Chapter 1
“Pass the popcorn Miki.” Kiana Veni lurched over top of her best friend Mikaela Snow, diving towards the popcorn. She grabbed a handful of popcorn and then dove back to her seat beside Mikaela.
Mikaela looked over at Kiana with questioning eyes. “If you’re going to dive over for the popcorn anyway, why did you ask me to pass it to you?” She laughed as she turned back towards the movie.
Kiana peered back at Mikaela, “Well you weren’t fast enough with the popcorn, and you should have read my mind, given it to me BEFORE I asked.”
“I can’t read your mind, and even if I could, who would want to, it’s probably full on nonsense and junk like school.” Mikaela laughed as she stood up to stretch, not noticing the pillow flying straight towards her. She fell backwards onto the black leather sofa clutching the pillow to her stomach. As soon as she realized what had just happened it was too late, Kiana was on top of her with another pillow. The war had begun.
“What are you two doing?”
Kiana looked up at her brother Keagan Veni. Keagan was the first of three older brothers. He being 27 in human years; would make him 11 years older than her, but he actually looked to be about 25. Keagan had deep charcoal hair and deep ocean blue eyes. While Kiana was a small figure of 5’ 3”, Keagan towered over her at 6’ 1” with a muscular build.
There was silence in the room as the three just stared at each other, the feathers from the pillow war still fluttering around the room. The two girls looked around to access the damage. Pop and popcorn spilled everywhere, three destroyed pillows, the feathers sticking out of them fell loosely to the floor which covered the dark hardwood flooring.
“We’re not doing anything… just settling a score between each other,” Kiana laughed as she rolled off of Mikaela, helping her up.
“Well you two need to clean up this mess right now then come upstairs.” Keagan turned and headed up the stairs he came down from, shaking his head as he went up.
Kiana and Mikaela both fell onto the floor laughing as soon as soon as Keagan was out of sight. “Ya we should clean up…” Kiana said looking around the room, both breaking out in laughter again as a feather landed right between them.
Clean up duty of the living room took about 20 min, removing all feathers, the destroyed pillows, popcorn pieces, and pop that was knocked onto the floor during the war. Kiana and Mikaela were still laughing as they headed up the stairs and into the book shop. Kiana and her brothers owned their own in-home book shop, which became a favourite place for lots of people.
The shop was on the first floor, right when you came through the front entrance of the house. Behind the shop was the kitchen/ dining room, which was blocked off by a wall and door. If you turned a corner to the right of the shop was a half bathroom and the two sets of stairs. Going down led to the living room, guest room and a full bathroom. Going up led to another two floors. The 2nd floor had all three brothers’ bedrooms on it, a full bathroom and an office/ library. The very top floor was Kiana’s floor which included her bedroom, her own full bathroom and her own office/ library. Living with three brothers meant she needed her privacy and space sometimes.
Kiana and Mikaela slipped into the kitchen unnoticed by the costumers in the shop. Kiana quickly tossed the garbage bag out the back door, and then turned around to see Mikaela staring at her. Mikaela’s strawberry blond hair and brown eyes made her out to look about 13 years old, while she was actually 16.
“Nothing, I was just thinking.”
Kiana walked over to the door that separated the kitchen and the shop, and slowly peeked inside the doorframe and stared. She then just broke out into laughter, skipping back towards a confused looking Mikaela who was standing in the middle on the kitchen. Mikaela grabbed Kiana’s arms and chuckled, “What’s so funny Kivi?”
Kiana danced around Mikaela with a huge grin on her face. “Nothing,” she chuckled. “I was just thinking that we needed a mood change.” She stopped in front of the cupboards, Mikaela standing right behind her. “Call your parents; I say you’re staying for dinner.”
“Yes Miss Kivi, what time am I aloud to leave Miss Kivi?” she laughed as she ducked Kiana’s incoming hands, running over to the phone that hung on the wall near the door frame. She called her parents, agreeing that she was aloud to stay, but had to be home by 10 o’clock.
“So what should we make for dinner? I’m thinking salmon with rice and veggies, what do you think?”
“That sounds great, what do you want me to help with?”
