It’s a new day at Domino high school and Yugi is sitting at his desk. It’s only been a week since the Pharaoh’s spirit was put to rest and the millennium item were returned. He sits alone, since Tea went to America after graduating early and Joey off judging a beginner’s cup dueling tournament, even Tristan off out of town. Truth be told, Yugi was supposed to be judging the tournament, but he let Joey go in his place saying he wanted a break from nonstop action in his life. In reality though he just wanted to figure out what do with himself now that his destiny had been fulfilled.
By now it’s nearly 3 pm, “Time to go home and help Grandpa with the store…” Sighed Yugi rather glum, “Alright class, have a good summer vacation, and remember, for those of you graduating, the ceremony is tomorrow” Reminded the teacher. “Oh man completely forgot! Better call Joey and let him know!” Yugi recalled Joey saying he’d get his diploma in the mail, not that it made sense to Yugi but it was still worth telling Joey incase he forgot… “The past 4 years flew by, First saving Grandpa from Pegasus, then defeating both Marik and Kaiba in Battle City! Not to mention that seal of the oricalcose thing” Yugi couldn’t help but laugh at all the adventures he’s had at only 17! Yugi knew most of his destiny was over and he was free to be a duelist without all that pressure on his shoulders, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to participate in any tournaments anytime soon, not without Atem’s support.
Even though Yugi had proven he was ready to face the world on his own by winning that last duel with Atem, it still didn’t mean Yugi was ready to sacrifice such a valuable friend to do so. He couldn’t stop replying those last moments he shared with Atem before he left this world forever… “We’ll always have a piece of each other to carry with us forever, the kindness you gave me, and the courage and confidence I gave you. Nothing in this world can take that away” If only there were a less complicated way for things to have worked out” thought Yugi with a sigh…
In the meanwhile, outside the Yu-Gi-OH universe, a young girl sat on the living room couch eagerly eating up every last moment of the series finale of Yu-Gi-Oh. “Like we always say, it’s your move” *dramatic music plays*… “No! That means Atem has to go away forever! This can’t be!” cried the girl in shock and despair. “Violet can’t you try to contain yourself? It’s only a TV show” Her mother sighed “Let her have her fun dear, it only lasts a few years” Violets father chuckled in amusement. “I wish I could go there so badly! But after the machine that took me to those other worlds I liked, it destroyed itself after my last return. it’s near impossible” Thought Violet, thinking back to the explosion, “Then I got a big cut in my leg! That took an entire week to heal!” She added angrily staring at her new scar. Before she could complain anymore though, her thoughts were interrupted by her mother’s beckons to go to bed. “I guess something’s are just not meant to happen” She concluded rather sadly.
However, fate was on her side that night…the biggest adventure for this dimension traveler was yet to come!
As Violet dreamed tossing and turning, the cut on her leg began to glow! Violet didn’t know it, but when she had slid out of the portal from Sonics’ world only two months before, a piece of it was embedded in her leg undetected, and it was about to do its job again.
“I really need to fluff my pillow! it’s so flat it feels like concrete!” Complained Violet her eyes still closed. As she went to reach for her pillow though, all she could see was flat surface! “What the..?!” Violet instantly got to her feet and looked around. Everyone’s faces where animae, and she appeared to be in a big city. She also realized she’d been sleeping under a fountain oddly enough, but it was early morning so no one had seen her. “I must’ve gone to another dimension…but how? Dad’s invention was destroyed!” Reasoned Violet, and once she’d looked down, realized her reflection resembled that of an animae character as well! Not just in any animae style ether. “Only Yu-Gi-Oh characters have this eye shape…I’m in there world!” She smiled excitedly “I wonder what season I’m in though? I should try and find the gang! If I do, maybe they can tell me!” doing this would be no easy task however. Unless she just happened to bump into one of them…
“Hey watch out!” Called a voice, as Violet was thinking all this through. Unfortunately, the warning came too soon and the person rammed right into Violet, making them both fall over! “Hey are you blind?! Watch was your going!” Snapped Violet as she rubbed her head in pain. “I know, I’m sorry. I’m late for my graduation ceremony, are you ok?” The voice was really familiar… Violet opened her eyes to realize the person she’d bumped into was… “You’re Yugi Motou!” She blurted out “Y-Yeah” he replied a little embarrassed “Oh, I’m sorry I shouldn’t keep you, you got a graduation to attended” Violet suddenly realized “Thanks, are you sure your okay?” “I’m fine, just go!” She smiled as Yugi nodded his thanks and took off running again, more than likely to ram into someone else on the way.
