Good Enough for Me
It was a another rainy day in the city outside of Hiroshima. Not the heavy rain that would make it flood like no tomorrow because of the mountains surrounding us; it was a peaceful light rain, the rain drops splashing lightly making little ringlets around them in every puddle I see. Each rain drop having its own shade of blue.
I jumped out of bed and let my jet black hair fall. I stretch my arms up into the air and yawned. But as I did so, my black tail got caught under the sheets. I was slightly annoyed and got it out and re made my bed. I headed to the bathroom and got out of my Blue and yellow amazing Pajamas into loose jeans and a long sleeve blue and white polo and rolled up the sleeves.
I ran down the stairs and straight out the door wishing my mum and dad a good day and asked Ritiyo, My 19 year old brother, to pick me up after school. I grabbed my ipod, earphones, and a hat (to cover me cat ears) and my school books. I quickly ran to school that was a few blocks from my home when I noticed a strange figure in the ally way. It was like he was waiting for me.. when It moved itself away from the way, Ami ran passed me, rushing to school just like me.. I began to run again but looked at the place where the strange figure was and it was gone.
As I entered the school grounds, the bell began to ring. So I ran to my first class. On my way I ran into my math teacher, Mr. Bonthano
“Oops! Sorry sir I was in a rush,” I exclaimed.
“No worries Akemi. it was a accident.” He replied in a cheery voice.
I picked up my hat and ran to American English class and quickly sat down next to Ami.
“Where have you been?” she asked me in a concerned voice, “ Sensei isn’t gonna be happy,”she added.
Sensei walked into the classroom and everyone stood up and in unison “Good Morning Sensei.” and sat back down.
“Good Morning class,today we will learn the uses of apostrophes today...” and she continued on... going on and writing ‘It’s’ and ‘They’re’ and circling the apostrophes.
After of about 15 minutes of that, she began to rummage though her book for more words and asked us to say the words that she writes on the book.
Suddenly, the door slammed open and everyone went silent. Two large men were standing at the door. Surveying the room and then headed over to the front desk with there backs turned on us. Everyone look at each other and wrote notes asking what is going on. But only I know who they are.
They are the people who come and tell news that would make a grown man cry. I bolted out of the room and ran home. I was run so fast it felt like I was weightless, like a bird fly.
I reached my house and continued to run up to the door. but just when i got to the door and grabbed the handle, a huge hand grabbed my arm. It felt a rock slammed into my arm.
“Son you don’t know what’s going on...,” one them said in a deep solemn voice “This is more serious than a beating.” he continued.
I ripped my arm out of his hand and snapped back, “What can be more serious then a beating of family? huh? Come on spit it out!” I shouted with rage. what can be more serious then a beating?
we stood by the door for what seem like a eternity,alone with this two guys that were here to tell me something that I didn't want to know. After about another two more minutes of silence,one of them broke the silence.
“What can possibly be worse then a beating is death..” He said.
I couldn’t believe it. How could my family be dead when I’ve been at school for not even an hour? I felt tear after tear coming down my rose red cheek. my purple eyes, were now near blood shot from the tears. My usual cheery,perky face was now of a person that my parents said were to depressed for this world.
I turned to the door and slow reached for the door, thinking my parents are still alive. I turned the knob and opened the door and to my startle, the do collapsed off the frame.
“A violent break in...” I whispered to myself,scared.
I quietly walked though the house calling for my family... no response. I headed to the kitchen where I last saw them and I quickly clapped my hands over my mouth... what can only seem like it could happen in horror movies is in my very house in the same room I'm in. I collapsed to the floor and prayed that this wasn't true... that they were faking and that everything is okay.
As I prayed I began to feel the warm tears rolling down my face and down my neck into my hands, dripping of of my cheek. I cried and cried until I heard a moan in the living room.. I snapped my head up and rushed to the room and found my dad's body, lying in a pool of blood. But the moan wasn't coming from him.. it was coming form the figure next to it.. Ritiyo .. he was alive. I rushed over to him,ignoring the gash shallow gash on his chest and hugged him.
