teacher.
We picked up our Black duffels and turned to the elevators; they, however, were crammed with the preppy blond cheerleaders and their designer luggage.
We took a look at the passengers, then at each other, then at the staircase to our right. With a single nod we sauntered to the steps to avoid the elevator from pink, sugar-frosted hell.
Those were the people who hated us. Our school was full of them, the girls that care more about what color their toenails were than what their plan for college was. And there were the ever-present jocks and super geniuses that followed the pretty girls.
But that’s what you get at a boarding school in Phoenix, Arizona. The rich kids whose parents owned half the world’s stocks of Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch, all under one roof.
And Trish and me were different than all of the school population. And sadly the only two it would seem.
Trish got into the school on a chemistry scholarship. She would be, at first glance, a bookworm. She honestly doesn’t have much confidence and even fewer friends.
The smart people in our school are usually rich kids, with scientist parents and a famous family. Trish comes from a single mother in a small farming town called Easton; you can see why the stuck up kids ignore her.
And me, I’m the criminal weirdo that wears more black than the night and has a personality similar to that of a murderous criminal mastermind. –Which is a fair description of what I once was-. The government’s Teenage Criminal Placement Program sent me to this school and that was almost two years ago.
But when you have the stereo-typical appearance of a Goth or Emo, your own parole officer, the athletic skill of an Olympic gold metalist, the brains of a Nobel prize winning scientist, and an attitude towards prep-conformity that can be called fiery hatred at least, any student body in a private boarding school would hate your guts.
And most of the girls just hate me because I was voted hottest and most mysterious by the football team; pathetic and sad.
As we reached the fifth floor and entered the hall Trish pulled out the key and tag.
“Room Five Twenty Nine.”
I looked to the left. Then walked down the halls. “It’s this way.”
She re-gathered her belongings and followed next to me.
“How do know your way around this place so well?”
“ I stayed in this hotel before.”
“Really”, she sounded interested.
“Yeah, actually I was in room five twenty five.”
“Well that’s helpful.”
This is how things work with Trish and me. We met in a classic ‘Goth girl stands up against cheerleaders who are making fun of the nerd’ scenario. And we’ve been friends ever since.
I’m the leader of our splitter cell. Trish is the only person in the entire school, teachers included, who actually knows about my history of violence extensively. Granted, she couldn’t handle all the details and stories without questioning her safety with me. But she knows what I used to be, and still chooses to be friends with me.
We wouldn’t survive without each other.
Just then we walked up to the door. She pulled out the key and worked at the lock. It was a standard hotel room, two beds, bathroom, stocked mini-fridge, and a window. Out the window was the shopping square. The teens gathered around the assorted shops and stands. And every one was so happy.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I shut the door quick, as soon as she was in. Then threw my bag on the bed. I unzipped it and sifted through the assorted odd clothes.
Black and white striped tights under ripped-beyond-recognition jeans and an L’Arc~en~Ciel starface smile tour t-shirt was my outfit of choice. Making a quick change, I ripped off my horrible uniform and put on my little bit of heaven.
“Um, why are you in such a rush?”
I looked at her with my ‘I’m a genius’ look. “Put on something other than a uniform babe. I’m takin’ you out on the town”, I joked.
She skeptically picked up her bag. She opened it and pulled out some jeans and a pink long-sleeved shirt.
Seeing her outfit almost brought me to tears. I was going to yell, “If you wear that the locals will think you’re a silly tourist”. But I remembered-she was a silly tourist.
I looked back into my bag and grabbed a t-shirt and threw it at her.
“Try that one instead.”
She picked it up to inspect it. Then gave it a stare. “Rachelle what is this?”
I slid into my clunky combat boots. “A Naruto shirt. You’ll fit right in!”
“Why is it a creepy guy with make-up on?”
I looked at her and pouted. “Don’t be hatin’ on Lord Orochimaru!”
She giggled and put on the shirt. She knew not to question my methods.
