Gunners #4 Blood Battle……
Two days ago I went to Shinjuku the heart of Tokyo to see my parents unfortunately I ran into my mothers body guards I managed to win the fight though but my mother hated me though I knew this would happen though….. although they wanted me dead…. I have no family now….. but what is going to happen next?
Later in one cold morning
Akira: *wakes up slowly* augh…. morning already? augh…. well its one cold morning…… I guess I haft to get ready for school then……
Akira puts on her shoes and walks into the school
Kasumi: morning Akira!
Akira: oh… morning
Kasumi: are you feeling any well?
Akira: oh yeah I’m alright….
Kasumi: your hands are really shaking….
Akira: don’t worry I can handle it
Kasumi: my god Akira! Its so cold as a thick of an ice!
Akira: it happens every morning and night don’t worry I can handle it on my own… besides I need to take responsibilities on my own life…. I mean hey life gets tougher everyday….
Kasumi: hey Akira… do you want my skarf?
Akira: oh no its alright I really don’t need one
Kasumi: oh come on Akira! You always don’t accept the things I give you!
Akira: that’s because I need to take responsibilities on my own actions and life
Kasumi: but hey you don’t have to all the time
Akira: what do you mean?
Kasumi: sometimes people needs to take a break once and awhile…… hey Akira are you alright with those black shredded gloves?
Akira: oh yeah…. *covers hands*
Kasumi: whats wrong Akira?
Akira: no its nothing really……
Kasumi: come on whats wrong? Is that a little blood on that? your injrued aren’t you?
Akira: no its nothing….
Kasumi: come on tell me Akira….
Akira: alright…. It happened five years ago….. when I was ten years old I was slave to a rich family….. they treated me like a dog though….. I didn’t give up hope… but my wounds hurt so much… and still the wounds are still in pain… they hurt so much…. Then when there was a party ceremony going on someones daughter was being married, I was ordered to bring the wedding ring… everyone looked at me with my shredded clothes…. I had no dress but some shredded dirty shirt that’s all I had… no shoes, dress and warm clothes it was just that I never had a blanket as well…. They only give me just left over food which was very little….. but then when I walked with the ring I accidently dropped it when I tripped over…. The people laughed at me…. So then my master punished me… and you know what happened….
Kasumi: no I don’t……
Akira: they tortured my hands….. they slammed it with a hammer… they broked them…. They scratched them, they’ve maked my hands bleed, they’ve even dragged my hands to the fire….. and boiled hot water….it hurted so much….. although my hands were still in pain I cried so much…. So then back at the ceremony they’ve dragged me with a collar… people stared at me and started to giggle I couldn’t stop crying…. So then… i had to force myself to break my hands back the way they were…..
Kasumi: Akira….
Akira: people felt in shock I screamed like I was some dog…. I slammed my hands on the floor trying to get my hands the way they were….. I screamed louder…. My hands started to bleed to death…. One of my blood started to spread on one of the peoples face and floor….. so I tried to run… and escape….. besides… I really don’t like to talk about this sort of memories… I mean you’ve kind of changed Kasumi…. Your smart and even though we got the murderers name thanks to you…. Kasumi… the more your closer to me the more I’ll drag you into danger….
Kasumi: I’m sorry Akira…. For acting if I really wanted to know the truth……
Later after school
Akira: see ya Kasumi
Kasumi: yeah you too…. I hope your hands will feel better
Akira: yeah you too…..
A maid appeared out of nowhere
Akria: what the?! Whos there? I better get my shield then……
Akira ran to her box and grabs her rusty old metal shield
Akria: whos there?! Look I really don’t want to fight you!
The maid came out of nowhere and jumped in front of Akira
Akira: augh! hey wait a sec….. who are you exactly?
Maid: I am your mothers maid…… and we are here to capture you…..
Akira: wait…. my mother sent you?!
Maid: well… shes not your mother anymore though… but still Miss.Fukiyama ordered us to capture you! No matter the cost…. Although if we can’t capture you we’ll just kill you instead!
Akira: so….. everyone wants me dead….. why doesn’t people like homeless people…? Doesn’t people ever feel sorry for them? Don’t they know how they feel….. all they want is a job…. Money…. A family… care…and help…. Why doesn’t people understand that?! although all I just wanted is someone there who really cares for me… I just want to go somewhere happiness…..
Maid: well if you want happiness then we’ll have to send you to heaven!
Akira: I guess I have no choice but to fight then huh? Then I’m sorry if I’m going to hurt you….
