I woke up to rain pounding softly on the roof. My eyes fluttered open.
My surroundings were all white, no windows, no doors, just blank emptiness. I sat up and looked around, my eyes scanning for a sign of movement. Nothing. All of a sudden, like a flash of light , it all came back to me.
No emotions.
No pain.
Just loneliness and hatred.
Sitting up in my bed, my black hair falling in front of my face, I remembered, I was in an insane asylum, my name was Raven Black, but I still had no idea how I got here. My head hurt from thinking. I couldn't remember anything else but small details of my life. I was sixteen, I liked the color black and red, I was both-handed, and I feel nothing.
I felt like I was the only one dealing with this pain, memory loss, no real life.
Listening to the rain made my eyes heavy, so I lay down and let sleep come.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Hey, wake up."
I heard a distant voice and opened my eyes just enough to see where the voice was coming from.
A blurry blond head appeared right in front of me. "Ah!" I yelped, slapping the face. "Ow! Dude, what was that for? That hurt!". I rubbed my eyes and saw five teens around my age, two about five years old, standing around my bed. I looked at my wrist, i was wearing a spiked bracelet - that figures why it hurt the unknown person so much. I also noticed that I was wearing a black t-shirt with a skull on it, dark gray jeans, and combat boots.
"Hi, whats your name?" a girl with dirty blond hair asked me, "I'm Leaf."
I hesitated before answering, I didn't know these people, should I give them my name? They could hurt me since I didn't know them. But they were the only humans besides me there, I had no choice. They might know why I was here.
"Raven, Raven Black...I think..." I said, looking up at the other teens.
The one who had called me to wake up was a blond, about seventeen years old boy with blue eyes and a bit tan skin, another boy about seventeen, with pale skin, black hair and reddish eyes, identical twins, boy and girl, both had red hair and yellow eyes, and this girl known by the name, "Leaf".
"Nice to know you!" the twins mused at the same time. "We're Rocky and Wing!" I stared at them. They looked like EXACT reflections of each other, same hair cut, same outfit, moving the exact same way, even though they were different genders.
"Hi..." the black-haired boy sighed in a dull tone, "Names X." he pointed to the large red "X" on his black t-shirt. "I'm Jax, nice to meet you." the blond boy said, putting one hand on my shoulder. I nodded, looking up at the blank ceiling.
"Where am I? And why am I here?" I asked, looking at the others. "We don't know, all we know is that this is an insane asylum and that we're here for mental reasons." Leaf said, a sad look crossing her face, "We can't remember anything of our past lives, just like you."
"Oh..." I sighed, looking down at my hands again. "But," Jax began, helping me up, "we have a theory that we all may be here because of our supernatural abilities." I stood up, my legs feeling a bit wobbly.
"For example, Rocky and Wing, they can copy the exact moves of anything living." he explained. I tilted my head as he sighed. "Say they were to copy a lumber jack, and the lumber jack they were copying swung an axe, if someone was in front of the twins, it would look like they were swinging nothing but pure air. The person would've been sliced in half, just like the tree." Jax explained more clearly as I nodded.
"Anything abnormal happen to you? Or that you found out recently today?". The other teens stared intently at me, "I-I can't feel any emotions or pain, if that counts as abnormal." I offered. "You can do more then that." Leaf said, "I can sense if you are an "Abnormal" like us." she said quickly after I gave her an uncertain look.
I shook her head, "I'll figure that out later, right now, I want to get out of this asylum."
the rest of them nodded, "Doesn't everybody?" Jax sighed, pushing back his hair.
{Can you hear me Raven?} a sudden voice echoed in her mind, {Y-yes, who is-}, I began to think back, confused on how I was doing this, I was sure I wasn't making the voice up. {It's me, Leaf, it seems all of us abnormal kids can send messages to each other in our minds.}. I looked up at her, and she nodded to Jax.
"But how did you guys get here? I didn't see you before." I asked them as they exchanged glances. "You might want to sit down, it's quite a sad story." Leaf said as the twins nodded, a sorrowful look appearing on their faces. X, who hadn't said anything much looked like he was going to cry, but shook his head and nodded to me. Leaf and I sat down on the bed and the twins came and sat down on either side of me. Then Leaf began to tell their story.
"It all started when X's parents died..."
The Abnormals
Raven Black, a girl who feels no emotions or pain, gets put in an insane asylum and wakes up with no memory of who she was or why she was there. The only thing she ever felt was loneliness and hatred. Raven thinks she is the only one having to deal with this pain - until Jax, Wing, Leaf, X, and Rocky came into her life. Leave comments please! I want to hear from you peoples who want me to continue this story!
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