• She was walking down the street's screwy new sidewalk, that obviously the cement pavers messed up on, you could tell from the lumps and the cracks already forming, when she felt a drop of something fall on her from somewhere. She looked at her arm, next to her blue frilly, short-sleeved blouse, and saw a droplet. A droplet of blood. Soon, she felt a splatter of blood, dripping across her arm with many droplets constantly falling down from the sky. She looked up, and from nowhere did she see where the drops of blood could of came from. No person, no birds, no anything. She began to think of all the possibilities of what and where this blood could of came from. The clouds, a person on the roof pulling a prank, a fight on the roof, something around the lines of possible.

    "I wonder," she said out loud, while looking at the blood on her arm. She continued to walk while now looking up at the sky. She wondered what stars would have blessed the world with blood on our arms. 'Blood on our arms, like we always go to war against each other. How silly am I, and how silly is that,' she thought to herself. Suddenly while looking up at the beautiful, ocean-mimicked sky, she walked into something. Something weird. She looked in front of her, and there was a man, or a woman, right in front of her. She realized how rude that was, and said, "Sorry," and moved away to the left of him or her, and continued on her way. " While walking away, she said the words, "Weirdo, you ******** freak," with a horribly mean smile. As she was walking away though, a little after that, she could of swore she heard some muffling sounds or mumbling sounds from behind her.

    As she continued on home to her mother's house she had noticed it had started getting dark. Very dark, and very fast. So she quickly sped up, walking faster now, with her arms swinging at an equal pace. Suddenly, she felt a drop of something fall onto her arm again. It was blood when she looked, it was still blood when she looked again. She looked up and saw nothing. 'Absolutely freaking nothing,' she thought to herself. Abruptly, she heard some noise that sounded like something metal was knocked over and she also heard some feathers being ruffled and some wings fluttering. It sounded like it had came from behind her. She looked around and behind her there was a knocked over trash can, with some dark feathers and some grey feathers by it. She started to walk that way, but suddenly decided against it. So she turned around and continued on home to her mother's house, and sped up more to a running pace. She kept running and running all the way to her home, and until about a block away from her house, something strange began to happen.

    Strangely cawing and cooing was beginning to be heard above her, so she looked up, and then she felt and saw a drop of blood fall on her nose. She looked away, to wipe it off, and after that more drops of blood started falling on her, too, then she finally realized what was happening. That there were bleeding birds flying above her; bleeding all over her, drop by drop. And from the amount of blood on her, liter by liter. 'How ******** queer and disgusting is this,' she thought to herself. She kept looking up at the birds, while wiping the blood off of her face, when she noticed that those birds were crows, and pigeons! 'Were those feathers that I saw near that trashcan earlier, from these birds?' And as she thought those last thoughts, she was covered on every part of her body with blood. Every inch, every speck of bare skin, was covered by blood. Her clothing was so soaked by blood, that her skin was covered by blood underneath her clothing too.

    She then noticed that there were more and more birds flying over her; and as the number grew of the birds, the number of her fears grew too. The birds criss-crossing, swooping, drooping, and in circles; just flying all over the place, splattering blood on her and all around her. The birds started coming closer and closer towards her, moving more; and more and more birds did this. She screamed, "AUAIOOAIOA!!!", and ran away towards her mom's house, knowing that there would be only about one block left to run. The flock of birds moved with her, now swooping at her and pecking at her too. Their wings and claws scratched her face and her body up terribly. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her, and she looked to see that stranger she bumped into from earlier today behind, probably chasing her. She ran faster, trying to get away from the birds and stranger, but to no avail it seemed. She was probably a few houses away now from her Mom's house, when she decided to take a secret short cut; an unused alleyway nearby, which she took now and then to out run others and get away from things; because this alley was cluttered a lot, and was unused by anyone else. She also knew this alley very well. She turned into the alley, and ran and jumped over a tire, ran through some thick and high grass, dodged a garbage can, and then she turned and went behind the brick wall of the house owner next to this alley, and she ran behind the brick wall, that was put at the end of the backyard of the house-owner, and she kept running towards her house, until the flock of birds covered her, and would not get off of her body, Clawing onto her body, digging their nails into her skin, ripping her clothing off with their beaks. She fell to the ground on her butt, almost butt-naked, for the birds have torn her undies and skirt to shreads. All that remained was her blouse and bra, and the birds’ feathers that were sticking to her body on her wounds, or just stuck to the blood that covered her body. As the flock of birds covered her body, barely letting her breath, she was pinned against the wall, trying to get away at her last attempt. Suddenly, hands wearing weird dark gloves grabbed her throat, and the birds moved a little away from her body but still kept attacking her. The hands began strangling and she could not breath and she began gagging and gasping for air and life. She moved her weakened and moveless, wounded arms to the arms of the choker, and she tried to get whoever's arms and hands off of her throat, but to no avail. The assaulter finally spoke, "My birds are hungry."
    "What?" She asked and gasped her final breath in surprise and horror.
    That was her last word she spoke, and then she died from lack of breath. Her last thought was, 'What did I do to deserve this?' And then her life flashed before her eyes, and all she saw was her horrible life of abusive punishments that she received and gave out to everyone and everything she had ever met.

    The birds flew away after she died only a few moments after. The assaulter bent over to her, and licked her dead body. He licked her from her side all the way to right at her collar bone. Then he licked her bloody skin from her neck to her lips, and began kissing her and making out with her, feeling the last breath's remains with its tongue in her mouth. After it was done with the kissing, he said, "I am hungry as well," while the birds were on the brick walls, watching the dead body with hunger and vengeance in their eyes. He then began to feast on the dead body, biting into her flesh, and after he was done the birds got the remains of her.

    The End!