“What did I just do?! In my nervousness I just let my only clue outta here take off! I gotta try and follow him!” She concluded and in just as much of a hurry as Yugi ran in the same direction she saw the king of games go. In such a big city like Domino, would she really find Yugi or a way out of this world and back home?
Chapter 1: Domino detour
As Violet ran frantically, searching for Yugi or even a hint of his friends her hopes only sank more as time passed. “Wait a minute!” Violet stopped to realize something, “Yugi said he was attending a graduation! This means he must be going to Domino high school!” She thought triumphant. All wasn’t lost yet!
After getting directions, she followed the signs to Domino high school, the beginning scene of so many Yu-Gi-Oh episodes. “It’s all or nothing now” Violet took a deep breath and walked through the doors. The hallways were covered in decorations and pictures of the apparent past year for the seniors graduating, it was neat to be at Yugi’s high school and see it as a real place! She couldn’t get too excited though. Violet knew she couldn’t make that same mistake twice, getting attached to this world would only make it harder to say goodbye. Violet’s quiet thoughts were over powered by the loud speaker “Attention all graduates and visitors, please find your seats, the graduation is about to begin!” “I’ll have to find where Yugi’s sitting if I hope to find him and even have a chance of getting out of here” Violet whispered to herself in panic.
Nearly running down the halls and into the meeting room, she immediately started scanning the room for Yugi or his friends. She didn’t see Tristan or Tea, but she spotted Joey and Yugi in the front row. They both looked nervous, and Violet couldn’t help but feel for them, this was a big day. Real or not, graduation in this world just couldn’t help but be scary.
Then, just 5 minutes from starting time, she felt a hand touch her shoulder, “Come with me” The voice said, Violet shook in her animae boots, as she turned around to see Atem’s faded spirit form looking down at her. She nodded discretely so no one would pay attention. She followed his shadow, flickering in and out of her vision. This was so odd, how could she see him? Only Yugi shared this ability with Atem…
She followed him all the way out and to the side of the school. Finally Atem turned around, looking at her with stern eyes. “What could I possibly have done to make him angry?” She thought in panic. “I knew from the moment you bumped into Yugi you were not from this world, I could feel your fear and uncertainty” Were Atem’s first words “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to come here; I don’t even know how I did! Please don’t to send me to the shadow realm!” pleaded Violet in fear. She had so much respect for this main character, but she also feared his abilities as the bearer of the millennium puzzle. “Why would I do that? NO, I came here to talk to you because I need your help!” He replied, Violet was shocked. “Need my help? I’m the one who needs help! You said it yourself! I don’t belong here!” Violet replied “Neither do I. Being so well versed in this world as you are, I’m sure you know my soul was split from the millennium puzzle and from Yugi a long time ago.” Atem began to explain “So it’s already happened?! Wait, how do you know about my knowledge of this world?” Violet asked in urgency “That is not important. I can’t explain everything now, but I will tell you that you must speak to Yugi and our friends and tell him to come back to Egypt and speak to Ishizu. She has the clue you need to solve this new puzzle” Atem replied and then his form began to fade. “Explain what? Atem wait!” Violet pleaded, but he was already gone….
Meet the yu-gi-oh gang and duel monsters!
Violet’s mind was racing! How would she get back home with all these quests? Well whatever the case, she knew she couldn’t just leave Atem stuck in this world. He’d already been here too long as it was! Besides, both objectives pointed to talking to Yugi and she had to do that no matter who she was helping.
By now the ceremony was nearly done, and people were taking pictures and talking. With this enormous crowd, how would she get anywhere near Yugi or Joey? To make things worse, she spotted a news van outside through one of the windows. With Yugi’s reputation they’d sworm around him so tight it would be impossible to talk to him. She had to get to Yugi before the news channel did! She pushed through the crowd as fast as she could to where she saw Yugi and Joey last. Their seats were empty! “What do I do now?” She sighed sitting down glumly. “Uh, you got some business in my seat?” Someone behind Violet asked. “Oh, I’m sorry I was just looking for someone” She started to say as she turned around. She then saw it was Joey wheeler! “I know what’cha mean, its murder tryin’ to find Yugi in this crowd” He replied casually.
