Tyler’s Marvel
Fan Fiction
Chapter 2
The Big Date.
Leon Kennedy member of a secret organization that monitored Mutants and Undead like activities had just finished his shower and put his shirt back on, he checked his I phone he read the message from Violet the mutant girl he met at Xavier’s school he then proceeded to get his car keys, he grabbed his Knife and custom pistol which he was required to carry with him at all times around mutants, and made his way to the lobby of the hotel he was in. When Leon got to the car garage, he smiled as he looked at his Red Ford Mustang GT, modified to be a tank on wheels with the best armor and bullet proof as well as laser proof windshields. Leon had modified this car to compete with the Illegally modified Skyline that the Mutant Tyler Lupin Arsene had obtained when he was about 14 with his gang of car thieves. Leon would open the driver’s side door and step into his vehicle, pressing a few buttons on the computer console he then inserted his key and started her up with in a few moments his car was purring like a kitten, he placed his knife in a special compartment next to his stick shift and he placed his weapon in a special box . He proceeded to drive to Broadway, and he was happy when he saw her, he parked his car in a near by parking lot and proceeded to enter the security code that would turn it from a tank with wheels into a sitting death trap to anyone who didn’t have the code. Leon would then walk to the Woman who was waiting for her, she was dressed in a beautiful Red dress, wrapped in a white fluffy coat, he tapped her on her shoulder, and smiled when she turned to great him, her hair being pushed back as her red lips smiled in return. “You know you really didn’t have to take me to a Broad Way show Leon.” She would say as she went and immediately grabbed his left arm, wrapping her arms around his. “But Violet I promised you I would, besides a beautiful girl like you who almost died today deserves it.” Leon said as he walked with Violet to the ticket box. The purchased tickets to Phantom of the Opera, good tickets to Third row. Leon smiled knowing violet was enjoying the show when she placed a tender kiss on his cheek, he wrapped his arm around her holding her gently to him.
Sitting not four rows behind the new couple Peter parker and his Date Felicia Hardy were enjoying the play, Peter was glad that Felicia now had all of her memories back, and she was glad to remember him she gently kissed him as he wrapped his arms around her. “Peter thank you for everything.” Felicia said while she watched the show in a low whisper. “Felicia your important to me, of course I would help you.” Peter would say, the young high school students were enjoying there winter break at the theater this was peters Christmas gift to Felicia hardy. But suddenly Peter’s Spider sense began to go off thunderously in his head. Suddenly the wall exploded the familiar black and white figure being thrown threw it landing in the middle of the walk way, the crowd screaming in fear the actors on stage running off it as Venom stood up, growling before the entire audience, as he did a Woman would appear from the hole in a jumping kick that would send Venom into some now empty chairs. The woman was Dark skinned, and wearing what looked to be a visor that covered her eyes, her outfit looking much like a science fiction convention rejects outfit. Her scanner was tracking Venom. “Edward Brock Jr.” She would say in a monotone like voice. “You can not escape, you are to come back with me to the base.” The Dark skinned woman would say as she ran with lightning quick speed grabbing Venom by the face, the petit dark skinned woman would lift Venom up like he was a paper doll. “Further Resistance will be met with your termination.” The woman would say as what looked like tubes would shoot out of her arm and into Venom’s neck, Venom’s Eyes would begin to go from White to a deep blood Red. “We are nobodies Puppet we are aaaarrgggghhhh!!!” Was all venom could say before his body would go limp. Peter having seen all of this went and changed into his Spider man outfit, Felicia had also changed into her Black Cat uniform They both appeared from the bathroom stall they entered, and were about to swing into action When Violet and Leon rushed past, Spiderman would swing kicking the Dark skinned woman breaking the hold on Venom dropping liquids and robotic like bugs obviously she was transplanting them in Venom threw the tubes, she would do a back flip hand spring and placed her left hand on the ground causing her momentum to stop, the Dark skinned woman would look up, Seeing both Black Cat and Spider-Man. “You two are not in my Data, you are not my targets. This will be your only chance to flee before I kill the both of you.” She would say as Venom would stand behind them, grabbing them both by the neck, squeezing hard. “We Will Handle this.” Venom would say before throwing Spider-Man threw a wall Leon and Violet Ran outside to his car. “Leon why are we running, you took Tyler down can’t you take that monster down?” Violet would ask as she watched Leon deactivate the kill function on his car, he got into his car and entered a few keys and grabbed his gun, his knife, an extra gun for Violet. “Violet can you handle a Fire arm?” Leon would ask as he would hand her a Custom Berretta 9MM pistol. “Eww Leon I hate guns, I prefer these.” Violet would say as she reached into her coat and pulled out a modified Switch