Once ther was a girl she thoght everything was okay she thoght she found her true love... Then one day after shool she found her boyfriend kissing another girl. She felt so insinificant she ran to a neer park as fast as she could while running she thoght about how he told her he loved her all lies nothing was true...when she got ther she cryed under a tree. she put her nees up and lad her head on them while holding ther grass and lilttle rocks. Her hand began to bleed it rushed down to the grass. she looked up at the clowds and everything they had a perpis to be here ther had a place to be and her.... Nowhere. It was getting dark she had to go home... the next morning she had to forse her self up and out of bed but she keeped on going. She got to shool and she knew she would have to confrunt he ex but not till after shool. Finaly shool ended she wen't to the back of the school her ex ran to her kisses her cheek and told her he loved her. She got mad but began to cry and told him what she had expirianced. he denied it all but she told him she would no longer see him then she walk away. she whent to the park agen and under her same three she wen't to the same three for weeks then sudenly one day she saw a guy on her three she disited to sit to the one closet to hers. It looked as if the guy was crying she was wondering if she was seeing things or why would he be crying. Then she left when it got dark. Now it was morning she sleeped trow the night like nothing for some reason. She got ready and headed out for school she saw the say guy in her three last time she wondered why she had never notised him. She was deturmend to talk too him. After school she didint find him so she headed to the park she saw him under the same three. She walked over ther slowly then said Hi. He quietly said hello. then she asked if she could sit next to him she said "yeah sure" so she did then they talked for hours about why they were sad the day passes like nothing they had to leave at one point they saiy bye to each other and whet ther seprit ways the next day she saw him walking alone to the same park after school so she ran to cach up to him. they talk all they way ther about ther day this contined up to 4 months she was falling in love and so was him. He could tell her anything and She could tell him everything. Her heart was in a not she didint know was to do if to leave him have her heart she was scared to fall in love but ther was no stoping it she fall in love with him even more each day and couldent stop it and she didit try to eather. So one day after school when they got to the park and sat down she told him was she was felling for him he felt the same way and made her stand up he got to hes need and told her "Will You Be My True And Only Love" she awsered yes with no thoght about it. they sat back down and she layied her head on hes cheest. She looked up at the sky and saw the cloweds and though Now, Now i have a perpis here and it was to Be with him. <3
My True Love Found
Mrs Mahan
Kinda romantic, The girl with her heart brocken finds her true love. Long story so people who like to read, read on :D!
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