Hi my name is Vladraina, I have a brother named Vlad he gets in trouble A TON and i have to get hem out of it, see he’s a born half vampire and I’m a born full vampire the reason I say "born" is because if u didn’t know all vampires are made not born so we’re like REALLY rare.
A dark night came in I was alone neither expect for Diablo in the rain my brother not in sight nor was the killer. “Where is he?!” yelled Diablo. “FOR THE LAST TIME I DONT KNOW!!!!!!". I yelled stressed .Then I know I’d gone too far (because I’ve been yelling for the past hours) he grabbed my arm with vampire power and speed I let a yelp of pain escape my lips,"owww!" I yelled. He pulled me close moved he’s lips next to my ear and I heard as he’s fangs slid out. He’s fangs about an inch away from my neck. "I would silent if I were you, I have the entire consul on my side and I can have your throat slit were you stand and have no charges and the same for your brother, and your uncle." Although I couldn't see hem I knew he had a smirk on he’s face and then I felt the pain of 1,000 burning souls when he stuck he’s fangs in my neck even though it was only for a quick sec. it hurt like as I said 1,000 burning souls. When he let go of my arm and was in distance to kick I kicked hem in the face with vampire speed and power and as he fell to the ground, shocked I said and when I came to the end my voice cracked a bit, "The only reason u have the consul on your side is because they hate me and Vlad and my uncle WAY more then they hate you and that’s because of my dad!" he said "hmm." with a gosh darn smirk. Then I ran and the ONE time I looked back he was running after me that got me MAD so I found a house ran up the side and when I landed my foot was on he’s chest I heard a snap and then he let out a laugh he grabbed my leg and snapped it like a twig, I fell I couldn't move I was in shock he did that then I heard another snap and my leg stop hurting I got up and didn’t waist a second I kicked hem in the face he fell I got on hem and started punching he’s face as fast as I could then I went for he’s chest I started hitting he’s chest when I stopped to blink he was on me I whispered "darn.". he started to punch back but then Vlad came running over and tackled Diablo I got up and told Vlad "Get out of here now!!" I barked. "NO.” said Vlad and then he got tossed off and before Diablo got up I jumped on Diablo my fangs no more then three seconds from he’s neck and I whispered "leave now before I do have a pretrial for killing a vampire. “he merely laughed but when I got up he said "I’ll be waiting" that night we went home uneasy. When I went to sleep that night I knew I was not alone, I knew he was waiting in my room. I got out of bed at midnight for my midnight snack and was pushed and covered by my covers. “Gosh darn it!" I said. This was bad I’m at my lowest power right now I haven’t had my nightly blood. he came flying at me I kicked hem in the face and said "Your good but I’m better, and it well be that way forever" after that I was knocked out but I did hear "yeah well lets just see about that and the worst part about it was I know what he was talking about and that he had Vlad too. When I awoke I was in a dark room, I could hardly, there was Hagus, and the gosh darn Diablo. I was cursing left and right, "oh, shut up well you???!!" Diablo said. I was tired of hem so I kicked hem and he fell, he just laughed, and then I said, "WOW how unoriginal can you get?" (I was shaking my head) I got up and was pushed down so was Vlad, we got up faster and made it to the door locked,( of course). "Here comes the fight?” I asked. Diablo said "Well no duh." I whispered to Vlad "You get Hagus ill get Diablo" He nodded. I charged every thing turned red I know I was in a dangers vampire stage but I didn’t care all I cared about was killing Diablo I was tired of hem and all of this "trying to kill me every time I saw hem " thing I was mad I didn’t even care if Vlad was still alive or not I just couldn’t stop it was like ever time I hit or kicked hem I felt hem slip away more and that all the happiness rushed in that was lost when I first saw hem all my brother went through all I’ve gone through all the times I wanted to SCREM all the times I wanted to cry to let it flow I couldn’t because HE was all was there this time I didn’t care if I died for killing a vampire as long as I brought hem down with me. Then I stop attacking Diablo stopped too I looked around I could see aging normally kicked blindly Diablo fell "VLAD" I yelled he came running in I kicked aging I broke the glass ,I said "Go, Vlad" Vlad jumped out the window and I followed that night we stopped by snow's house (she’s one of the only people that know we’re vampires) she give us some blood we thanked her and left we ran home ,Uncle Otis was MAD he’s face red I know he’d been crying but I said nothing about I hugged hem said sorry and I let a tears roll down my cheeks and I snapped I let my tears come I didn’t care I screamed "What’s wrong?" uncle asked " I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE UNCLE I CANT” I yelled I ran as fast as I could out the door. '"WAIT" yelled uncle. Vlad looked at he’s watch and said "oh no the slayer" terror in he’s voice and eyes. "Vlad get on my back.....NOW” Otis barked. "Yes uncle” Vlad said. Otis on my tail but I was still running........away I guess I tears hitting the street I was hopping over car Otis dodge them. I ran to the park went by a tree sat down and balled up and cried Otis came over and lifted my head up and said "Its ok don’t cry please" he started to cry "I know its hard but it gets easier trust me, I love you...... and your brother.” uncle Otis said. I grind and said "I love u to". "I love u too" said Vlad for once I thought things were going to be O.K.....why did I think that because Uncle told us about me having to have a pretrial he said he’s not sure what it was for but he still be there to back me up and grind but it was forced. The next few days were bad but good too, bad because ill have my trail soon and good because I work and worked and worked on my vampire skills(with the help Otis and some from Vlad but not much),but when we were using our mind to talk, I stopped and I saw a vision saw me and a dead vampire at my feet and a crowed of vampires below me I was on a hill on a mountain and blood of the dead vampire was running down my face then I turned to the crowed and yelled "I am Vladraina and I AM a vampire, I am your princess (Then two men walked up one on each side and Vlad was one of them the other one I think I've seen hem before) and these are your princes we are the holders of your fate!!!!!" and the crowed went WILD in cheers and the sky turned red and it rained down blood and I gasped and I was back in my room with Otis and Vlad. "What happened?" I asked. "Well that’s what we'd like to know." said Otis who was now looking a little scared. I told them all about my scene. "Oh, Oh God NO!!" Otis yelled. "What?” I asked. "That’s one of the forbidden scenes what happens in a forbidden scene means it well be coming soon or maybe it’s not forget it." Otis said calming down. We got up early the next day went to the consul.
I'm not going to have a trail, we went home, I did some vampire training for 2 hours, went to sleep and had a vision (it was before the princess and prince thing I could tell) we were in a castle and Otis said "Don’t worry its just a few test you pass your welcome you don’t you.................will................you die." We nodded understandingly. Then I woke up. I went back to sleep and what I'm guessing was the first test I was in a lake of flames looking for a bottle of water I found it in 1 min. I came to the shore and handed it to Otis as I spit out flames Otis told me to go back in and find Vlad I found hem in 4mins.Then we had our next test it was to kill slayers I killed mine with to trouble unlike Vlad but he killed he’s too. Then I awoke my face felt like it had fire and blood on it but when I felt me face there was nothing on it. "Weird...." I whispered "What?” asked Vlad "Oh, What the...... your knocked me almost out of my skin! But nothing I’m fine." "Ok crazy." Vlad whispered as he rolled he’s eyes.
Vladraina Book 1
i got some of this from Vlad Tod and some from Cirque Du Freak By Darren Shan but the name of this book is: The Forbidden Scene: please leave a comment or a rating (im Vladraina i wrote this book i did not copy this some stoll my account that had this book so no reports)
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