A Encounter with the Cartel
''Ach,Ach'' I cough as I wake up in the cellar of some yacht. I see people around me but cant make out their faces. I seem to smell something in here with me it has the distinct scent of someone smoking narcotics then, I realized I was in big trouble.I looked around to see if my girlfreind was okay,but I was shocked when I saw her dead body lying on the floor stark naked.I started to weep then,one of the guards recognized I was awake he shouted to someone on the deck ''Oye,quieres que matar a este tipo ya'' the man on deck replied ''No es necesario para mantenerlo a cambio de rescate'' The man from the deck came down to the cellar and said to me in English ''I need to keep you for ransom,you have rich family'' I figured they would kill me if I didn't so I said yes he replied ''Bien muy Bien'' he gave me a cellphone and said ''Call them only them tell them if we see policia anywhere near our boat we kill you'' he left back to the deck and it was only the guard and me. The guard got tempted to take some of the cocaine lying on the table and said to me ''You tell you dead'' so he grabbed a straw and started inhaling it. Unfortunate for him he took in too much and started OD'n on the floor. With all my strength I reached for the machete lying on the ground and grabbed it. ''Yes'' I said after being able to cut off my restraints,then I took the revolver he had out of its holster and walked up the stars onto the deck now it is time to avenge Kelly I grabbed the cartel boss by his shirt pointed the revolver at his head and said ''THIS IS FOR KELLY YOU SON OF A B-TCH'' I pulled the trigger and let his corpse on the deck, I had a firefight with two other guards and killed them both. I took the cellphone and knew I would be home soon.
A Encounter with the Cartel
Will Bryan survive an encounte with the Mexican Drug Cartel or will he have the same face as so many others
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