Kiana grabbed various vegetables; carrots, corn, string beans, and red, green and yellow peppers from the fridge and placed them on the counter. “You can start with the veggies; I’ll get the rice and salmon.” Mikaela started to hack away at the vegetables while Kiana danced over towards the freezer to retrieve the salmon.
“Something smells really good in here, what’s for dinner?” Jaser Veni said coming in from the back door. “I took out that garbage bag for you by the way, do I want to what you guys were doing that included feathers?” Jaser laughed as he walked around to peer behind Mikaela and Kiana.
Jaser was the second of three older brothers. He was 29 in human years, 13 years older than Kiana. Jaser looked a lot like Keagan, so much that they were often mistaken for twins. The only differences between the two were Jaser’s eyes were a bit darker, his hair was sleeker, and that he was 3 inches taller than Keagan; at 6’ 4”. He wasn’t as built as his two brothers but he had a gentleness to him that could calm anyone.
Kiana turned around to peer at her looming brother. “Thanks, I was going to take it out after dinner, but thank-you. We’re having salmon for dinner, and no you can’t help, we’d actually like non burnt food tonight.” She shooed him away to sit and wait at the table on the other side of the room.
He ruffled her hair and began to laugh, “That was one time and it wasn’t burnt that badly,” he laughed as he obeyed and sat at the table.
“Mikaela, are the veggies almost done?” Kiana looked over to where Mikaela was mixing the veggies in the pot. She turned back to check the salmon that was in the oven.
“Yup, all done, just waiting for the rice and salmon now.” Mikaela giggled as she emptied the water from the pot out into the sink. She turned back around to go set the table and gasped; shocked to suddenly see Keagan sitting there playing cards with Jaser. “Whoa, where did you come from, I didn’t even see or hear you come in.”
Kiana slowly turned around and looked at Keagan with eyes that said, ‘please be more careful.’ “The salmon is ready.” Kiana snuck a glance over at Mikaela who wasn’t paying attention. Kiana and Mikaela brought the rice, veggies and salmon over to the table, placing them in the center. After setting the table all four of them sat down around the table and began to eat.
“Hmm, something smells really good in here tonight. You guys made my favourite, thanks girls.” Jedrek Veni sat down on the other side of the table between Kiana and Jaser. “The shop was extremely busy today, thanks for the help guys,” Jedrek looked over at Jaser and Keagan both.
Jedrek was the oldest brother. He was 30 in human years, 14 years older then Kiana. He looked exactly like his brothers, with the charcoal hair and the deep ocean eyes. He was also the tallest at 6’ 6’’ with a strong muscular build, which didn’t suit him at all because even though he had a strong build he was very graceful and light when he moved.
Kiana was always curious why she was so tiny compared to her extremely built brothers, but never gave it a second thought. She knew her mother was also a very tiny women compared to her father; when they were both alive. The family line was the same every generation; strong built men, and small and strong graceful women.
Keagan was the first done, he was always a fast eater. He rinsed off his plate and tossed it into the dishwasher. “Did you girls finish cleaning the living room?” Keagan questioned as he walked over to Kiana’s plate and took one of her carrots, plopping into his mouth.
Kiana looked over to Mikaela and they both started laughing again. Jedrek and Jaser both looked at them with confusion. Keagan shrugged it off and left the kitchen, heading upstairs. Kiana grabbed both hers and Mikaela’s empty plates, rinsed them off and tossed them into the dishwasher. “Come on, let my grab a sweater and I’ll walk you home.” The two started up the first set of stairs to the second floor.
Keagan was already lost in a book, the blasting music from his headphones drowned out the laughter of Kiana and Mikaela as they came up the stairs. The two rounded around the top of the stairs and headed up another set that led to the third floor.
Kiana searched her room, office and bathroom until she gave up. Mikaela was going through the closet; she turned around and plopped herself onto of Kiana’s bed. “I guess my brother thought he’d try and do laundry,” she turned around to look at her clock- 9:46pm. Kiana chuckled and grabbed Mikaela’s hand, dragging her towards the stairs. “I guess I’ll just grab one of Keagan’s sweaters.” They both quietly started down the stairs, she motioned for Mikaela to wait quietly at the bottom.
She was quiet as Kiana crept slowly around the corner, wondering why she had to be when they’re usually both aloud into Keagan’s room.
