Chapter one: The Elements Story
It started with a man named Keith Cheir he studied the Elements first. He believed that fire was the easiest to start out with so he created a big pile of wood lit it on fire and started warming his hands till they got hot enough to burn down a house. He concentrated all of his energy to his hands and WOOSH! The flames came out from his hands and burn his eye.
"I think it’s wise to point my hands away from my face or I will get burned..." Keith said as his wife got a wet rag and put it on his eye.
“Ha! I realized that before you started practicing." His wife said, “OH! And you better teach me too." she added.
Keith knew he couldn't do that if he did his plan wouldn't work. He wanted to practice on Morphing to but he wanted his wife to try it before she learned how to use Elements.
"I can't if I do there will be no morphing....and you would use that for no good and you love animals don't you? You can turn into one with morphing." Keith said.
She guessed her husband was right and kept treating her husband’s eye.
"I think we should make a doctor appointment for my eye it might get infected." Keith said.
"Yeah maybe we should its getting worse by the second." Keith’s wife stood up and watched his eye grow big and ugly.
"Yeah the phone right here." Keith said pointing his trembling finger at the phone.
Keith’s wife nodded and turned to the phone and picked it up. She dialed the first three numbers and stopped. Her head felt hot and her hands were trembling with fear when she heard a wolf a mile away.
"A wolf Hun! A wolf did you hear that?" Keith’s wife said almost screaming.
“Yes I heard. Wolves don't sound that loud though he must be close."
Keith sat up and looked out his back door window there was a faint figure coming his way.
"Oh no we have to hide in the basement c'mon we have to hurry!" Keith’s wife said grabbing his hand and taking him over to the door on the floor.
She pried open the basement door and look inside. It was too small for a man to stand.
"We’re going to have to lie down if we don't we won't be able to go in there." Keith's wife said sharply as her head got heavy.
"Marta don't worry we don't have to. Believe it or not wolves are more afraid of you than you are afraid of it."
"I don't care I don't want to die do you? Have you any idea what could happen if we don't go down there we would be eaten!"
Keith let go of his wives hand and worked his way to his gun on the wall.
"Ha, what now look at me?"
Marta looked like she was going to faint of stupid thinking and she thought she was the smart one.
"I won't let that wolf get anywhere near you or me so just stay here if I see it I will shoot it." Keith said cocking back his gun and pointing it down as he went around the corner.
Keith was only 19 he had no idea how to shoot a gun that gun was Marta's and it has been since she was six. Now she was 18... And the world has turned the other way for her. Keith was startled by the sound of a growl. Marta kept a watch out for the wolf and was to scream if she saw it. Keith just stood there watching as the flames on his hand started melting the guns handle. He dropped the gun when he saw his hands on fire and started looking for the wolf he heard. For some reason the wolf was sitting nicely on his couch. Marta looked at it and noticed its beautiful bright colored collar with a heart shaped gold ring on it.
"Wait!" Marta whispered. "That could be someone’s pet."
Keith looked more closely at the wolf. The wolf looked back at him and started breathing heavily as it wagged its tail.
"Aw see look at that." Marta slowly approached the wolf.
The wolf slowly approached her as to say 'Hello there how are you doing this fine evening?' Marta petted its soft fur.
"Wow you are one beautiful wolf."
the wolf started shoving its head in her leg like a cat. "Its people friendly see you should try petting it too." Marta said.
“I can't with flames on my hands." Keith said.
“OH sorry I forgot well put 'em in water then hunny." Marta started to look at him with eyes of a snake and stopped.
"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT! y-your eyes looked like snakes eyes!!!" Keith said.
"Hmm? Really that’s weird if anything I would want to turn into a tiger or something eh."
Keith’s wife thought she was going leap up out of her body and strangle him for some reason it was hard to keep her insides in herself right now when they were jumping around. Keith’s wife brought the wolf with her outside and looked at her collar. It said that her name was kathren. The number was a 559 area code.