As quickly as we had entered we left the hotel, and all the weird people from our snobby private school with it.
The square was amazing! I’ve never gotten so much happiness out of stuff I currently couldn’t afford.
All around was every fan-girls heaven. T-shirts, chibis, anime, manga, and fandom as far as the square would go. While this sort of hardcore anime love wasn’t my style, I could see it must have been everyone else’s. But soon after seeing the major nerd fest Trish’s quest for a ramen shop began.
She mercilessly searched the edge of the square for a stand, and a few short seconds later found one.
We walked into the makeshift shop and sat at an old bar table. The waiter, thankfully, spoke English.
Trish ordered something she probably shouldn’t have and I got a Teriyaki Ramen. And the awkward silence began.
Trish was staring at the square and the mass of people in it, but I was off somewhere else. She spotted my daydreaming, and knowing me questioned.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” I Lied. But I couldn’t tell my best friend that I missed being in a place like this. She would freak out over the fact that I missed anything about the old days.
Trish was obviously planning something out in her head. But suddenly she snapped, “OK.”
“Rachelle, your eighteen. You are an A+ student, you have a great sense of humor and character, and your unbelievably hot.”
I looked at her dumbstruck. “Are you drunk? Is it the jet-lag?”
“You’re in a big city, you have your clothes, and there are a lot of hot guys out there for you to flirt with in Japanese.”
“Trish what’s your point?” I laughed slightly at her sudden forcefulness.
She let out a sigh, and sat back down. “You look so sad. I’ve never seen you this bad before.”
She was right. Ever since we got off the plane I’ve had the old feeling of an empty life. I used to always feel this sad. It’s like part of my life was missing. Maybe it was the fact that I didn’t have a family or the fact that I screwed my life up really bad with all my bad decisions.
No, most of the time it’s just this feeling; like part of me is still locked away. A feeling like someone needs to set me free from the lock that the world put on my soul.
But I had given up on the chances of meeting a person like that years ago. And now that my life was getting better, I thought, “Maybe I still have a chance”.
I gave up and broke down. “Trish could I go out?”
“Aren’t we already out?”
“I mean just me. I want to go to see the cherry blossoms in Kyoto.”
She looked at my sad face. “Why? We’re going tomorrow to see them as a class.”
“I know but…”
She smiled, “But what?”
“Tonight is the full moon. And the cherry blossoms are always the most beautiful on a full moon.”
She took in a deep breath, and released it with a small “Hmm”. “ If you’re not back to the hotel by midnight then I don’t think I could make a logical excuse for your absence.”
I stood up and hugged her.
“Thank you.”
“Now seriously…”
“Trish”, I interrupted, “If I’m not back to the hotel by midnight you could assume that I was kidnapped, killed, or hurt in a freak flower petal accident”.
“Joking.” I grabbed my red trench coat and ran out into the crowd again. “Bye.”
After a few short minutes of running, I stopped. But it hit me that running to Kyoto and back in one night would be quite impossible.
-Kyoto was pretty far off. Maybe if I took a bus or a taxi I could get there. But the traffic in the city is too much to get to Kyoto by tonight-. Then an idea hit me.
I have friends in Japan, they would be more than happy to lend me a car. And I knew exactly who.
Again I started running, but that ended as I hit a massive crowd of pedestrians.
Walking through the business district is odd. Even late at night people in suits are everywhere.
Thankfully after a few minutes of walking I was in a new part of town.
But I made a quick walk to a parking lot under an old office building. The parking garage had many shops and stores in it. I swore I wouldn’t give into the past, yet I’m going to see a car thief and street racer.
Here teens that raced sooped up cars after hours populated the streets. The style was so different than the former district I was in. And now I blended right into the scene.