Violet tried her best to swallow her shock and said “You’re looking for Yugi too?” “Yeah, but how da you know ‘em? I’ve never seen you with Yugi before” Joey asked “Uh…well, it’s kinda a long story…” “Hey Joey sorry I took so long, the crowd is awful to get passed in one piece” Yugi smiled walking up from behind the two of them. “Hey Yuge! I was just lookin’ for ya! By da way, you ever saw this girl before?” Joey inquired “Oh yeah I met you this morning! We kinda bumped into each other” Yugi laughed “Heh yeah…listen Yugi I uh…I hate to be so abrupt but I need to talk to you in private” Violet replied. Yugi’s amused face turned to suspicion and concern “Alright” He replied “Hey, if you got somethin’ to tell Yuge you got somethin’ to tell me too!” Joey called over the crowed “Fine” Violet answered and with both of the boys behind her she guided them to the side of the school building. By now Yugi and Joey were really suspicious.
“Okay, I know you barely know me and this is going to sound really odd coming from a stranger but…Atem needs your help” Violet started to explain. Both boys faces turned to shock and confusion “How do you know about Atem?!” “And how did you figure he needs help?” They demanded. So, after taking a deep breath, Violet explained everything that time would allow, about how she came to this world, about her world, and also about the message Atem wanted her to pass on to Yugi.
“I don’t know about of this ‘other dimension’ stuff, but the message Atem wanted to tell Yugi sounds believable.” Joey admitted still thinking it over “I agree. I still have a lot of questions, but I suppose we should just follow Atem’s advise and go to Egypt and talk to Ishizu” Yugi replied. “What about me? Aren’t you going to take me with you? I know just as much about all this as you do. Atem told me he knew I did, so I want to come!” Violet demanded. Yugi and Joey exchanged a look of unsureness “I-I guess if Atem trusted you, so can we!” Yugi replied.
“Hold on a second! Before you come with us, you gotta show us what you’re made of!” Joey objected, both Yugi and I gave him a confused look “I mean with Duel monsters” He responded. “I suppose I couldn’t hurt, with the crazy stuff we’ve been through, everything is settled with a duel so you have to be ready” Yugi smiled. “Great! Yugi, why don’t we meet at your house for some practice dueling in an hour?” Joey suggested “Alright. I’ll talk to grandpa about all this” Yugi answered “By the way I almost forgot what’s your name foreigner?” Joey asked “Violet” She answered again. “Well Violet, you can stick with me while Yugi talks to his gramps and we’ll meet him later for your practice duel” Joey explained. “Sounds like a plan! I’ll talk to you guys later” Yugi smiled cheerfully and ran off down the side walk. “Why don’t you and I set up a starter deck so you can duel?” Joey asked a little later; I nodded in excitement. I was gonna learn how to play duel monsters!
Chapter 2: it’s time to duel!
After the ceremony ended, and everyone went home, Joey led the way to Yugi’s house. “So, you know anything about duelin’ Violet?” he asked as they walked. “Somewhat I guess. I’ve seen you and Yugi duel hundreds of times, but never really learned how to do the more advanced real world dueling” Violet replied. “Well, if you’ve seen us duel you pretty much mastered it already. Yuge has been through countless tight spots and always pulls through, his faith in the heart of da cards is boundless” Joey remarked smiling. Violet knew she was in for the best day yet!
“Come on grandpa it’s only for 3 days!” Whined Yugi, at the Kame game shop meanwhile. “Well, I suppose this could count as your graduation present” Smiled Solomon Motou. “Yes! Thanks grandpa!” Yugi replied giving him a hug and running up to his room to prepare for Violet’s practice duel. “I may not know much about this Violet girl, but I can tell she’s an honest person and could really help us out. I wonder why Atem decided to appear to her and not me? It’s so strange” Yugi thought glancing at the box where the millennium puzzle was once kept.
“Hey Yuge, are you ready to duel?!” Joey asked excitedly walking into the room. “You bet! Let’s see what you can do Violet!” Yugi grinned.