"Wow you must be far from home baby wolf your so cute but I know we shouldn't keep you, you belong to someone else."
The wolf looked sad and started to walk off as if to say 'I was abandoned you were supposed to save me oh well I will be on my way' Marta watched as kathren walked on and stared at her from a distance.
"Oh Kathren you can come here and live here c'mon in."
The wolf happily came inside and sniffed all of her furnisher. It was a dream she has always wanted a wolf as a pet but knew it wouldn't happen. The prettiest dog she has seen was a wolf.
“Marta I going to go practice now so I will see you in an hour!" Keith said.
"Don't be dumb and burn yourself again ok." Marta said.
"Ha don't worry I won't.” He said walking out the back door he ran into the door I laughed and said.
" you make me worry when you say don't worry ok so just keep your mouth zipped and do what you’re going to do." Marta said.
He nodded and went on with his work. Marta loved watching him he looked so successful every flame was lit on the candles one of them went out because of the wind. He got an idea and started practicing on air and wind now to see if he can create that Element. He made the dirt stir into a tornado as he picked it up and made the dirt fly on the candles and put them out.
"OH wow! That was amazing!" Keith looked at Marta and pointed his hands at her and tried lifting her with wind. He brought her close to him.
"Yeah that wasn't as amazing as you though." he said connecting their foreheads and noses.
He put her to the side of him and started on working on ice. The ice Element would be the best Element to practice in this kind of weather. He went to the river used his wind to put some water in a bowl. He got on his knees and buried his hands in the snow on the ground. Marta saw his reaction on his face it looked like pain. But when he brought out his hands there was ice all around them he melted it with fire and started to freeze the water. There was a thin layer of ice on top of the water he concentrated all of his energy to his hands and froze the water.
“I think you should practice on water like able to create water from your open hands." Marta said.
Keith studied the water and got his hands wet it took hours and hours for him to get the water one going instead of lifting water out from his hands he kept freezing it. Marta had to go inside to cook dinner for him because he needed more energy from food to get the water Element going. Keith was still outside playing with his Elements. Marta prepared rice, chicken, pasta, and soup. Keith was too tired to start again after he ate because he thought he had enough practice for this day. When Keith lied down to sleep he saw a red flame on his hair and then he saw ice on his hair.
"Marta, come and look at this its wow amazing." Keith said still looking at his hair.
"What c'mon I have to do homework or tomorrow I will have to stay in class and miss my breaks if this will.....WHOA... y-your hair it’s on fire." Marta was completely shut out when she saw the flame in his hair.
" not just that but look there is also ice in my hair...maybe that means I have completed those two!!"
Keith was excited about this he knew he did something right for the first time. The next day Keith made a row of bowls that had water in them. The bowls were made from dirt and rocks. That made it easier for him to learn the Element rock too.
"Keith I think you should try opening your eyes silly." Marta said with a grin on her face.
"Eh right." Keith practiced water all day but it didn't work he kept almost getting it and then Splash!
The water would go everywhere it even melted the snow around him.
"ACK! Why can't I get it! What am I doing wrong?" Keith said with anger filling his eyes.
"Settle down and drink some water maybe that will help." Marta said handing him a cup of water.
Keith stared at the cup and thought for a few moments. Keith’s eyes grew when he had the greatest idea.
"Marta I think I do need this water. The only reason why it didn't work yesterday was because I barley drank any water that day." Keith said putting the cup to his lips.
Keith drank the water and started concentrating again. He got his hands wet and stared at the bowls that looked filthy. He started to lift water out of one bowl. Next he tried putting the water in a separate bigger bowl.
"Marta... YOU’RE A GENIUS! Thank you so much!" Keith said coming to Marta with his arms open ready for a hug.
"Aw really thank you." Marta said hugging him.
He started lifting water out from a different bowl to put it in the bigger bowl. He glanced at the bigger bowl and all of a sudden WHAM! It hit against the bigger bowl like thunder. After a couple of seconds of standing there the bowl broke.