I scanned the concrete walls until the familiar neon signs told me where to go; my old hiding place and personal hotel, ‘The Red Ninja Garage’. The garage’s large doors were open to the streets, and people came in and out of the shop. The custom shop was filled with gorgeous cars ready for racing. The cars were way to expensive looking for the old shop that they were in. But the outside of the shop was the only thing that was at all old or dirty about this place. Here people who really lived around cars spent all their time perfecting their rides. However the mood was different at night. Now the mood was really set by the music that blasted through the large room, forcing some of the teens to dance.
I saw the mass of bodies and flashbacks of people staring at my mere presence came to memory.
If someone I knew were to see me then I’d get pulled into some kind of trouble. Maybe I could get a taxi to Kyoto; no, I could get across a room without someone noticing me. After all, it’s been so long most of these kids probably don’t know who I am-.
As I debated I saw Rei walk across the shop. He was what finally drove me to enter. So in a last effort, I stride off across the checker-tiled floor. And the entire time I have to tell myself “Act normal, act normal”.
Just when I thought it was all good, someone bumped into me. A younger man, 15 or 16, looked strait at my face. Quickly I recognized his. And judging by his expression he knew mine.
“Are you… Rachelle Summers?”
Oh crap! “Yeah.”
He flashed a smile, “No way. The Demon-”
“Shh!” I quickly hushed him before he spoke too loud. “Nice to see you too, Koroku.” I moved my hand off his mouth. “I came to ask your cousin for a favor. Can I see him?”
He looked at the back of the shop. After spotting Rei he looked back at me, “Coarse you can.” He made a gesture for me to go first. And we headed to the back of the shop where their personal cars are.
I saw Rei better now. Rei was more handsome now than a few years ago! His old short black hair was replaced with a copper trendy spiked cut –like that of a model-. But it fit since he looked like a model anyway. And even the shape of his face was perfect. He really did grow up!
But as I was looking at his face he was looking at me too. Only he seemed more interested in the fact that I had curves now. And his head went up and down examining my new looks.
He finally looked up at my face. I smiled at his surprised look when he realized my face matched my body in the pretty category.
“Wow, Rachelle! That lifestyle change did you wonders.”
I giggled, playing along, I spun around like a model. “Really? I guess I didn’t turn out so bad then huh?”
“A perfect Ten, maybe even better.”
I gave him a signature half-smile. “You turned out pretty good yourself.”
“Really?” He gave me a look of skepticism. “Girls around Japan say I’m nothing compared to the Phantom Seiro.”
“Good for you I don’t know what Phantom Seiro is.”
“Heh”, he leaned on a car. “ So, what brings you to my shop on this lovely eve?”
I stood across from him and looked him right in the eye. “ I need to barrow a car for the night. If it’s not too much trouble?”
“No trouble at all! Heck you can even take my pride and joy here.” He put his hand on the car he was on. The car appeared to have once been a Honda, but was customized like crazy. And the black and red paint was glossy under the artificial lighting, like ice.
“Really? That easy?”
“Yeah. But answer me this.”
I looked at him with agreement, “Ok.”
“Why do you need a car?”
“Well”, I glanced off knowing he would laugh at my answer, “I want to go see the cherry blossoms.”
He was quiet. I gazed up to see him pierce at me with adoring eyes. “Grown up I see.”
“What?” I thought about it; I am a woman now. I was just a little kid before. I always had certain maturity, but it was just now adultly.
He tossed me a set of keys. “She’s all yours. Just have her back by tomorrow.”
I slid over to the car door.
After opening it and sliding into the seat, I started her up. The engine roared with more power than I expected from a vehicle that size. Many men looked at the car as it started. When they saw it was Rei’s favorite they quickly questioned who was behind the wheel.
Rei leaned into the window “By the way, that Phantom guy I told you about…”
“Yeah”, he had me pulled into the topic.
“He’s some guy that’s been killing off a gang that took over these parts almost five months ago. No one knows who he really is, but someone says that they hear him say his name is Seiro.
“People say that he’s the heir to The Demon.”