The music was blasting. Lost in a book; Keagan didn’t know what was coming. He was usually very quick on his feet, but by the time he saw Kiana over top of him it was too late. She dove in, grabbing the sweater in attempt of ripping it off of him. The two spun around as she pulled at the sweater, she giggled as it slid off of him with ease. He screamed and was about to lunge when he remembered that Mikaela was still there, instead he settled for the glass of water he’d had on his nightstand. Kiana bolted out of the room, sweater already on. Just as she rounded the doorway he threw the glass, it smashing on the doorframe.
Mikaela jumped when she heard what the though was glass breaking, but when she looked around the corner to see what it was, the two collided.
Kiana, now with Keagan’s baggy sweater on; the same one he’d been wearing that day, flung herself around Mikaela gracefully and swift. She grabbed Mikaela’s arm and took off down the stairs. Mikaela snuck a glance behind her, laughing at the sight on Keagan, now sweater-less swearing from the top of the stairs.
“You took the sweater he was already wearing?” she chocked between gasps as they neared the front door of the house. They flew by Jaser and Jedrek who were standing in the shop, closing it up for the night.
Kiana laughed as she closed the door behind them. “This is my favourite one; it’s really comfy and warm.”
“So what was that sound I heard, it sounded like glass breaking…?”
“Keagan threw a glass of water at me. It’s ok, Jedrek will yell at him later.”
They walked in silence for awhile. It wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t a warm night for April either. “So Braedon’s coming home tomorrow, I’m really excited. It’s been a week since he left. I know it was for baseball, but I can’t help but miss him.” Kiana looked at Mikaela as she spoke, she looked so innocent and gentle she couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“What’s so funny now?”
“How come you always look so innocent? Do you actually plan to look like that or does it come naturally. I bet you can get away with anything.”
She gave a giggle and sighed, grabbing Kiana’s hand. “Of course it’s natural Kivi, and yes, I get away with A LOT of stuff.” Mikaela laughed as they strolled down the sidewalk together.
They walked by the houses quietly. The lights in the houses were all mostly off with an occasional few that were on. The moon hung above them brightly. They rounded the corner then came to a stop in front of a large old-styled Victorian house. Mikaela lived about three blocks from Kiana did, making it a fast and easy walk whenever they wanted to see each other.
“I’ll call you tomorrow; I think Braedon’s picking us up with the car.” Mikaela turned towards Kiana. They both gave a quick hug, and then Mikaela turned and disappeared inside the house.
Kiana waited till Mikaela had disappeared before she gave a sigh, then turned and walked around the street corned. She took a glance around to see if anyone was watching. When the cost was clear, she sprang forward with such speed, no normal person would have been able to see her. What was a 5 minute walk from her house to Mikaela’s was a 5 second run for her. When she ran, she felt free. The wind rushing past her, no one holding her back.
As she neared the house, she jolted around to the back door, knowing the front door was always locked at ten to close the shop. She opened the back door to find Jedrek, Jaser and Keagan all sitting at the table. “Family meeting?” Kiana laughed as she sat down at the table across from Jaser.
“I saw another Worlder today, I thought you guys might want to know. It seems like they’re becoming more and more frequent.” Jedrek looked around the table, finally settling on Kiana. “I wanted to warn you guys to be extra careful, especially you Kiana, you may be one hell of a good fighter, and the fastest runner, but you’re also very important as our families gemest, remember that. Also, we need to be more careful around Mikaela,” he looked straight at Keagan, who looked at Kiana. She glared back at him.
“I’m not the one who showed up out of nowhere, and threw the glass at his sister.”
“Hey, you’re not so innocent little girl, charging in my room like that. Nice sweater by the way.”
“You’re both just lucky she didn’t notice anything.” Jaser cut in before Jedrek could say anything. He looked over at Jedrek and sighed.
A silence loomed over them which seemed like it lasted forever. It was broken finally when Kiana slid her chair back and went over to where Keagan was sitting. She took of his sweater, placed it on the table and sat down onto his lap, cuddling close to him. “I’m sorry I took your sweater without asking.” She looked over towards Jedrek. “I think we should tell her.”
