• Hi my name is Leslie Bailey, and I hate you. At least that's what I think when I look at you, what I'm thinking while I'm smiling at you. What burns through my blood, and and makes my throat ache with a silent scream. As I listen to your voice.

    My name is Leslie Bailey and I'm a liar, I lie to myself every time I hear a fat joke, or a racist comment. I say out loud, that's funny, or good one or something else equally stupid.

    Hi my name is Leslie Bailey and I am dying inside. Little by little every time that I have to pretend out loud that I respect you. That what you say is valid, and that you matter. In truth I think that you're a waste of good air, and I personally think toilet paper is more deserving of my regard. At least it knows it's full of feces.

    Hi I'm Leslie Bailey and I really wish you'd stop asking me why I'm doing this, and just die with some dignity.

    Hi. I'm Leslie Bailey, and I think I'm going to become a serial killer, and you're my first victim.


    Hi I'm Merrick Waters and I have issues. XD