“It's going to be okay.. we're going to be fine.” but it wasn't...
I knew that from this point I was going to live with just the brother that I loved and cared about no matter what. He groaned again and pointed to something behind me. I turned,shaking. He was still here... with his weapons of murder.. I gasped and closed my eyes,ready for death.
But it never came.. I opened one eye and I looked over to my right to discover that he was under a massive pile of police officers. Ritiyo was surrounded by Medics and first aids man.
“Son, My name is Akanato Termeci, and I need to have a talk with you and your brother at the hospital.” A man in a black pinstriped suit told me passing his wait towards me.
I simply nodded and he beckoned me to his car behind the ambulance. I followed him and watched the medics carry my brother to the ambulance and we were on our way.
The car ride to the hospital was very strange. This person I don't even know possibly knows my who family, and possibly me. I was scared. Feeling no warmth in my cheeks after that 10 minutes of sobbing. What will happen to me? To ritiyo? That question will never have a answer I thought...
“I bet you have a lot of questions in mind. I'm here to answer those. Go ahead and ask.” Akanto told me.
I had so many questions but I can only ask so many in a certain time we are together in the car. So I narrowed it down to one question,
“who killed my parents?” I asked in a voice so faint I thought he didn't hear it when he was thinking.
He sighed and then looked at me when we were at a red light, “I didn't want to answer that but if you want to know... a Cult called Donata had came by just after you left... they kill anyone that crossed them. Your Own mother was in it but when her Fiance was sleeping with another woman, she was enraged and called the Police for the murdering a man and his friends. Her Fiance was arrested for life but managed to escape prison, and vowed to take revenge of her.”
I was shocked. My own Mum.. in a cult? That can't be right.. she would never do things like kill people. She is to sweet and kind to do such a thing. How could someone so sweet and gentle be a killer?
We got to the hospital just in time to see my brother being escorted to the Emergency room for his gash on his chest while I sat outside just praying. I knew he was going to be okay but I don't know if I can hold myself together from such a depressing day. I paced the hallway with my tail dragging behind me and my ears pricked down. I was so scared on what's going to happen next.
Part II
After hours that seem like years, Ritiyo walked out of the Emergency room with a large bandage wrapped around his torso and parts of his arm. I ran up to him and hugged.
“Hey kid, I'm fine,okay?” He said in a teasing sort of way. I looked up and smiled that he was alive and I have him as a brother.
Mr. Termeci walked around the corner and patted my brother on the back and filled him on the details he told me. He then Lead me into a open Room when no one was in there. He continued on about the Cult and how they also steal, bank robberies and hostage situations, just like a Mafia.. only one a more violent scale. They are like Ninjas, silent and swift with their work.
We walked out of the Hospital and we were driven to Mr. Termecis' house. He offered us to stay with him for a great while until our house was all set. But it felt very awkward being in a complete stranger house and staying. I never wanted to stay, I wanted to go home and be in the same house in my old room with all my posters and pictures that I or my friends made. But that will unfortunately have to wait.
I walked inside the gray house and expected to see more gloomy and solemn setting but I was way off. The inside of the house was so fully of warm inviting colors. I never felt warmer. There were splotches of read,orange, and yellow everywhere, like a huge abstract Art museum. I felt like I was in heaven. And I could tell Ritiyo was liking this place too. We both LOVE art with a passion.
“I see you boys love art,” Mrs. Termeci said while rounding the corner behind us.
“We sure do.” we both said.
Mrs. Termeci lead us to two bedrooms and said that's where will be staying. We both looked around and was memorized. While Ritiyo was looking around, I slumped to my bed, and cried... It hasn't been 18 hours and both my parents have died... I never felt so alone in my life.. it was a weird feeling..
“I'm here for you little man.” Ritiyo said while leaning on the door. He then walked up to me and gave me a hug.