“Oh.” -Is he saying that people have been talking about this guy or me? -
“Anyway, I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see him with my own eyes. Rachelle… he’s even better than you!”
Seriously, wow; somebody that people think is even more threatening than ‘The Demon’. I never thought I’d hear that in my lifetime! Wait… That means people are still talking about me? Jeez.
“Point is, Rachelle do be careful. I don’t want some silver-haired freak with a bad attitude to have to save you.”
I took the car out of park and glanced back at him “Don’t worry, I won’t start any fights with thugs. But if they start it…”
“Then you can hurt them all you want.” He moved back.
“See ya later Rei-kun!” I waved one hand and grabbed the wheel with the other. I hit the gas and pulled out onto the road and flew past the lines of racing cars; on the road headed to Kyoto.
Chapter 2
Hanabusa no Sakura
This was like heaven on this rotten and bloodstained earth. The two rows of pink cherry blossoms that ran the length of the road where so much more beautiful than I could have remembered them.
After reaching the middle of the never-ending rows of trees, I stopped. The old road that stretched through the park was lifeless at this time of night. So I parked the car right in the center of the road.
I opened the door and stepped out of the car, instantly the sweet smell of flowers filled the air.
The road, trees, and park around me were totally dark. The moon was the only thing that illuminated the petals. And the light gave the small area that I could see a purple tint.
Staring at these beautiful things brought back all the memories that took me years to suppress. Everything from street racing to a battle over a shipment of riffles; anything I had done in this country. But nothing, none of the bad or evil things I did, could compare to the envy I felt looking at these cherry blossoms.
They had a purpose; which was more than I could say for myself. People await their arrival every year. They have unlimited beauty and power. And no one ever disregarded their existence; no one felt anger, pain, or violence when they looked at them. No, these flowers, as minor as they might seem, are perfect in every way.
“Why can’t I have a purpose, like you?”
I sat back on the hood of the car. Still looking at the dark beauties around me. I lay back, using the windshield as a pillow, and closed my eyes.
The night scent was the last thing that went through my head before I drifted to sleep.
The dream was so familiar to me, now it was like my home.
It was like another reality rather than a dreamland.
A Victorian style castle in a cold and frozen wasteland, a single black raven that guarded the doors to the castle, and a beautiful woman who sat inside those doors. As I walked in, her once sad, ghostly pale face lit up with happiness.
She quickly lifted her hand and invited me to talk to her again, like we do in every dream.
“My dear, it brings me joy to see you again.”
She always spoke with such elegant language, perfectly fitting of her appearance and surroundings.
I was truthfully happy to see her too. “ Hello m’lady, it’s good to see you.”
She motioned with her hand for me to sit next to her on the stone bench.
Her crimson gown seemed to be the brightest thing in the dead garden she sat in. And her black hair was in a single braid, which ran the length of her dress.
She looked at my eyes, like she always does. But this time she showed pain at what she saw.
“ My child, you’re crying?”
Sure enough I could feel the cold tears run down my face.
She instinctively brushed my hair out of my face. And with her icy white finger wiped away my tears.
“ Tell me what troubles you.”
“ My wicked life. And my lack of a purpose for anything other than killing.”
She gave a gentle and wise smile at my answer. “Child, you are one of the most important people in the world. And I’m Sorry you weren’t told that sooner.”
That was puzzling, “ M’lady, whatever do you mean?”
Most of the time we talk about life: school, my past, and my interests. Sometimes she’ll read me poetry or Shakespeare even. But she has come to be the mother I never had.
Then again I’m not sure if it’s healthy for you to think of a person you dreamt up as a mother figure. But then again these dreams are too real to be just made up.
She looked off before answering.
“ My dear, your life is about to change forever. Your purpose, destiny, will be revealed to you.
“ Don’t worry. He will take good care of you. In fact, I would have picked no body else but him to turn you. So have faith in him Rachel, Seiro is a good man…”
“What are you talking about?” I was getting more confused with each new sentence.
