The rain drizzled lightly as I looked out the window. Letting out a small sigh i brushed back a strand of my long hair. After years of hardly cutting my hair it had grown to an amazing length down to the small of my back. The color was probably darker before I had started my missions but I never complain. The sun had caused it to be a blonde that looked silver even in the dark. All of my friends admire my hair but I think it's a waste of time. I never cared for how I looked...or felt. I always stare consistantly into my mirror, waiting to see if any change ever happens. Every day I stare into those gray eyes. Those dull eyes used to be full of life, but after he disappeared they had died out. It's been five long years ever scince Matthew had disappeared and I miss him so much. I've never been the same ever scince that mission on Mount Urana.
"Come on! You are never this slow!" I yelled at him. He looked at me angrily and said,"It's not my fault, I just have been..." He looked away as he trailed off. I looked at him for a second and looked away. We silently trudged up the mountain and then we were attacked. "Matthew! Fight them their trying to stop us!" I cried. Matthew tensed and drew his large sword from his back. I jumped up as high as I could and lokked around as I drew out my bow. There were about fifty of them and they were pretty weak. Knocking five arrows I shot them at the same time and watched five figures fall down dead as I slowly fell back to earth. Landing lightly I knocked another five arrows and shot. I looked around and found Matthew who was running through them like they were made of air. He fought all of his surrounders and then straigtened looking at me. I smiled slightly and started to say,"Nice job Matt! You really got..." My smile faded and I yelled, "Matthew! Behind you!" He tried to turn but was struck in the back with a dagger. He let out a small, anguished cry and sunk to his knees. He looked at me and whispered,"I'll be back Lil, don't worry." then jumped up and off the mountain. I screamed and tried to save him but was to slow. I turned and faced the one who had stabbed him and saw someone I'll never forget. Myself. I fell to my knees and bowed my head. Tears ran down my face as I cried feircely and looked up again. I was gone. I cried until I heard someone coming but I never moved one bit. When the person came over to me I whispered,"He fell." and then it went black.
Ever scince then I can't remember what happened after that, only that haunting memory. I always wish it's just a dream but it's not. I saw myself because I was the one who killed him, slowly after being poisoned by me. My words, my feelings, my poison. I always think that and I always ask myself, can I admit that? "Matthew," I whisper, "can you come back?"

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