Wizards Vs. Vampires Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The man closed in on me with his fangs bearing down. Backing up i was trapped by a corner,it felt as if the corner held me for him. When he grabbed my shoulders I tensed up scared to death. He leaned in as if to kiss my neck, I could feel his cold breath on my neck that made me shiver. I felt his teeth as he began to dig his fangs into me making a sharp pain through me. He slurped up my blood as though it was a smoothie. Once he was done I collasped to the floor with him looking down on me then walking away. That was a day i could never forget...
It was memory that stuck to me like super glue. Everytime I remember, which is every night at mdnight,I would get shivers. I sometimes feel the fangs on the base of my neck. Ah! But I must hold off on covening my feelings for this subject for another time for I now have to get ready for school.
Putting a bandage on my neck I walked downstairs to see my fellow watermeats still in bed as usual. I sighed as I made myself breakfast and lunch for the day. As I finished breakfast, I got my bag and wand and walked out the door. I walked up the hill that leads to my school. "London!" Someone yelled behind me. When I looked behind me I saw Rika and her little fairy Navi "Wait up!" She yelled over to me.
I slowed down to let her catch up to me "Hey Ririn" I greeted then looked over to the little blue fairy that was glaring at me "Hello Navi." I greeted her as well
Rika pouted "Don't call me Ririn!!!" She protested
"Hey! London! Listen! I got a funny story to tell you!" Navi piped in
I pouted as well "But Ririn is Ririn" Then looked over to Navi with a smile "Then tell it!" I told her
Rika smiled as Navi changed the subject. "Well..." Navi began "This morning when Aku woke up she casted the Mute spell on Rika while she was still asleep then fell bak to sleep" She told me
I laughed loudly then looked over to Rika "How are you speaking now?" I asked her still laughing.
"Well when Aku woke up again and saw me silently glaring at her she asked why I was staring at her..." She started
"...I told Aku that she casted the Mute spell on Rika. Then she unmuted her while laughing" Navi finished.
By the time they finished we were in the school zone. "Princess!" A masucline voice croaked out "Please don't go into the forest while I'm at school!"
The young woman just waved him off "Gio you worry too much. I'll be fine." She told him calmly
"But Princess!" Gio protested while Rika and I walked up to them
"Gio...Stop arguing with Ducky" Another unknown voice demanded "But,yes he is correct. The forest is a dangous place for you to be in and if you go in there points will be deducted from the Grunny House." the woman warned.
The young princess pouted a little at the guard "But-" She started to protest
"No buts." She stated "Either go out in the forest and grunnies lose points or stay here and wait for all the other students finish up their classes" She told her strictly
"I'll wait here,Christine..." She replied with a small mutter
Christine raised a eyebrow "I will stay here along with you Ducky." She told her and before the princess could protest she added "You may be a princess in The City of Roses but here, missy, your are a student" She reminded her with that the petite princess closed her mouth.
I turned around when the whole ordeal was done and over. "See you later Ducky" I told her before walking to my healing class,here's where I tell you I hate the teacher "Hello Dr.Vermilian" I greeted him with some annoyance in my voice. Then sat down in the back of the classroom as usual.
"Ah hello Ms.London." He replied with his usual monotone. Then turned to the rest of the class "Today we will begin the subject of healing our team." He stated.
By this time I have already fallen asleep along with Aku. Fact! Aku and I are the laziest students but we are still passing our classes. The teachers always wonder why we are passing but never question us.
As gio came in I felt his glare on my forehead until he sat down. I could tell that the giant frog was still mad about me burning off his hand,Harper having to put a new one on his stub with surgery. I told him sorry countless times and he never forgave me.
Wizards Vs. Vampires Chapter 1
Spider London
Chapter 1 of my story I am working on
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