She looked away again, almost impatiently.
“ What is it?”
“ It is time… everything will be explained to you very soon.
“ Be strong, be fast, and remember to fight hard and never give up. But most of all, trust Seiro.”
Just then everything started to fade away. I must have been waking up. “Wait, who’s Seiro? What’s going to happen? Lady…”
I could smell the cherry blossoms again. As my eyes opened I could see the moon directly over my head.
Quickly without thinking I pulled the pocket watch out of my coat.
“Eleven thirty”, crap Trish’s gonna kill me.
I leaned back again. I was giving up on getting back before midnight.
I stared up at the flowers again, “ What did she mean… Seiro?”
Then I remembered what Rei said. -Phantom Seiro… the man who’s better than The Demon; could she really mean him? –
I thought about everything then in occurred to me, “Jeez I’m crazy!”
Suddenly I heard laughing.
Maybe I’m not the only one with the idea to come out tonight to see the cherry blossoms. I don’t really have to worry about some tourists gawking at the cherry blossoms.
I felt a slight wind, and instantly my arm was stinging. No, my arm was cut open! How did that just happen? Shortly after I heard the sound of something metal hitting the ground. Someone threw something at me!
“She smells so good…” I heard someone meticulously growl.
“Now, settle down boys.” A man walked out of the shadows. “We don’t want to scare the beautiful, young, lady.”
He was gothed out, head to toe. And his hair was styled so that I couldn’t really see his eyes.
“Speak for yourself!” Five more came into the moonlit path, all equally Goth.
I was surprisingly calm under the circumstances. But the first man walked over to the car.
I reached into my jacket pocket, which they thankfully didn’t notice. I had planned ahead for any random attackers. I had my favorite pair of lucky brass knuckles in my jacket. But freakishly didn’t expect to use them.
I was ready to fight. And showed no fear.
When he came over he reached towards me like he was going to help me off the car. But, instead he ran his finger along the fresh cut on my arm. It stung, and when I showed pain they all seemed to enjoy it.
He licked the blood off his fingers, then, it seemed, he was savoring the taste. As if though my blood had the flavor of a fine wine. He then gave me a glare that automatically sent chills down my spine. And when he grinned, it revealed these long fanglike teeth.
“What are you freaks?” I gripped the knuckles; adrenaline was rushing through me. I didn’t know this feeling. I was nauseous.
Are these guys some kind of sick twisted gang or cult? I mean, who goes around hunting down girls in the middle of the night for the taste of their blood? Aside from… vampires?
His head was tilted towards the ground. I could faintly see his ghostly pale eyelids. His eyes flickered; I could now see the eyes of this strange man, glaring into mine.
His eyes were red!
“Get ‘er,” he growled with a grin of pure evil.
Instantly two of the men jumped into the air. I couldn’t believe how high they jumped! But I was so ready. I jumped off the car hood, took off my jacket, and slid on my knuckles, all in one move.
I knew they’d come at me from behind. I guessed that one was already there, I took a swing, I was right. I full on face punched one. But that didn’t stop him at all.
He seemed to be using martial arts, so I started too.
We both blocked punch after kick, and then we’d flip and go at it again. This lasted for a few seconds before the others started to laugh at him. They were almost sarcastic with their taunts.
“She’s a tough one. Maybe we should leave before she kicks our butts.”
That pissed us both off. He pulled out a short sword.
“ What’s with the weapons?” I was a little mad that he didn’t stick to the rules of basic fighting.
So I changed from offence to defense, skillfully ducking and flipping past every swing of the sword. After a while I felt like I was almost predicting his movements. And he was slowing down!
But then I noticed his tactics changed, he was only making me block his attacks from one side. That means…
Yep, the second one came at me from that side. And I just barely dogged him and escaped the one wielding the sword too.
As my moves got more complex, and the enemy got easier to hit, I noticed something: They weren’t going slower. I was moving faster.