"What the.....OH MY GOD! That was super powerful." Marta tried looking at the broken bowl but every time she did her eyes would burn.
"Yeah that’s weird I think I know how to control this stuff like bombs!" Keith said. Marta slowly backed away from the broken bowl. "What’s wrong Marta? What’s going on?"
Keith tried asking every question just to get the reason why she was backing away from the big broken bowl.
"If you want me to stop I will." Keith said trying to get her to stop backing away.
"Marta what’s going on? Tell me! C'mon your making me worry!" Keith said.
Marta passed out right after he said that.
"Marta? A-are you ok?" Keith was a little worried about his wife so he called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital.
"Ugh Hu? Oh um where am I?" Marta said sitting up.
"You’re in the hospital." Keith said looking at her with a worried look on his face.
"Oh I see I remember seeing a big bear and I think that was what made me faint it kept getting closer and it growled at me." Marta said glancing to the side of her.
"Wow I was the only one going near you maybe your mind just played tricks on you." Keith said. "Yeah maybe."
"So, Marta are you ready to go home? All you did was passing out so I don't think we would need to keep you for another day." The nurse said.
"Yeah I'm ready."
Keith helped his wife up and took her to the car. Keith was worried that he was the bear she was talking about and didn't know if he should stay at least three feet away from her.
"Keith? Why do you keep going in the opposite direction I’m going it’s like you’re trying to avoid me?" Marta said following Keith around the house.
"Stop it! HA! Ok what do you want from me?" Keith said with a smile as if he was planning on taking off into outer space.
"Um I wanted to know why you are trying to stay away from me." Marta said.
"Oh yeah that’s because uh I think the bear you saw was me and uh I think when I get too close to you, you see me as a bear." Keith said.
"Ha! No silly I was um I guess maybe I was day dreaming...." Marta said unsure of her.
"Yeah right it was me who kept approaching you." Keith said.
"I got to go to work in a few minutes... ugh but I haven't found any cloths to wear yet." Marta stared at her empty closet wondering what to do.
"Um is this yours?" Keith said holding up a short dress with a big gap between her shoulders and her hips on the back side of the dress.
"Eh yeah I wore that to the prom remember?" Marta said a little confused at his actions. Keith gave the dress to her and she got it on.
"Uh.... I don't think you should wear that to work" Keith said.
"Well it’s all I have." Marta said twirling around to show off her dress.
"Still don't approve." Keith said coldly.
"Fine I will try and find something else just don't be shocked if it’s ripped pants and a dirty shirt." Keith stood there in shock by her attitude. Keith thought Marta was acting kind of strange ever since she got out of the hospital and how she thought that Keith was a bear going after her. Keith thought that he should probably practice on his Elements instead of bickering over her. Keith got some supplies and went outside and started practicing. When he started he heard someone scream. Keith stood and listened closer. He heard it again! This time he was ready he rushed in the house looking for Marta.
"MARTA! Are you in here answer!" Keith shouted.
He heard screaming again he went out in his front yard and saw Marta being attacked by Kathren the wolf. "Kathren! Damn I knew we shouldn't have kept that wolf!" Keith said getting his hands warmed up.
"Don't kill her just freeze her!" Marta said, "AAAH! And hurry!"
Keith got his hands up and pointed them at Kathren. Kathren immediately jumped off and whined.
"What the he-....... that was weird what happened Kathren?" Marta asked as she got up.
Keith saw that there was no cuts bumps or bruises on Marta. And when kathren started staring at the roof Keith felt a bolt of fear rush through his body. Keith turned around and saw a man in black standing on the roof.
"WHO ARE YOU?" Keith said to him or her.
The person jumped down off the roof and stared at him and said, "So you’re Keith what a surprise seeing you here." The woman said walking around him.
"WH-who are you?" Keith said another time.
"Wow you don't remember me? Do you remember your dreams French fry! HA!"