Maid: girls…. Lets teach her a lesson…..
The maids started scattering around her
Akira: augh…. there fast….
2nd Maid: AHH!!! *kicks her at the back*
Akira: damn… she got my big scar…… that part kinda hurt painful though…. Augh….
3rd Maid: *punchs her shield*
Akira: damn it! *pushs back*
3rd Maid: augh! *flips over*
Maid: *gets out a huge sharp spear and throws it at Akira’s shield and went through*
Akira: augh! nani? It went through? That’s a really sharp spear…. I better be careful……
Maid: take out your guns!
The maids started firing
Akira: AHHH!!! *ducks down and raises shield*
Akira: theres too many of them…. And they have guns….. I’m trapped…. What am I going to do now….?
Maid: keep firing!
Akira: I have no choice! *stands up and runs into them*
Maid: huh? Trying to run into us huh? Keep firing!
Akira: AHHH!!! *gets a few shots* augh… my leg….. and my arm…. But I’m not going to give up! GUNCROSS!
Maid: guncross….?
The maids gets hit and got hit at the right
Maid: AHH!!! Damn it…..
Akira: what does she wants with me?
Maid: augh….. she wanted you to fight into a Gunners Battle Arena…..
Akira: Gunners Battle Arena…..?
Maid: that sright…. One fo the most Gunners history battle records…. Every year they set up a Gunners tournament…… but they’re using this for a Death match between you and Shi Shinori!
Akira: the murderer?
Maid: damn straight….. now I’ve told you everything… what are you going to do? Kill me?
Akira: I’m not going to kill you…. Please…. Just please tell me where is this tournament……
Maid: well…. The Dark Gunners always have there own very tournament…. Its in Shinjuku usually they use the tournament underground but they always use it up the surface in a abandoned city…… all legendary Dark Gunners and other family bloodlines go there to see the fights…. Although you won’t last for five seconds…..
Akira: I don’t care…. Just bring me to this Death Match….
Later in Shinjuku
Mother: are you ready Shi?
Shi: yes I am prepared master…..
Mother: then good….. you may use any powers and weopons against her…. You can slaughter her… rip her apart… in anyway you want to…. You must kill her at any cost……
Shi: understood *starts to smile and licks the sword*
Meanwhile outside
Maid: this is it…. I hope you die soon…..
Akira: does everyone really wants me dead?
Maid: I suppose so….
Fukiyama: welcome to the tournament Akira…..
Akira: hello…..Miss.Fukiyama……
Fukiyama: so you’ve finally understand….
Akira: lets get this on with…..
A few hours in the tournament
Announcer: ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 21st century Dark Gunners Death Match Tournament! The fight will be one of the best and “the”… best fights in history of all time…. Our first Gunners fighter is Shi Shinori!!!!!!!!!
The people started cheering for her
Announcer: and last….. is… augh…. Akira Fukiyama…. The Dark Gunners Traitor
The people started to boo at her and throwing things at her
Akira: augh….. I guess I know how they really feel…..
Shi: heh….. Akira….. you started to run like a coward when I was behind you….
Akira: its not going to happen again….. not this time…..
Announcer: are you ready?! Then let the Death Match! Begin!
Shi: its time for you to die! *takes out a huge sharp morning star and huge axes with a sword
Akira: augh…. so much weopons she has…… but this shield….. is my protection…….
Shi: AHHH!
Akira: damn! How did she came at me so fast?!
Shi: AHHH!!!! *throws a morning star at her shield*
Akira: AHH!!!! Damn it… my arm……AHHH!!! I need some more strength…..
Shi: you fool!
Akira: Damn it!
Akira and Shi started rushing towards to each other with full brawl
Akira: GUN!
Akira/Shi: CROSS!
The two fighters slam they weopons down and started to turn around and started hitting at there right side
(it sort of means as in hitting to form a Jesus Crise Cross)
Akira: augh…..
Announcer: such roar power…..
Shi: not bad! *takes out an axe* are you ready for this?!
Akira: damn it!
Shi: *runs up to her and slams her shield down and slams it again=*
Akira: ahhh! I can’t just do GunCross all the time! *wait…..*
Shi: AHH!!! *raises up axe*
Akira: Gunner Assault!
Shi: what the?!
Akira pushs towards her and started to slam towards her body with her shield
Shi: AHH!!!!
Akira: final blow! GunCross!
Shi: AHHH!!!! MorningCross!
The two weopons colided each other
Shi: damn you! AxeCrossing Charge!
