Unforgettable Cliche: ch1
"Your guardian has requested your presence, princess.."
Aiko groaned. She hated when she was summoned back to the place of Hell that used to be called her home. Masaru Kenshin, the current proprietor of her late parents' land was the center of it all. After her parents had died under mysterious circumstances, Kenshin didn't hesitate to seize the opportunity of becoming the heir of the Nishimori clan; granting the fact that Aiko was too young to take the place of becoming an heiress.
All the same, Aiko didn't like Kenshin. She saw through to him as being a greedy landlord who didn't care for the people in the Hidden Crescent Moon Village, but only cared for the wealth and power he had gained over the last eleven years. As a result, Aiko stayed away from "home" as much as possible. In the process helping others around the village and training to become a ninja; against the wishes of her parents.
Aiko sighed irritably, waving the messenger off.
"Great, what could he want this time?" She muttered to herself as she sprinted from her secret Lotus Garden and towards the village; with Haru, the messenger, following close behind.
Aiko hoped it wasn't another suitor waiting her. Ever since she turned seventeen, Kenshin had attempted to get rid of her by selecting suitors from other countries to court her. But of course, Aiko saw through this and rejected every single one of them. It was an upsetting cliche. Every week there would be at least one who would make a feeble attempt at trying to sweep her off her feet and take her away. And each time she would push them of their high horse and order them to leave. Depressing as it was, not one was able to amuse Aiko. It soon got to the point where she would just order them away without so much as a glimpse in their direction.
She soon came to a halt wondering, 'Why am I running? There should at least be some enjoyment in going back to that place.' Her pace slowed from a dash to a deliberate walk. Haru did the same, slightly confused but then realization hit him and immediately understood the princess's intentions. 'I'll make that good-for-nothing leader wait for my return.. I doubt that whatever he needs me for is urgent. So I'll just take my sweet time.'
She turned to Haru. "Would you mind walking all the way back? It's a nice day outside, and I really want to enjoy the scenery."
Haru just simply bowed with a faint smile. "Of course not princess. I humbly respect your request."
"Please, just call me Aiko. I have nothing but contempt for that title now. It has no meaning to me anymore."
"As you wish.. Aiko-chan."
Though she tried to kill time, her excuse wasn't a complete lie. It was a delightful day to be outdoors. The sun was shining brightly overhead, along with a few strips of clouds passing by the bright blue sky. A cool breeze caressed the green leaves on the trees, causing them to tremble with glee; as the their shade shadows parts of the green grass. The butterflies were swaying with the wind, as the sun reflected off their vibrant colors of blues, oranges and yellows. Everything was peaceful. One of the reasons why Aiko would always stay outdoors in the Crescent Forest. Her teething troubles were always far behind when she came here.
They continued walking until they reached the palace. It was unusually silent as they walked through the village. Normally if it was this discreet, it merely meant that someone had passed. Not even the birds in the trees had peeped a word, or the people who are commonly out in the streets. Everything was silent Just as lifeless as a ghost town.
Aiko cringed. 'This can't be good..'
Once inside, they approached the throne room to see Kenshin pacing angrily. He turned to them with a sharp look.
"So nice of you to join us, Aiko. Tell me, where have you been?" He asked in a falsely sweet tone, his appearance looked restrained as though he were trying to keep his composure.
"I don't see how that is any of your business, Kenshin." she retorted flatly.
"hmph. Last time I checked, I had a right to know, wouldn't you agree?"
"Last time I checked you weren't my father." she spat back.
Kenshin grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Though I am your Guardian. Those two positions are rather close."
Aiko scoffed. "Apparently not close enough for you to act like a father figure."
"Aside from that," Kenshin said, ignoring that snide remark. "There is something of great importance that is in need to be discussed."
She pursed her lips. "Go on."
"It has come to mine and the council's attention, that you still do not have anyone to court you. This is a deep concern since you have rejected all of the suitors we have selected. So, we have come to an agreement that you shall no longer have a choice in whom you are betrothed to."
Aiko stiffened. "You make it sound like you have chosen yet another suitor and that everything is set."
Kenshin's lips curled into a curt smile. "You catch on quickly, Aiko. But unfortunately, you are correct. Everything is already in place for an arranged marrige."
She gulped. 'Yet somehow I knew this was going to happen' she thought. Aiko relaxed a bit, regaining her calmness. "And to whom am I being betrothed to, dare I ask?"
Unforgettable Cliche: ch1
VampireGirl Shiori Uchiha
Longing to leave her depressing homeland, Reluctant Princess Aiko Nishimori does anything in her power to avoid home, where her sneaky guardian currently resides. What happens when Madara convinces her to leave, but under special conditions? Please R&R!
(I Don't Own Naruto. Only Aikou)
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This piece is a pantoum, so...
sorry ran outa room ^^^^^^
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