Keith stood in shock as he remembered being afraid of dreaming and tried to not remember his dreams ever again because of her she was in his dreams before.
"Martly finally I meet you again." Keith said hesitating to stand.
When he saw her kneel down she actually got smaller. All of a sudden out from her black cape came a big red dragon.
"Holy crap! Uh-uh Marta GET IN THE HOUSE YOU TOO KATHREN I WANT NO ONE HURT!" Keith said holding his hands at her. "NOW!"
Keith shot fire at her face it lit on fire for 3 seconds and BAM! It went out as quickly as that. Keith shot out ice at her head then at her arms and legs she fell and the ice broke and she was free again. Keith sighed and remembered about how the water broke the big bowl and immediately turned to the water fall on the side of the house and shot it as hard as he could at her. She stood there bleeding out her mouth. She quickly blew a big fire at him he was so frightened he stood there. Keith tried jumping but instead he moved his hands toward a plant it grew 60 feet in the air and closed her snout. She struggled to get it off. Keith turned to her once again and froze her entire body. Keith saw her transform back into her human form. But what Keith didn't know is that..... SHE WAS GOING TO BE naked!
"Uh..... Um mhm I think I should let her get dressed now. Eh he." Keith said pointing his hands yet again at her. She fell to the floor she slowly sat up and slipped on her coat.
"I'll be back sooner than you know." She slipped through the air and disappeared.
Keith just stood there still in shock.
"Keith? Are you ok?" Marta said running after him.
"No I just saw another woman naked I think I need to go to the hospital." Keith said just standing there waiting for a reply.
"Uh-uh what woman?" Marta said.
"Martly.... She isn't that good looking naked I’d rather see her with cloths on top of cloths on her." Keith said hearing laughter behind him.
The laughter grew louder as Marta slip to the ground laughing her heart out.
"OH-MY-Lord your so..... HA I don't know but you over exaggerate!" Marta kept laughing and laughing at him eventually she got up and apologized about that and scooted on to work.
Keith sat there wondering how he just made that plant grow that fast and stared at his wives flowers he bought her. The flowers were wilted and about to fall. Keith stared at it and remembered when he got her that. They were only 15 when he gave that to her and now was its time to die. When his day dream stopped the flowers were up and growing again. Some flowers were open too.
"Oh my look at this Kathren did you see that." Kathren stared at the flowers and ate one.
"HEY! Silly don't do that!" Kathren looked up at him with her innocent eyes as to say 'aw oh well at least I got one.'
Keith pated her and when he did something amazing happened! She started growing flowers where ever he petted her.
"Wow this is oh my god how is this happening whoa!" Keith stared into the wolves’ eyes they too were like flowers. "I guess this means you’re supposed to be one delicate wolf but I don't understand how is this happening?" Keith thought about it for a couple more seconds.
Keith realized it was probably the flower she ate.
"Your beautiful wow just look at you."
Kathren jumped up and down joyfully as to say 'Play with me c'mon play play!' Keith stood up grabbed a ball and threw it out side for her to catch it. She caught it and instead of bringing it back to him like a dog would she through it up in the air and hit it with her tail. The ball passed by him like a lightning bolt.
"Oh wow this is not normal." Keith said turning around to see a kid holding the ball. "Hello there what’s your name?" Keith said staring into the little boys eyes.
"My names Ace I saw what your dog did and it startled me when I saw the ball come towards me." Ace said looking as if he just stepped in a puddle of mud.
"What’s going on Ace?" Said a voice behind a tree. "I thought you were counting for me to hide." The little girl came out from behind the tree and saw the man. "Who are you?" She said startled.
"My name is Keith what’s yours?" Keith said.
The little girl hesitated for a minute then said, "Eianal, my names Eianal." The girl said stepping a foot closer.
"That’s a pretty name is it pronounced EE-Ann-le like that?" Keith said.
"Yeah some call me Eve but Eianal is my name." Eianal looked down at her shoes while Ace stood there petting the wolf.
