He gently stroked her hair as she slept. Kissing her cheek he said
“Ill come back for you I promise’ he slipped a note into her hand and left the safety of their shelter and out into the world up above to retrieve the new Nano.
~ Three days Earlier~
“Oh, come on!” He said as he ran after his sister.
“Ha-ha, big brother you can’t keep up “she stuck out her tongue.
Mayla had just turned nineteen years old today to celebrate her birthday Mich took her to the M’hor Field.
“Oh Mich it’s so beautiful, I love it here so much, thank you.” She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his middle and leaned up to kiss his cheek.
After the mind rain Mayla and Mich were left their parents and almost anyone who had taken to Nano to become human. They had become close friends and they had a bond and a love stronger than a normal brother and sister would have.
“I wanted you to have a great birthday May” a gust of wind came by and blew her hair out of her face showing her beautiful yellow-green eyes.
‘Mayla, you know that I love you right” she dug her face into his chest and said.
“Yes I know and I you Mich.” He wrapped his hands around her and leaned down to kiss her lips when they heard a gunshot from overhead
“Over here I found ……” Mich had yanked Mayla away before she could hear the rest pulling her into the Willow Garden. Between breaths she said
“Mich………..why….today.” he lifted her up into a tree and followed her he whispered
“I don’t know May but shhh” they covered their mouths to hide their heavy breathing a few of the manotics came by
“Do you see them?”
“No they must have ran away to Daisy lane” they heard their sonic feet powering up to run a long distance. Mich jumped out of the tree and then caught Mayla.
“Come on before they come back” she nodded in agreement as they rand down roses Square and out the back way of M’hor field.
They soon found a church and climed on top to get a good view of old Miami the sun was setting throwing shadows over the building
“We should be safe her “Mayla had sat down and looked out at the sunset she looked as to why she couldn’t rember why she felt so alone.
“Mich…well be…alright right? ‘He sat next to her
“Yes you that we always will be and have been safe”
“Where will we go now’ she shrunk into her knees
‘I don’t know” he scratched his head than rembered
“You rember the old lab right?” she nodded and looked at him
“well we can go there and live their well be safe no one can find it you know that May and I bet Auto is waiting for us to return he's been waiting for so long” she smile a little and said
‘Your right I don’t know what came over me I was being……”
“Being concerned about our wellbeing that’s all cutie now I don’t want to hear any more about this ok?”
“yes sir” she laid down to take a nap that night she dreamt of the time that mich had taught her how to fight how marvelous and spectacular it was to see him in action. She never really noticed before is because their old status kept everyone safe his division fought all the wars but luckily he was never called. She tossed and turned in her sleep her dream turning into a nightmare
‘Who are you?” a strange man stood in front of her tall and lean he was covered in muscles that were all she could see for the rest was burly.
“Go away I don’t know you leave me alone!” she yelled in her sleep Mich shot up and shook her awoke
“May?” he shook her again
“MAY!” no response he tried one last time and shook with all his force that he had she sucked in a breath of air and cringed to him
“Thank god” he sighed out loud he looked down at her she had been crying in her sleep
“May tell me whets wrong”
“a man was there to take me away from you I told him to go away for I didn’t know him but he didn’t listen he took me and threw me into a car’ she cried some more than said
“I saw I’m kill you Mich he killed you” she looked up her eyes red
‘No one is going to kill me May nobody can’ he said it as if to convince himself not her. She tucked herself into his lap and went to sleep into his arms
That morning they headed for the beach as they passed the old towns and shops and houses they rembered al their friends and family that had lived there. Now most of them were dead or either a brainwashed manotics. Mayla had held his hand the whole time she couldn’t bare it the old memories and pain and love she had here. Mich looked down and saw a tear running down his sister’s face.
Zane had just gotten home from a long day of work he laid down on his couch pulling out his cell to see a txt message from butch again she was asking out to dinner and again he had said no his loyal companion had come to greet him home
“hey buddy how are ya?’ the faithful pooch had responded with a kiss on his cheek. Zane laughed but his laugh had soon faded he thought of how he had come to get the dog. His future wife wanting to save it from the streets. How pure and innocent her soul was.
Regrets hit him like a wild day in the water at the beach. But he had forced that regret out of his head it would only bring pain to him and a ruin to his hard work on trying to forget about her. He got up and went to his bedroom he flipped on the light. His room was bared and had a solid black cover on the top he had two regular synthetic wood dressers. He sat on his bed and set his clock for five am .he flip off the switch and fell into a coma sleep.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Zane looked up at is clock and saw it was twelve in the afternoon
“Holy s**t!” he jumped out of bed and slipped on his uncomfortable shoes and ran out of his house.
“I’m gonna be late!” he said
“HP kick in Sonic Boosters 4.5k” a voice popped into his head saying
“What location will you be traveling to today sir?’
“To RDBG base please”
“Location found. Please wait.” Zane waited for the queue and started to run he moved at sonic speed making a loud boo behind as he ran down the street and onto interstate I74 I got to RDBG headquarters in less than a minute.
“Disengage~ his pace slowed dramitcly till he was running at normal speed he stop and crashed on the front bench outside the building. He took off his shoes and laid back to relax a little bit he look over and saw his best friend Laial come outside
“Hey Zane” he smiled having a seat next to him
“I’m…….good….’ he said in between gasping breath
“I see you used your sonic boosters today huh”
“Yea” he smiled and laial got up to leave when he said
“Did you guys ever catch that couple in the park?” He shook his head no
“Nope not yet’
“Are you going to as for that promotion?” He smiled again and looked up at the sky
“Yea I’m gonna ask but not till I get that couple that we saw in the Fields.” Laial shook his head
“you know man you work way to hard for no reason there is nothing to do go find a wife and have a family ya know your twenty-three years old Zane live like a grown man’ before he knew it Laial had left the grounds.
“Ahh well than” Zane got up and went into the sixty foot building and took the elevator to the thirty-seventh floor there he went to the department of Social and Civil Justice. He knocked on the door
“come in “ the door slid open and he walked in. butch’s office was an amazing sight compared to his her room was a nice dull grey and her walls were covered with plaques’ and trophies and diplomas the whole back wall was cut out and replaced with a window giving her a nice view of the beach and downtown Miami . In her corners were two leather chairs and a chair in front of her desk. Not to mention that her desk was a rare type of marble a white kind that was said to cost a fortune and polished wood floors that you could see your face in. She turned around in her chair
“whets up and what can I do for you today Zane?’ he was a taken back to see she had a black eye
“What happened to your eye?’ he took a seat in front of her desk
“Oh nothing just a little problem yesterday that all don’t worry”
“I need help catching some rebels” a grin crawling over his face.
Manotics the Beginning
this story is kinda weird and alot of confusion cause i wrote this and than i dont even know whats goning to happen till i write it down thats kinda funny i think. lol but any way heres the first few pages of the story its kinda hard tog et this the way i want it so dont be upset if your reading and than theres no more.
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