“We can get though this.. I don't want you to start up again..” he reminded me..
I felt more tears come after he said that. I had a issue... I'm not afraid to say that I am (Or used to) be a Emo.. short for Emotional... when stuff like this happens I begin to.... cut …. and can't stop... but I know I have someone that can help me with that.. I just can't start up again... I can't and I don't want to..
We both walked out of the room and headed into the dining room and ate with the Termecis. It was rather silent though....
After we were done eating me and Ritiyo offered to clean up and help out in the kitchen just to keep out mines off of our parents, but sadly that didn't happen.. it just made things worse. I began to cry... I ran up to my temporary room and slammed the door and slammed myself into the bed and buried my face into the pillow.
Ritiyo slowly walked into my room and sat down next to me and patted my back and the next thing he did made me feel better...
Part III
“When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have …...... all of me.” He sung in a voice of a God.
I cried even harder... I never felt better after he sung that. I love Ritiyo. He is now the only thing I have left in my world... I then began to continue on with the song he was singing..
“You used to captivate me by your resonating light Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real There's just too much that time cannot erase...”
“When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have …...... all of me.”
“I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along”
”When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have all of me....” and we stopped and looked each other in the eyes... were weren't the same brothers that we were before the incident. We were now... one soul... a figure of our parents. The messy brown hair that our dad has and the ice cold blue our mum had... passed down to us.. but there is one thing that we will keep forever,besides the eyes and hair... our extra features that always made people look at us in awe. Our cat tail and ears.. so similar and unique. We were like a target for Media.. but somehow it doesn't bother.. what our mum and dad told us... we are more unique then any others to them both.
We both walked downstairs and found Mr. Termeci talking to the police.. oh great what now?
“Ah ritiyo and Akemi, I was just about to come get you two.. please come and sit.” Mr. Termeci said.
Me and Ritiyo looked at each other and stared at each other and shrugged and headed to the couch.
“I'm sure you guys know who killed your parents and, almost killed one of you,” the officer pointed out, “but I don't want to talk about how they murdered them or anything like that. I'm hear to warn you two.. the people who killed your parents are not gonna stop there.. yes they did manage to kill them but they want everyone tat is in that household to die.” he finished.
“Pssh of course we know that.. I mean.. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.” Ritiyo replied back but rather nastily to the officer. The officer just sat there and Ritiyo said his apologizes to him for being so nasty.
Mr.Termeci lead the officer to the door and said his goodbye to him and turned to us in shook.
“We need to get out of here. It's not safe for you two,especially Akemi.” He said. And he is 100% right on that part. We do need to get out of here. Me and Ritiyo ran up to our rooms,packed up and headed out the door,only to think that we've been here for only about 6 hours. We jumped into the car with the Termecis' and drove off into the Japanese country side.
Ritiyo ….. Section II : The Run
While in the car, I frequently looked down at Akemi and ruffled up his hair just to get his spirits up and told him that we will find a way. He looked up with his Dark Ice cold eyes and smiled at me and hugged me.. Akemi was always the huggy type, and I guess I picked that up from him which made me laugh when ever time I think about it.
I looked out the window every couple of minutes and was memorized by the country that we lived in.. it was so peaceful, elegant. Almost like a painting that our ancestors painted. I was thankful that I lived,but mourned that my parents died.. my parents. Always the outgoing type.. but Mum being in a Cult and never told us? We were at least old enough to think about it. But then again it was her own little thing so I guess I don't blame her.. but still.
It started to get a bit late and we headed into a hotel, 200 miles from Tokyo. Odd. There should be just fields of rice and lakes filled with crops. We headed into our rooms and headed straight to bed. But I didn't.. I stayed away and tossed and turned in my bed. I looked out the window to my right and I thought of mum and dad. Just like Akemi, I felt pretty lonely. In the other bed I can hear Akemi sing and I knew that he was awake.
“Under your spell again.”He began to sing
realizing what he was singing,I began to sing along with him “I can't say no to you.”
“Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand.”
“I can't say no to you.”
“Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly.”
“Now I can't let go of this dream.”
“I can't breathe but I feel...Good enough,”
“I feel good enough for you.”
“Drink up sweet decadence.”
“I can't say no to you, And I've completely lost myself, and I don't mind.”
“I can't say no to you.”
“Shouldn't let you conquer me completely.”
“Now I can't let go of this dream.”
“Can't believe that I feel...”
“Good enough,I feel good enough.”
“It's been such a long time coming, but I feel good.”
“And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall.”
“Pour real life down on me.”
“'Cause I can't hold on to anything this good enough.”
“Am I good enough for you to love me too?”
“So take care what you ask of me,”
“ 'cause I can't say no...” and with that, he sat up and smiled at me from across the room.
I mimicked him and as well and sat up,looking over at Akemi and smiled.
“You are a Evanescence dork do you know that?” I asked grinning.
He laughed, “ Oh I know I am. Singing makes everything feel better.” he replied and I can see the smile he gives me when he knows that he made me happy. I smiled back..he then rolled over and fell asleep.
We got out of bed at a fairly early time.... 4:30 … Ugh! That was rough... getting 4 hours of sleep but we had to get out of the city, well country Mr. Termeci said he has a Summer house in China so we might have to go across the sea of Japan to get to there and stay there for a few months until it's safe for us to come back to the Country that me and Akemi were born and raised.
We made it to the docks at a small town called Kagoshima and quickly boarded the ferry to Dalian China and then drove to the city of Shenyang.
The ferry ride to the new country was very peaceful and amazing, the ocean breeze on your face, the smell of salt. It was amazing.
“I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life Ritiyo,” Akemi said while looking at the sun, it's Pink and gold halo around it made the ocean look like a painting. I spun around and look at Akemi.
“It sure is. Come on... you need to eat something or you'll be a twig.” I said and lead him to the car and got him a sandwich from my bag and handed it to him. And sure enough, he ate the thing it 4 bites. I laughed at him and hugged him. He was always the dork in our family. It made him feel great, very out going and everything.
We landed at port in Dalian and drove straight to Shenyang which only took about an hour.
Mr. Termeci spotted his summer home and we drove right in like it was there usual home.
We walked in and we all headed to our temporary rooms to unpack.. but when we each got to our rooms we found something extra to each room... well more like someone extra.
Section II Part II : They found us.
“Well well well, what do we have here?” someone said from the end of the hallway, “ People we have to kill.” he ended.
We were all grabbed by the arms and pinned to the wall.
“ Bring them in to the Living room.” the voice said and within a second we were all dragged and thrown into a chair.
“So, we have the Termeci's and the Tomata Brothers... this is going to be so fun.” and we saw who was talking rounding the corner.. it was mums Ex.... aku .... and he had a blade in his had and a Katana strapped to his back like a modern day Ninja.
“Do you know why I'm doing this?” he said, “I'm gonna take my part of the bargain, and that means killing you all.” He ran the blade just past Mr. Termeci. Sweat was running down his face,whimpering like a dog. You can tell that he was going to pass out soon.
“Well not all of you, I'll keep the Termecis alive if they can keep there mouths shut!” and he knocked down Mr. Termeci to the ground and he was out cold. Mrs. Termeci whimpered and looked away,horrified to what has happened to his husband and moments later,she passed out.
“What a wimp. I guess it's just us.” he said in a menacing voice. Akemi was just as horrified as Mrs. Termeci. And once I saw his face, tears rolling down his perfect face and his eyes shut tight, I knew this mad man needs to be stopped.
“And who is gonna stop me? Not you,” he said walking to me with his hand on the katana handle.
He is right but I just can't sit here watching him harass my little brother. So I thought of the one thing that I could do. Kick him when he gets close enough.