And after beating one guy to the ground, I believed I might have a chance at winning. – As long as I had the energy-
Then I heard a sound that was all too familiar, a gun.
That instantly brought back memories, and sent me instinctively into survival mode.
I looked around frantically, trying to see who was shooting. I heard it again. Then, for a third time, a shot fired.
But that time I saw. The first man I’d seen, he was standing with the gun smoking in my direction. By now he had a look of boredom on his face. Almost as though he was tired of my winning streak with the other men.
He slowly lowered his arm. But impossibly, time seemed to slowdown.
Now I felt it. A sharp and sickly familiar pain spread through my body. But judging by the blood that could be heard dripping, I’d say I was shot all three times.
Something I didn’t see smashed into my head. I flew to the ground, and heard a high-pitched crack as my arm hit the stone road.
But my body was in so much pain already I didn’t feel the effect of that cracking sound, yet.
The figures of the men had surrounded me, standing over me, as I slowly lost sight. They had turned into just shadows as the world got darker the pain started to fade.
Even in the peaceful numbness of death I could hear the world around my almost lifeless body. But instead of the calm or quiet after a battle it sounded as though a new fight had begun.
Gunshots still echoed through the air. The surprised screams of men, the splatter of blood, the thump of bodies slamming to the ground, swords hitting the cobblestone: what is this? Is this my own personal hell? If it were, it would be very fitting of me…
Whatever was happening in the outside world was heating up. The voice of my original attacker shouted orders over and over. Their fast movement muffled the screams of the men, but the topic of their discussion was clear.
“ Why are you here? Traitor! Rebel scum. We’ll kill you for The Legion.” What did that mean? Why are they battling?
The sound stopped with the firing of a gun. Six shots and the shouting subsided. All that was left was the slight sound of footsteps on the stone path. They became softer and disappeared into the dark.
Don’t let him leave you!
It was her voice echoing through my head. Why…
He can’t help you; he can’t save you if he thinks your dead. Call to him. Say his name. Open your eyes!
Her peaceful voice had a desperate edge to it. She was almost screaming.
I managed to open my eyes slightly. But my face was covered in blood, preventing me from opening them further.
At first I opened my mouth and nothing came out. I didn’t know what to say.
The footsteps were almost gone!
I didn’t know what to say, so I trusted what M’lady and Rei had been telling me all along…
“Seiro… don’t… don’t leave me.”
It was almost a whisper. But the footsteps stopped! Then they came back, louder, closer. Until I could feel someone lift my head up.
“You know my name?” The voice that I can only describe as angelic had listened and replied. But I couldn’t think rationally, I didn’t know what to say to him.
“It is you… she told me… I had to be strong…” I couldn’t think. Everything is completely blank.
“ I can’t believe you’re still alive.” His words were almost heartwarming. He seemed relieved that I was in fact alive.
“Please take me with you…”
“ What?” He seemed a little shocked by that.
“ I trust you… I trust you Seiro.”
Though I couldn’t see the face of this man, though I had only met him now as I lay here dieing, I knew he was the man she told me of. And he must have known I needed him. As I closed my eyes the sound from this world faded away. I expected death, and in what I’m sure was my last moment this man, Seiro, whispered into my ear. His words, I believe, were the last I would hear from this life. His words were “ I won’t let you die.”
- by Nami_Makota |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/15/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Dark Nights: Blood Ties
- Artist: Nami_Makota
Chapters 1 and 2
Rachelle Summers had a dark past. And as she dies slowly at the hand of a band of demons she finds hope in the shadowy whirl of death. A voice and a promise.... enough to save her, and send her into a hell of pain and a life of something more than she ever imagined.
(PG-13 for language, violence, and crude humor)
later chapters will be 15+ or 18+..... sorry
It's not very good right now so please don't butcher me with flames? Just tell me how to improve and I will. - Date: 07/15/2009
- Tags: dark nights blood ties vampire
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