"We have to get out of here, it might happen again!", a voice said. "But, we don't know for sure... We don't know for sure if the full moon was responsible for that anomaly.", another replied. "Only time will tell..." "Fine, we'll wait until tomorrow."
"I told you we should have left before the full moon!" "Hey! Do you think right now is the right time to be yelling at me? We need to get the hell out of here before something even worse happens!" "Starla, I'm... I'm sorry." "Apology accepted, Adam.", Starla said. "Well, let's go get Crest before it happens...", Adam cautiously said. Adam and Starla quietly, and subtly walked towards Crest's(and Delta's) room. They slowly opened the door to see...
"Mom, Dad, whats happening to me?", Crest said, "I... I don't feel good..." "Crest, how old will you be turning today?" Starla said. "Umm... 13?" "Correct, which means you will be going through a developmental change involving your moon light powers." "Can I still have a birthday party?" "NO! I... I mean no. We must Preform the ceremonial rite which MUST come to passing. We must fulfill your destiny and make sure the prophecy does not bring about the third ending of the world." "WHAT!!!???" "Yes son, the world has ended twice already.",Adam said. "Back when the dinosaurs became extinct, the very first anti-Christ was born- Caveman! During World War 2, Hitler was responsible for the crashes of stocks and for the killing of millions of trillions of people!" "Yes dad, I understand..." "Good, at noon, we shall begin."
"MAXIMUS DREADICUS NO-DEATHICUS! HEAR OUR CRY, FOR THE 13TH OF THIS CHILD HAS COME! COME ONCE, COME TWICE, COME 13 TIMES!", Adam chanted. "Okay, Crest you may go now. Tell us if anything strange happens having to do with your powers.", Starla said. "Do I get any presents?", Crest playfully asked. "Fine you can get a PS Vita.", Adam said. "YES! I'm gonna brag about it to all my friends!" Crest proud-fully said "Yeah, you go do that", Adam replied.
"Hmph, Crest and his little family. I will soon kill him..." SuperNova said to himself. "Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa twisted !!!!!!" "First, since he will not be able to use his powers, I can sneak attack him!" But what about his alter ego, Delta?" "Umm, I think about it when I fight him, after all, he can't use his powers because he was sealed too! At least I think so... Well who cares, because I will defeat him and become the third anti-Christ!"
"[Sigh], what I nice day! I got a PS Vita, I don't need to fight, and even if I do, I have Delta on my side!", Crest said to himself as he walked home. "Hello Crest!" "Hel- WHAT THE HECK ITS SUPERNOVA!!!" "Crest transfooooorm into Delta" [Cue super-awesome-cool-hyper-beam-ray-of-light-to-transfoooorm!!!!] "Hi SuperNova. "Wait- I thought you couldn't transform because your powers were sealed!" "Not mine, just Crest's!" "Oh crap!" "Oh crap it is!!!" "Dark Spears!!!" "Oh no!" "Oh yes!" "Go! DARKNESS OF GAIA SPECIAL MANUVERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [SuperNova Faints] "My work here is done."
"So Crest, how was your day?" "It was awesome!" "Why?" "Beacuse- I beat up SuperNova an-" "Wait, how did you beat him up without your powers?" "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." "Okay this is what happened: ONEDAYIWENTTOSCHOOLANDSOMEFREAKTOOKMETOSOMEDARKPLACEWHEREITWASREALLYDARKTHENHETRIEDTOTAKEOVERMYMINDANDIDIDNTLETHIMANDIBEATHIMUPHISNAMEWASBLACKHOLEHISSONISSUPERNOVAANDTHENIHADGOTANALTEREGOBECAUSEOFWHENHETRIEDTOTAKEOVERMYBODY! [Gasps for air] "Okaay, who's the alter ego?" "Delta." "Can we see him?" "TRANSFORM!" "Uh- Hi..." "Hi, so you're Delta?" "Yes..." "Okay." [This entire time, Adam and Starla were talking in unison] "I'm going to sleep now." "Okay goodnight!"
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Not really]
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