- Blood, he needed blood. He remembered the dry blood he found. The organic preservation liquid could have made it a liquid again. But then again, that blood could have been there for days, the cells could have been dead, making it useless. Then he thought, "Those creatures, they must have been bio-engineered. There must be a container of blood for them". His vision went fuzzy. It got so fuzzy he couldn't even read his own H.U.D.. But in the corner of his sight he saw a green line moving downwards fading into yellow, then red. He knew this meant he was dying. He was out of blood, the emergency battery was running out, and his wound was still open. He had an idea. "Infrared vision activate" he said. Due to his dying battery, it went on, but it flashed on and off. 15 minutes he had been alive and yet he was on the edge of death. He needed some energy. The fastest resource was destroy something mechanical and have it electricute him. He saw a computer and sprinted over to it. He then turned it on, and smashed it. It gave him 6 more minutes of life, but due to the infrared it was reduced to 47 seconds. Then he remembered that blood consisted of plasma and cells. Cells multiplied, and if it was to stay in his body, with no nutrients, his body would supply a way to. It was risky, but he could use any wet blood to save himself. He walked over to the blood puddle, now wet. He picked up some and put it inside him. Okay, blood saved, now to fix the wound. Only 15 more seconds left, he would have to act fast. Then he remembered the computer. He ran over to it and said "Auto repair systems ON". Claws from his body reached out and tore up the computer and fixed Rondus. He was safe now.

- Title: A.I. Part III
- Artist: HLP210
- Description: Rondus has to find a way to save himself and get out of this mysterious facility.
- Date: 04/15/2010
- Tags: partscifiwhatlawl
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