“I summon the kimouri dragon in attack mode!” Yugi announced playing his card on the table. “Your turn” he said afterward. Violet studied the situation, “Hmm…okay, if the kimouri dragon has 1700 attack points and 1200 defense points, and my feral imp on the field has 1300, then I can use this ‘stop attack’ spell card to be able to attack and destroy his monster! But wait what if Yugi is expecting me to do that? Otherwise he would have attacked my feral imp when he summoned it…I might have a way to stop his plan if I figured it out correctly” Thought Violet excitedly. “Alright! I put this card face down, and play ‘stop attack’! Which allows me to put your monster in defense mode, and you know what that means!” Violet grinned, most proud of herself. “Not so fast! I play ‘de-spell’! It removes one of your newly activated cards back to your hand!” Yugi replied in confidence. “I had a feeling you’d do that Yugi! I counter with ‘magic jammer’! Cancelling out your ‘de-spell’ card!” Violet cried slapping the card on the board. “Oh no!” Yugi thought “Now feral imp! Attack Yugi’s kimouri dragon!” Violet ordered. The holographic simulation of a feral imp slashed the dragon with its claw, making its image explode. “That takes your life points down to 0 Yugi” Violet announced putting her cards back in her new deck.
“Wow! That could’ve qualified for a battle city championship duel right there! This was one of the most closely matched games I’ve ever seen!” Joey exclaimed taking a breath. “I know. Violet for a beginner, you made it up with us at our level.” Yugi added with a smile. “It’s not my skill to be honest…I just know your deck so well I can guess what cards you have in your hand based on your moves and combos” Violet explained in a humble tone. “Violet it still takes a great amount of skill and faith in the heart of the cards to slip past my moves. You’re a true duelist.” Yugi praised “Thank you Yugi. I couldn’t have come this far without you” She replied her face turning red. “Okay. Now that we know Violet can hold her own in a duel, we need to start preparing for the trip to save Atem. I lent Violet some of my sisters clothes so she’s all set” Joey explained getting up off the floor and getting his coat. Violet nodded, putting her suitcase by the door. “Our flight is scheduled for tomorrow at noon so meet us here at 10 am so we can make it there in time.” Yugi advised. “Will do. I’ll see you guys later” Joey waved good-bye and went out the door.
As soon as Joey left Yugi ran over to the phone and started to dial a number. “Yugi, who are you calling?” Violet asked. “I’m calling Tea and Tristan” He replied “But why? I highly doubt they will be able to meet us here by 10 am tomorrow morning!” She argued. Before he could reply it looked like Tea had answered her cell. Yugi then went on to explain everything he could to Tea and the trip to Kyro Egypt. “…are you serious?! Great! See you then!” Yugi answered happily. “Don’t tell me she’s actually going to meet us here?!” Violet objected “Yeah! Actually she was in town already, because she was visiting some relatives down father south” Yugi explained quickly. “What about Tristan?” she then asked eagerly “He’s coming too. He was outta town to go and visit serenity but now he’s back” He replied. “Well, it sounds like the gang is back together again.” Violet smiled “Yeah, it feels like old times…” Yugi suddenly let out a sigh. “Are you okay Yugi?” Violet asked worried. “Oh it’s nothing, I’m fine. We should start getting ready for bed, it’s getting late! Grandpa said you can sleep on the couch in the living room” Yugi replied. Violet nodded and left down to the living room to set up her bed.
Then, as she lay down on the couch, she couldn’t help but smile. “I learned so much today! The best stuff is still to come” She thought as she drifted off to sleep. She forgot all about to getting to close to this world and even her real home. But would that come back to haunt her later?

- Title: Yu-Gi-Oh: The story never ends
- Artist: No_One00
- Description: It's a story i made up about after the series finale of the original Yu-Gi-Oh show. It's kinda long and cheezy, but tell me your opinion and i'll quit if it's too awful...
- Date: 07/04/2010
- Tags: yugioh story never ends
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- Tyler WhiteGlint - 06/24/2011
not bad do another miss old yugioh
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- cat-girl343 - 12/25/2010
- it's a little long. however, i liked it. keep writing it. i want to see what happens next.
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- Drummergirl1701 - 12/09/2010
- i luv ur story sounds lime the one im writing. Rate back? im writing the warrior queen story under fiction wont b up til monday though
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