| Submitted on 04/05/2010 |
Back when the world was young there were two fish. The White Fish, and The Black Fish.
They decided that the world was to plain and decided that they needed a little bit of action in the world so thus creating The Red Dragon. The Red Dragon was master of all things fire and hate and controlled
the evil in the world. He rampaged about for centuries if not millennia. Fire burned from the tallest mountain down to that helpless little worm crawling in the dirt. The White Fish saw all of this destruction and realized that even though the death and destruction could be fantastic, it needed a counter balance. All the fire and destruction would eventually destroy them and then they would not be able to watch him rampage anymore.
So the two fish talked it over and after a long while they decided to create The Blue Dragon, this dragon would counter act the evil that The Red Dragon would create and thus saving the world from destruction. The Blue Dragon represented peace in the world and had control over water. In fact he had to control the water in order to clean up all the fires that Red dragon created. The Two dragons got out of hand though, Battles ensued for centuries. The world for a short time would be covered in fire, not long after the world would be covered in water.
The White Fish and The Black fish decided they needed the two dragons to have a mutual agreement and created the wise Green Dragon. As he was being created fires were put out and water was drained. Rocks, dirt, minerals and all of the elements of the earth rose up and brought the two dragons to a momentary cease fire in their ongoing battle for the world. They found this Green dragon and asked him what had happened. The Green Dragon told the story of the great fish in the sky and their ongoing attempt to keep themselves occupied. He told them that he was the one who put out the fire and drained the water, He moved his great mighty head and looked The Red Dragon in the eyes and told him “You mighty Red Dragon of Destruction, will be the one who burns the life giving it the chance to re-grow to an even more mighty form“ then he looked to The Blue Dragon and told her, “And you mighty Blue Dragon of Peace, will be the one who fills the lands with water and rain it down on the forests bringing back the life that the Red Dragon has destroyed.” The two dragons looked around at this wasteland of a world they were supposed to create and destroy. They pondered there duty for moments and agreed to it. So as the years turned to decades, the decades turned to centuries, the two dragons destroyed and re-created the world.
The White Fish was quite pleased, as was The Black Fish, They talked it over and discussed it, they were going to age the two great dragons but not the Green Dragon for he had the knowledge of the land, but no mate to have children and share the knowledge with. The Red Dragon noticed himself getting weaker and weaker as the years went on. The Blue Dragon started noticing the weakening and searched the world for The Red Dragon. For years The Blue Dragon tended to The Red Dragon but soon The Blue Dragon realized that she was getting older and weaker also. Neither of them wanted to die without having somebody to remember them by. So the two dragons decided that they were to have children, not just one, or two, but many, many children because the Blue Dragon was capable of laying as many eggs as she pleased. So after the eggs were big enough to be laid she laid them each in the cave the two great dragons had picked for their children. There were hundreds if not thousands of eggs laid all blue and red, except for one, one happened to be purple, and this purple dragon would be the savior of the world one day The Wise Green Dragon had prophesized. Some of these dragons though the wise dragon told the other two that half of these eggs were to hatch and be transformed into humans, these humans would have no recollection that their mother and father had been the mighty dragons who created the world and would come up with their own reason. He also prophesized that some of these humans would be violent and would try and destroy their own parents whether they new it or not. Some of the dragons hatched though would turn out to be violent creatures, but as long as the purple dragon lives there is hope for the world. With this the Green Dragon went to a faraway place where these dragons would never find him.
Millennia passed as the eggs hatched into dragons and as The Wise Green Dragon had told them some were turned into these small creatures called “humans,” some of these dragons turned into violent creatures. The peculiar thing though was the purple dragon. He didn’t grow like the other dragons did he could barely fly but the power inside his dragony lungs was more than that of the Red and Blue combined. The other dragons made fun of him and all left to carry on there parents job of creating and destroying the world while this little dragon stayed and worked as best as he could to fit his role in the world.
Many years passed as the humans grew and grew. The Great White Fish and the Great Black Fish decided they would not live as long as the dragons would as they were small and frail beings. These humans transformed from idiotic creatures into well developed beings in the world. They started spreading out across the world developing their own languages and own cultures. Some believed in The Great Fish in the Sky, most believed it to be unreal and developed what they thought really was the reason they came to be. The humans of the world started wars and fights over who was right about the creation, and once every now and then one of the dragons would be seen. Most of these dragons had forgotten who they were, where they came from, what there job was, all they wanted to do was kill these beasts as they refused to believe that these creatures are where they came from. These dragons laughed at there pitiful attempts at killing them, the dragons unleashed hellish storms of ice and fire on the humans.
One day in a village somewhere in the world there was a cave nearby that the Green Dragon had been in the hole time. One brave lady decided she was going to go cave exploring. The Green Dragon tested his luck with this lady he didn’t know whether she would be violent and kill him or not know what to think, but as he wished he stepped out in front of her as she was exploring, his steps sounded like the world itself would fall apart. She grabbed on to the nearest object to hold her up as she watched the mighty creature step out. She Shrieked as he bent down to her level so he could see her. She looked at him and at that moment she realized this dragon was sick and needed tending to. Over the weeks and months that she tended to him, she became fond of this poor sick creature and his surroundings. For some odd reason she thought to herself that she was falling in love with this dragon. She didn’t know why seeing as he was a creature and her a mere human. The Wise Green Dragon slowly being nursed back to health started falling in love with this woman.
One day The Dragon left the cave to go visit The Great Red Dragon of Past-Destruction and The Great Blue Dragon of Eternal-Peace as they called themselves now. They were almost as big as he and the small purple dragon almost as big as a normal now. He asked them how to reach The Great Fish and ask for guidance and they told him he needed not know for he was made with all the knowledge they had and held the power of the world in his wings. After days of disbelief he thanked his old friends and returned back to the cave where the beautiful lady had been waiting for his return. She ran up to him and hugged his trunk sized leg.
He looked at her and for the first time he telepathically told her that he knew her feelings for him and he had the same. Before he gave her and option that could change the way she looked at life and all of its meaning, he told her how the world came to be and how the humans had been transformed from dragons. He did not know why but he only knew it was the wishes of The Great Fish in the Sky. The Dragon gave her some time to contemplate what he had told her and she asked him to go on. Nodded and told her “there is a greater magic in the world that only us dragons could even hope to use, this magic can turn dragons into humans and humans into dragons.” he paused a moment “if we were to be together one would have to change to the other.” she looked at him with an astonished look in her eyes and asked “well if you were to change to a human you would never be able to change back without the help of a dragon so… I would much rather like to be a dragon with you.” The Wise Green Dragon started to glow a bright white and told her “then it has been decided” soon after the white light shifted over her and she started growing into a dragoness form and she became the first yellow dragon.
“You are the first yellow dragon to ever exist on this world” The Wise Dragon told her. He explained to her that she had power over wind and controlled the storms of the world. To her amazement she willingly excepted this responsibility and with The Green Dragon they controlled the world itself for years to come and more.
The Creation of Things
how the world and current things came to be, i came up with this siting in my us history class
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