"What kind of dog is this? It’s so pretty and soft." Ace said petting the Wolf. "Actually it’s not a dog it’s a wolf." Keith said correcting the little boy.
"WHAT?! A-a wolf? Oooo Scary." Eianal said staring at the wolf.
"Hey you want to see something cool I can do?" Keith asked the kids.
"Sure what is it?" They both said.
"Come here. Look at my hands and at the river." Keith said pointing his hands at the river and picked up water. He splashed the kid’s feet and watched them in amazement.
"Wow! H-how do you do that!" I said splashing my pink shoes in the water below me. "Hmm I don't know practice Hun practice." Keith stood there his hands pointing up wards as flames came out.
"Oh wow I want to do that teach me teach me!" I said in joy.
"I am going to have to have permission from your parents first." Keith said, "I don't want to get in trouble or you get in trouble."
Ace flipped his blonde hair and looked up at him. "What if were orphans?" Ace said staring at him now.
"Uh-uh I would need permission from your Guardian then." Keith said.
"We don't rely on anyone just ourselves no one watches us but the school we got to." I said.
"Eianal we don't have to listen to the teachers either you know there not our parent or guardian." Ace said staring into her big purple eyes.
"I know but they are the real only people we listen to." I said coldly.
"OK, OK what Element do you want to learn there is fire, wind or air, water, ice, I would say rock but I don't know that one yet, oh and Nature.
I stood in watch as he drew the symbols of each one. I bent down and circled the fire Element. Ace bent down too and circled the wind or air Element. Cody, Sheela, Kate, and Noro came around the corner to find us.
"HEY! Ace, Eianal there you are we were looking all over for you!" Kate said stepping forward.
"Wow who is this Eianal?" Noro my brother asked.
"Uh his name is Keith he knows how to use Elements like fire and water or ice rock but he doesn't know that one yet and also nature." I said. I knew my brother so well I just knew he was going to want to learn the Element nature.
"Oh really prove it!" Noro said his hands on his hips.
Keith picked up the water and through it in the air and caught it before it landed in the water and slowly put it down so it wouldn't splash. Then he pointed his hands at the water and flames come out of his hands. He then pointed his hands at the water and froze a portion of it. Finally he made a branch on a tree twist all around himself.
"Proof? Was that proof?" Keith said to Noro.
"Yep what symbol is nature because I want to learn that one?" Noro said.
"The last one right here." Keith pointed to a symbol with a Flower on it.
"Oh cool so when can we start!" Noro said.
"When everyone picks one." Kate knew that rock Element he couldn't teach but if he practiced on it she will be practicing with him.
"If you go to school and people ask you if you died your hair its ok just say yeah I did because look at my hair its blue, red, white, and green if I learned rock it would also be brown but eh it’s not." Keith said to them.
"COOLNESS!! I wanted my hair red anyways!" I said jumping up and down.
"Ok this is exactly why I needed your parents’ permission you guys are all orphans right?" They all nodded and looked at their shoes.
"All of our parents went out dancing and the place they were dancing in burnt down fatly like a bolt of lightning. Everyone was killed.... sadly so did our parents they were drunk too." I said.
"Oh wow that must of sucked I’m sorry to hear that." Keith said.
"They died when we were 7 and now were 12 and 13." Cody said.
"Ok so what Element did you choose Cody?" Keith asked.
"I picked water." Cody said. Keith turned to Kate and asked her what she picked. She said she picked rock and moved on. Keith asked Sheela and she said ice.
"Alright well I can't teach you all at once so.... you guys will have one class a week how is that!" Kate whispered in Noro’s ear and his face turned red and whispered almost a yell in her ear. Kate scratched her ear and glared at Noro.
"Of Corse its fine but who is going first." Kate said twirling her black hair.
"Well it’s in the order of the Elements so I will be teaching Cody first, then Eianal, then Noro, Kate, Ace, And Sheela."
They all started talking to each other for at least 20 minutes and they all left talking and giggling the only one who stayed was Cody.