Everyone was taken aback. Jaser and Keagan first looked at Kiana, and then turned to Jedrek, who just sighed. “Kivi, you know why we can’t do that, it could not only put her life in danger, but it’s risking our lives too. If anyone knew who we were, and that somehow got passed to Vixen… it would be like giving him our heads on a platter. You know how much mom and dad sacrificed-“
“OF COURSE I KNOW, we all know. I may not remember as much as you do, but I know.” Kiana was now in tears as she remembered the past. Anytime her brothers used the ‘parents sacrifice’ card on her she always broke down into tears. Keagan held her close while Jaser slipped away to grab kleenex.
Jedrek got up and walked out of the room, and was back in less then a second. He walked around the table and sat next to Keagan and her. He opened his arms, and Keagan slid her into them gently. “I know sweetly, I know.” He took her hands and opened them, placed something in them, and then closed them again. While they both held there hands around the small object Jaser came back with a box of kleenex.
The item he placed into her hand then started to glow a soft red light. The warmth of the glow went out and spread over all four of them. Kiana sniffed then opened her hand, revealing the large Garnet stone. She took the chain and placed it around her neck. This stone was the family stone, passed down to the women every generation. The stone was passed down to her from her mother when she was born.
Kiana straightened up in her bothers lap, still holding the stone with both hands. She took some kleenex that was on the table. “I know I can’t tell Mikaela, but I still think she has a right to know, she’s been my best friend for 10 years, I owe her that much.” She looked over at Jedrek.
He looked over at Keagan and Jaser, and then turned back to her. “We’ll talk about it later.” He said motioning to Keagan and Jaser, who nodded in agreement. “It is late; you should go upstairs, take a bath and then go to bed.” He lifted her up and placed her on the floor.
She slowly turned around, just noticing her brothers were already gone. She sighed again and ran up the stairs, then quietly walked over the office on the second floor, in-between her brothers’ rooms. She peeked inside, seeing all three of her brothers sitting at the desk talking to low for her to hear. Kiana glanced at each of them for a moment before noticing Jedrek was staring back at her, then with one swift movement from his hand the door closed. Feeling defeated Kiana ran up her stairs and into her room.
Kiana grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. It was a medium sized bathroom, with pink on the walls. She turned on the taps to let the tub fill with hot water, and then checked her cell, 1 New Voice Message. She listened to the message, which was Mikaela confirming that Braedon was driving them in the morning.
She slowly walked over to the mirror and stared, looking at her ice blue eyes which were now red and puffy. She ran her fingers through her hair, which wasn’t like her brothers. They all had natural charcoal hair like their father, but she had long-fine auburn colored hair, the color of her Garnet stone, she had her mothers’ hair.
Kiana went in the bath and just soaked in the water. As she relaxed she didn’t think about anything. Nothing about Vixen, or family, just blanked out her mind.
Once she was done and dried off, she threw on her pink and green stripped pj bottoms and a light green tank. She slowly walked around her room towards her photo binder and flipped through it, stopping ever so often to gaze at a forgotten memory. There were some current photos of her, Mikaela, Braedon and her brothers. Then there were old photos of her with her parents in First World, her and her brothers when she was born, a very old photo of just her parents, and a few strange photos of people she either didn’t know or remember. She glanced at a photo of another family. A mother with long black hair holding a newborn baby, a little girl Kiana thought. There was a man in the picture also, and a young boy hiding behind them. Kiana looked hard at the old photo, trying to remember them, but coming up blank. Slowly she tucked the photo book under some of her clothing to hide it, then turned and went to sit on her bed.
She held her Garnet stone in her hands close to her chest and spoke the stones’ word- “Vormarti,” the stone came to life again, giving off a brighter light than before. Kiana’s mood calmed down and she relaxed a bit more, the light from her stone warming her whole body and her mind. She rubbed the stone a few times before hiding it under her pillow.
She shut off the light in her room, making it pitch black and extremely quite in the house; she closed her eyes, which were still a bit sore from earlier and started to drift in and out of a familiar setting.
- by Aqua_Kitty_32 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/22/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Casting Shadows Chapter 1
- Artist: Aqua_Kitty_32
- Description: This is the first chapter in the book that i am currently writing. Hope you injoy!
- Date: 12/22/2009
- Tags: casting shadows chapter
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