blade. “Before you say anything yes I know they are Illegal.” Violet would say as she took her jacket off. Leon would holster the other gun, grabbing a special gun and holstering it. “Violet you stay here.” Leon would begin to say before she cut him off. “Oh no you don’t Lover boy, I’m going to help you, because I know you know what’s going on.” Leon was shocked at how she figured out what was going on. “Fine but hurry, I don’t think Spider-man and his Feline friend are going to last much longer with that Monster or that woman.” Leon would say as they both rushed back into the building. Leon would Quickly pull his Custom pistol the laser site aimed at Venom’s Arms, he would quickly fire two shots, before quickly moving his laser site to target the Dark skinned woman, he proceeded to empty the rest of the clip in a attempt to hit her, but her movements were not human, she dodged every bullet like it was nothing. He quickly ejected the clip inserting a new clip as he smiled that both Spider-man and Felicia having been released from the Bug Possessed Venom, they jumped back Joining Leon and Violet. “Sorry to Intrude But we figured you could use some friendly Neighborhood Help.” Leon would say to Spider-man. “Normally I would have a come back for you, but you both need to get out of here right now, Venom could kill you both.” Spider-man would say as he looked at his friend’s now red eyes. “Listen Parker I know that’s your friend Eddie Brock, I know he is very Dangerous, but he is supposed to be on our side, but that woman is not a woman, she is a Cyborg and she has Infect venom with Nano machines. Now I have the antidote in my secondary holster, do you think you can distract him enough that I can inject it into his body? “ Leon would say as he continued to aim his weapon at Venom and the dark Skinned woman. “Leon, It’s good to see you again, I am glad the Explosion in Central America didn’t kill you, I was hoping to get the opportunity to kill you and your friend personally.” The dark skinned woman would say, the Visor would raise and act like a hair accessory as the Dark eyes of the woman glanced at the four, She would have been Beautiful, if it wasn’t for the fact she wasn’t human. “She isn’t my friend your company has traces of Blood that belongs to there friend, I don’t know why your trying to spread Legacy around, but it’s going to end I will see to that Alice T Elos” Venom having heard enough lunged at Leon, but Leon’s reaction was amazing, even spider man was shocked as Leon not only Dodged Venom with ease, but did a shuffled side kick that sent the monster into another row of seats. “Ok I highly doubt you’re a cop or a agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Felicia would say as she stared at the monster, Violet on the other hand had ghosted, appearing behind Alice her knife out, as she attempted to stab the woman in the back the knife blade would crumble like it was made from paper. Black cat seeing the girl was now in trouble sprang to help, her New Diamond Edged claws out , the girls would start kicking and punching at Alice, but Alice would dodge every punch and kick, Venom having gotten back up Roared. Spider man would shoot web balls at the black and white creature, each ball hitting him as he would try and jump on him. Leon running after Spider-man pulled out the injector gun, attempting to jam it in Venoms neck, but right as the gun was about to make contact, venom’s left arm burst free from the webbing, knocking Leon a few feet and sending his gun to the other side of the theater seating area, Venom would then grab Spider-man and proceed to slam him into the ground repeatedly before tossing him aside as well. Then Venom would burst free from his webbing entirely as he shot his webbing at Spider-Man and Leon both, snagging them and beginning to twirl them around and around before letting go. Meanwhile Black Can and Violet were suddenly on the defensive Alice using her right arm had form some kind of Red Energy weapon and was attempting to cut the girls in half, had it not been for Violet’s Ghosting power, she would have been dead a few times already as Alice would slice threw her body literally a few times, though Felicia had a few cut’s having narrowly missed becoming a dead Kitty. “What the hell is she.” Violet would say as she grabbed Felicia, Ghosting her as Alice tried to strike home. “I don’t know but this b***h is starting to piss me off.” Black Cat would say before they were both kicked by Alice’s Spinning side kick, this time there would be no getting away Violet was Stunned by the Kick, and fell on top of Black cat, Alice’s red blade would come down, Felicia would close her eyes “I love you Peter.” She would say expecting those to be her last words when suddenly the sounds of sparks could be heard, Black Cat would look up to see a Woman wearing almost the same exact outfit, only it was White, had blocked Alice’s Red blade, with an Identical Blue blade, the new Woman also had a visor on, hiding her eyes, but it didn’t hide her blue hair, and her white but tanned body as she lifted the blade up pulling out a beam saber from her left thigh and activating it, the red blade would nearly cut off Alice’s head as she did a back flip and then a jump to the side when she avoided a green beam. A Male in the balcony had his hand up like a gun, Black cat could see him mouth the word bang before a green bolt of energy would shoot from his finger he was aiming for Alice. Meanwhile