Untitled vampire book chapter1
Chapter One: The Fold
Mike Sway was your average guy. He drank beer, watched football and worked a 9 to 5 job in a cubicle. That was 15 years ago. He was stricken with Vampirism. He was bitten by a vampire know as Phoenix. His real Name being Alex Johnson.
Alex Johnson is Mike's idol now. He loves his "new" powers, even if they are 15 years old. He loves his new life of freedom as well.
"Mike, stop daydreaming,” said Alex. "We need to do something about the President." Earlier that day, the President signed a law that put a bounty on every vampire's head. It was called the Bill of the Undead. The TV was on the news, which was replaying the speech. Alex was pacing the floor with his hands behind his back.
After a short pause, Mike said with glowing eyes, "Let's reunite the Blood Ties! You know what that will do to the humans? We can get Helsinki, Black Da-..."
"Stop" said Alex. "Let me see if it can be done." Alex picked up his phone and went to “Sepi" on his phone. The other end picked up.
"Hello?" said Sepi.
"This is Phoenix. Are you watching the news? Are they say-"
"Yes, brother. I have already taken Finland if they want a war."
"Ah thank you Black Wolf. I was thinking. Would it be possible to reunite the Blood Ties?"
"You mean after what happened today? I have no doubt. I will call Mo right away."
"Thank you, brother. I also heard rumors of a clan forming in Japan. I was wondering if you have heard of anything.”
“I have heard the rumors too. There are reports on TV that look like Vampire attacks. But I’m not too sure who is responsible.”
"Ok Wolf. I have to take care of a few things, so I shall let you go."
"Go always with the Moon"
"Walk the Silver Path."
Alex turned to Mike and gave him the thumbs up while closing the phone. Alex loved his Finnish cousin. He did his best to help him out if he needed it. But Sepi rarely needed help. He did what he had to get the job done in any way he could.
Alex walked out of the room onto the balcony he had inside on the stairs.
"Brothers and Sisters!" he bellowed, "We have reunited the Blood Ties!"
All of the vampires cheered as loud as they could. The Blood Ties were pacts that each vampire under went. It was a human hunting pact. Now that it was opened, it meant open was. Alex could hear their screams when they turned. He always loved torture.
Alex suddenly heard something outside. It sounded like gunfire and chaos. He went down the stairs, past the still cheering vampires and opened the door. What he seen was utter chaos. Vampires and humans fighting side by side against what looked like an army of SWAT. But he knew better. They were White Dawn, the UN's solution to the vampires.
Alex closed the door and spun around. "Brothers and Sisters! White Dawn is at our doorstep!" he said. He walked over to the stereo system and turned on Perfect Skin by The 69 Eyes. Everybody but Alex and Mike, who was on the balcony, started dancing. A clever rouse, considering how many pale skinned people there were.
There was a knock at the door. Mike went and answered the door, "Ah, nice costumes guys." he said.
"They are not costumes. We are with the White Dawn. We are here for a little pest control. The vampires, you see.” said the agent Noel Moore.
"Oh yes. I see... I doubt there are any here, but you are free to check." Mike stepped aside and curved his arm, showing them to come inside
"Thank you, sir. We will make this fast."
Moore and 11 others entered the Mansion and began to search. As they walked into the crowd, testing for vampires, they got entangled and stopped by the crowd and, "NOW!" yelled Alex. Mike slammed the door and Alex killed the music. The clan overwhelmed the soldiers and sank their teeth into them one by one.
The soldiers screamed out in pain as they were bitten. Only Moore was saved, for Alex. He was marched over to him and Alex smiled, "Any last words as a mortal?"
"Yeah. You'll pay for this."
"We shall see." At that, Alex sank his teeth into Moore's neck and listened to him scream. Today was a good day, indeed.
Untitled vampire book chapter1
This the first time I have ever written a book or anything along these lines. If you want more info about something, please feel free to contact me. Also, if you do some snooping around on Gaia, you can actually find the other chapters I have finished in my multi's journal. Its easy to find. Also, the vampires have nicknames, which you can ask what they are. Please comment this is you read it. Regardless of if you liked it or not, I wanna hear what YOU think. The good and the bad.
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