When he got within my range,I did just that. He cringed so hard that he fell to the floor,howling like a banshee.He was down for a good time too,still howling and screaming... I didn't mean to hurt him that badly. But I didn't care about that. I had to get Akemi out of here.. He was in great risk.. and so am I but he is my brother. I got up grabbed the katana..and kicked the madman and ran over to Akemi.
“Hold very still Akemi.” I told him. And he didn't move a muscle.. he didn't even breath. I slowly cut though the rope and without a fail, he was free.
“Okay now do the same thing to mines,” I said.
Within a couple seconds I was free...had a cut or two from the shaking from Akemi and the blade,but I didn't care... I rapped some medical bandages around them and ran out with Akemi to the car.
“He's not gonna stop!” Akemi told me.
“I know but if we can get out of- OH MY GOD!” and right there,the blade was flunged into the hood of the car. That evil smile on his face made my stomach flip. And when I looked closer, the blade had blood... he killed them... I was so scared, more then I've been in the past five years. He ripped though the aluminum hood and then smashed his fist onto the windshield creating a crack. Akemi was sweating so badly he looked like a 5 year old kid on a roller coster gone wrong. I looked down and prayed saying my thanks for being on this world and when I opened my eyes I say a silver handle on the floor next to my right foot. I picked it up and it was a pistol... why it was in here I don't know but Thank to lord that we might have a chance.
“Akemi! On the count of three,jump the side door with me okay!” I instructed him.
He simply nodded.
Section II Part III : Last stand
“ONE!TWO!THREE!” We both stumbled out of the car as I slammed my body against the door as I turned the car handle.
“YOUR NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!” He shouted as he just opened the passenger door.
“Stand behind me Akemi and we might have a chance.” I said with little breath. I
Knew we might die but we could make it. I brought up the pistol and aimed it somewhere close to that... that man... thing what ever he is at this point.. his Eyes were bloodshot,that evil grin twisting on his face. I began to think if it was a sin to even look at him. But I know what has to be done.. he brought his blade behind his body and ran towards us like a real ninja would do. I had to react fast and when he was about 5 feet from us,I pulled the trigger. He stopped dead in his tracks.. he try to suck up some air.. but failed as you can see the blood streaming down his face and chin...
“Right in the head...” Akemi said as he looked at the body on the ground.
“Oh my...” I thought... “ I did it...”
I dropped the Gun and hugged Akemi... we were alive... I looked at the body and right behind the body, we saw them.... Our Parents....there silhouette standing there... our mum waved to us..Our dad was smiling we knew that they were proud of us . Dads' brow messy hair,and Mums' Ice blue eyes... we knew that we were theirs... we both smiled at the silhouettes. They then began to rise and we saw where they were going, a bright golden light in the clouds and the flew right into it..
“I love you,” Akemi said will tears flowing down his face...
“I love you too,” we heard, a very faint voice of a woman... we knew it was our mum..
We headed inside and called 911 and said what has happened... we walked into the Living room where Mr. Termeci body was...Mrs Termeci was gone... but there was no blood stains where she was last located...
“She is still out there,” Akemi said with hope,“We'll meet here again.”
The Police,medical personal came by and took away the bodies and left us there...
we got in the remains of the car,and drove off.. following the ambulance,into the sunset, were we came from...
We went to 3 services for the ones that fell to protect us...we never thought It would happen like this... we do miss them all.... we never wanted to forget that day... where we saw our parents for the last time..
we both ended up with our mum's sister.. and in the meantime.. just prayed that they were okay.... We pray that they will live happily in heaven, the kingdom in the sky... and that,we will run into Mrs. Termeci one day... that she is okay. And that she will be by our side when we find her... and we'll be by her side when she needs us... because we know what it's like... to lose someone...
- by xX Jawru Wolf Xx |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/21/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Good Enough For Me
- Artist: xX Jawru Wolf Xx
- Description: My Final product of my English Short story! ^^ It came out really well! ^^ So here it is! :D soory it's long i can't fit everything one just 5 pages xD
- Date: 01/21/2010
- Tags: good enough
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