Shi started to slam her shield down and then swings her shield at the cross and runs up to her with the axe and swings it while charging
Akira: AHHH!!!!! How about this?! Double Charge!
Akira runs up to her and does GunCross and a Gunner Assault
Shi: damn you b*****d! Die! I want you to die! *gets out a sword* AHHH!!!! *slams it towards her shield and kicks her left rib*
Akira: AHH!H!!! that part….. augh!
The two fighters started bleeding
Akira: Shi… can’t we just stop…. Fightin gleads us nowhere…..
Shi: fighting makes me happy….. and killing makes me even more happier…….. Akira….. you’ve made me so happy…. I thank you…..this was a delight fight…. And…. I’ll never stop fighting! I want you and me to keep on fighting forever! Come on! Show everyone what you got!
Shi runs towards her with the sword
Akira: AHH!!!! FINAL BLOW!
The power unleashed and the dirt was everywhere
Akira: augh……
Shi was on the ground and Akira was still standing
Announcer: augh…. Shi…lost… the winner is…. Akira Fukiyama…..
Akira: I’m so sorry Shi….. please forgive me……. I didn’t mean to hurt you…. Shi?
Shi: augh….. why don’t you finish me already….?
Akira: I don’t want to take a persons life away…… please… I want you to live on… did you ever tried to accomplished a dream?
Shi: *sigh* I hate dreams…… look at us now….. we’ve been treated as the same…..
Akira: the same…?
Shi: I’ve also suffered the way you were….. look at our hands…. They’ve been pain for years…..
Akira: Shi…. I’m sorry……
Shi: why do you feel sorry for me? I’ve killed so many people why don’t you let me rot to death….. I’ve wanted to kill you so badly…..
Akira: so that’s it huh?
Shi: yeah…..
Akira: we have in common to each other haven’t we….?
Shi: just kill me already….
Fukiyama: you’ve won…. I can’t believe it…..
Akira: what are you going to do with her/
Fukiyama: shes no use to us now…. We’ll have to execute her…..
Akira: execute her? Wait…. don’t kill her…. Please I beg you…..
Fukiyama: move aside!
Akira: I’m sorry! But I’m going to allow that! Shi is coming with me! I don’t care if shes a murderer or anything! Shi is going to live a normal life and that’s it! if I’m not your daughter anymore then….. fine…. If that what makes you happy…
Fukiyama: full…. Kill them both!
Man: stop!
Akira: huh?
Fukiyama: nani?
Man: Akira…… you fool…..
Akira: father….?
Man: that’s Mr.Fukiyama….. Miku is our only daughter for now on…… why do yo u want Shi? Hasn’t she caused you so much trouble?
Akira: what?! I don’t care! You’ve made Shi suffer more than me! What have you done to her hands?! Don’t you see! All this fighting leads nowhere!
Man: enough! We’ll spare you for now……. I just hope you’ll still suffer as the same as Shi and your grandmother….
Akira: grandmother?
Man: yes….. your foolish grandmother chose to become good and betrayed this family bloodline…. Your father was foolish to protect her…..
Akira: but he was your only father! Why would you kill grandfather?!
Man: because he betrayed us! You’re also a fool as well……
Akira: it doesn’t matter if I’m or my grandfather a fool…. But atleast grandfather….. risk his life to protect grandmother! He raised you as a son!
Man: then so be it…. you are no longer our daughter you are vanished from the Fukiyama family!
Akira: atleast I still have the Fukiyama name…. I’ll still be not your daughter but my name will always be Akira Fukiyama! I will choose my fate with this shield to protect innocent lives and people! And you will not take those lives!
Man: your making this as you want to sound like this was war…..
Akira: *sigh* can you control your own fate? Can you make a better fate….
Man: my fate is a Dark Gunner family lord…. And I will not take that word from you…. Shi’s grandmother was a fool also…..
Akira: shut up! Her grandmother was not a fool also!
Man: what did you say?
Akira: I said shut up! Father! You know what! You’ve chosen the wrost path! Shi is going to come with me and that’s it!
Akira walks off to the gate and carries Shi on her own arms
Fukiyama: I’ve never seen she confronted you like that…..
Man: its because shes a fool…….
To be Continued…….
#1 Death
#2 Sister….
#3 Family…
#4 Blood Battle….
#5 the two meetings
- by Hakuru-kun |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/13/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: GD: #4 Blood Battle...
- Artist: Hakuru-kun
- Description: the blood battle begins!
- Date: 08/13/2009
- Tags: blood battle
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