"Ready?" Keith asked.
"Yeah but I already think this is impos-"
Keith cut him off saying "Sh-shh-shhh don't say that cause it's not true everything you think is impossible is possible." Keith explained.
"Oh I see so teach me how to like lift the water without touching it." Keith taught him how to put all of his energy concentrated to his hands and out almost like psychic powers. Cody tried and tried one of the times he lifted a drop of the water but it froze in the air and splashed back down in the water.
"Ok when you concentrate all of your energy to your hands don't just keep the energy in them try putting it out too so you can control the water more easily."
"Ok I will give it a try." Cody said getting ready again.
This time he lifted more than just a drop out of the water. He made the water move like a snake and it turned at Keith and splash! It hit Keith. Cody laughed when he did that he laughed with joy as well.
"Mhm I think you should uh point the water snake away from your teacher....." Keith said dripping from his head down.
"HA! I know but that was awesome did you see that! It was amazing!" Cody said. "I want to do it again!" Cody said with excitement.
"Ok but you have no more energy...ugh-oh here some water." Keith said opening a water bottle and handing it to him.
"Why? What does water do?" Cody asked looking into the water bottle.
"It helps you learn the Element water faster." Keith explained.
"Oh I see." Cody said drinking the water.
Cody tried it again this time it was a bigger snake and it moved more smoothly in the air Cody was even able to make it look like it was snarling at Keith.
"Wow I'm impressed good work Cody!" Keith said clapping.
"Thank you I have always wanted to do this!" Cody said still moving the snake.
Cody put the "snake" back in the water and started to say bye when Marta came out side.
"Who is this Keith?" Marta asked. "He is my new student, Cody, he is wanting to learn the Element water." Keith explained to his wife.
"Ahh I see so how old are you, Cody?" Marta asked.
"I'm 13 I will be 14 in November." Cody replied.
"So how did you guys meet?" Marta asked Keith.
"Well I met his friend Ace first then his other friend Eianal then his other friends Sheela, Kate and Noro came and with them came Cody see that’s how we met and I showed them what I can do and they wanted to do it as well. “Keith said.
"Aw I see now ok so does he know anything yet?" Marta asked.
"Yeah he learned it see his hair is already starting to turn a light blue."
When Cody heard that he jumped up and took a strand of hair off his head and looked at it. "Wow it is turning blue!" Cody exclaimed with joy.
Keith smiled at Cody and asked; "So where do you and your friends stay at an adoption center or what?" Keith asked.
"We just camp outside in a little tent together." Cody said.
"Oh my I think you and your friends could use a break from that tent can you go get your friends we are a little worried about them now they should have a big meal too for dinner." Marta said.
"OH WOW! Th-thanks I will!" Cody said running towards their camp.
"Let’s follow him c'mon!" Marta said.
Keith nodded and ran with her. When they arrived no one was there.
"Eianal? Kate? Noro? Sheela? Ace? Are you in here? Hello?" Cody said.
"Hmm where could they have gone?" Keith asked.
"I don't know." Cody said.
All of a sudden Martly came down with an empty bag in her hand.
"HA! Keith I thought you would never come so what are you here for? The kids they chose to stay with me naughty naughty children they should have known." Martly said walking towards Cody.
"Your hair... it looks a bit blue don't you think." Martly touched his hair and cut off some.
"HEY! Now I will need a trim for sure!" Cody said fixing his hair down.
"Ha! Gladly I’m not staying here see ya later." She laughed as she flew off into the air.
"Oh no c'mon Marta we got to help you morph already c'mon we need you to help us!
- by Xx_Haruhi_Cupcakes_xX |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/28/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Morphs v.s. Elements
- Artist: Xx_Haruhi_Cupcakes_xX
- Description: its about how there is only one morph (morphs are ppl who can turn into animals and fairy tail things,) who is good the rest got turned evil i am going to give you the first chapter.
- Date: 03/28/2012
- Tags: morphs elements tigers lions japanese
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