Spider-man and Leon were both getting out of there stunned forms only to see Venom in mid pounce then suddenly he stopped, he was floating in mid air, his hands moving to a cross like position before he started doing the late Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance, it would take both Leon and Spider-man to notice that something was attached to venoms body. “Dance my Puppet Dance.” A feminine voice could be heard as a Long Pink Haired fat chested girl would appear from the Shadows. “Mr. Kennedy, you should give him that medicine now.” She would say with cute smile. “Strings?” Leon said as he smiled at the girl before looking for his Injector he would find it and walk to Venom, Tearing open the Symbiote and pressing the gun to his neck he injected the serum into Eddie Brock, soon Venoms eyes would go from red to white once again, Strings would release her threads from Venom. “Pa..Pa…Parker?” Venom would say as he looked at Spider-man. “Yeah Eddie it’s me, don’t worry your safe.” Spider-Man would say. Mean while Violet had come to, noticing the similar girls were facing each other down, the new girl in white and the man in the balcony were trying hard to hit Alice. “You will not escape this time Alice T Elos” The girl in white said. “Oh she won’t Escape Beam we have her cornered.” The man said as he fired another blast from his hand which missed Alice by a few Inches. “Katsume Ko Smos, Yusuke Ko Smos, and Kasumi Ko Smos, I would have hoped the explosion last time would have taught you three better.” Alice would say in her monotone like voice, she withdrew something from her belt and threw it on the ground, a bright flash was all that could be seen, when everyone’s eye sight had returned Alice was gone. “Tracking…..Tracking…. Target T Elos is not in the Vicinity, we have failed.” Katsume would say in a Monotone like voice that was similar to Alice’s “Leon it is good to see you again.” Yusuke would say as he jumped down to great the man like he was a friend, as the girls were helped back up and everyone was around greetings were made. “Violet, Peter, Eddie, and Felicia, this is Blaster, his older sister Beam, and there younger Brother Strings.” Leon said, smiling at the reaction from Violet and Felicia. “Wait she is a he?” Violet said, before grabbing Kasumi into a hug “He is so cuuuuuttttttteeee” Violet would add. Strings would smile as he hugged back used to the confusion of his gender and enjoying it all the time. “These are Tyler’s Friends from his Car Boosting days. Thank you for Rescuing us, I don’t know what would have happened if you had not have been there.” Leon would say Extending his hand to Yusuke. “Well we owed you one from Central Leon, I figured this would make us square.” Yusuke would say taking the hand and shaking it. “So what brings you to New York?” Peter would say “My Tyler called us up, we are going to go Visit him.” Kasumi would say with a blush on his face. “Tyler but didn’t he go back to the Brotherhood house?” Violet would ask “Who is this Tyler person?” Eddie would say reverting back to his normal non Venom body. “Tyler is a Mutant and well That woman has been distributing samples of his blood all threw out central America to mutants mixed with other ingredients. They are calling it Legacy and it’s getting a lot of Mutants sick. “ Leon would say as he sighed. “Yeah well Leon after you and us took down that company building Central we heard about what Happened to Tyler, since he called us up we figured we are in for something big, could you point us to this Brotherhood house?” Yusuke would ask. “Sure Blaster.” Leon responded before handing Blaster a data pad with the directions. “Violet I think I should take you back home, Peter are you and Felicia coming to, I know you two were staying at the X-mansion for there Christmas events.” Leon would say wondering if they wanted a ride. “Um no thanks. “ Felicia said butting in. “Peter and me are going back to my place to finish this night with a bang.” She said before Pulling Peter into a Kiss. “I’d like to go with you if that’s ok Mr. Kennedy.” Eddie would say. “Sure thing Eddie.” Leon said Soon everyone had gone there separate ways Violet, Leon and Eddie Brock had gone back to the X-mansion, Peter took Felicia home, and was rewarded for his tickets with a special night. And the siblings found there way to the Brotherhood house. Eddie went to talk to Logan, having had fights and moments were they teamed up he felt Logan was the best person to talk to, meanwhile Violet was being seen to her room by Leon. “Thank you for this wonderful time Leon, even though the weird dark skinned lady had to ruin it it was very nice.” Violet would say. “Don’t mention it Violet, in fact I think I owe you another date to make up for this.” Leon would say in response. “Oh Leon don’t think your leaving just yet I know exactly how you can make up for our lost time. “ With that Violet grabbed Leon pulling him with her threw her door and into her room, for the next few hours only sounds of Yes and moans would be heard from her room.
End of Chapter 2
- by Tyler Aesnland Rubyre |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/14/2010 |
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- Title: Marvel RP Fan Fiction chapter2
- Artist: Tyler Aesnland Rubyre
- Description: It's chapter two of the Fan fiction called the Legacy Saga.
- Date: 04/14/2010
- Tags: marvel fiction chapter
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