Vanessa rolls on her side as the sun beamed itself at her eyes causing her to become highly aggitated and uncomfortable mainly due to the wound that was healing on her abdomen.
Now that she realized it she seemed to be getting hurt way too often even when she's not involved in any dangerous activity. She let out a bothered sigh and sat up, Danny was gone, some important meeting or something like that so that meant she was alone at his place, the place he rarely visited. The room was semi-dark with splashes of sun light adorning the large space, it was a scene she'd only see in the movies, except this was happening in real time, suddenly there came a knock on the door, she then froze, staying completly still until another knock came, "who is it?!", Vanessa says her tone a bit high pitched because of her cautious mood, "it's the maid, I'm here to respond to any of your requests mad'am", then it went silent until Vanessa spoke, "requests?", she asked, there came a pause before the maid answered her, "yes, I'll be at your aid until you regain optimum health", again it went silent until Vanessa sighed, "come in".
- - - - -
"I miss those two already", Vanessa says under her breath, it hadn't been a whole two days at all and yet she missed Baldr and Alif, well at least she knew where they were located, she would have never gotten over the fact that they migh have left earth to go back to their home planet Asgard, "are you feeling okay miss Johnson?", the maid asked while driving, Vanessa slouched back into the seat, "everythings dandy~", she exagerated, although she wished it was.
Upon entering the school Vanessa could see Danny with Ava, Sam, Luke and Peter who all looked worried, "Danny what?! Why did you leave S.H.I.E.L.D??", Ava says clearly wanting to know the cause of his leave, but he only sighed before saying, "I just can't do it anymore, I can't stand by and just watch my friends get hurt... or even worse", he says. Vanessa hid behind a corner but could hear the whole thing none the less.
"Are you serious right now Danny, we need you!" Luke said
"Yeah man, it wont be the same with out you", Sam says
Peter looks down before placing his hands in his pockets, "this is Danny's choice you guys, if this is what he wants then we can't stop him", he looks up making eye contact with Danny, they both knew why he was doing this but didn't speak of it. The bell rings and students flood into their classrooms, "Miss Johnson I- -?", Vanessa nealry jumped out of her hiding spot when the maid spooked her, "the hell! You could have gave me away!!", Vanessa says but her yelling already blew her cover because Danny saw her, "Vanessa?", crap! She wasn't supposed to be at school!! She was supposed to be resting!!! Hell like she knew what resting was...
She appearse from her hiding spot, "look I just wanted to know if- -??", he pulled her into his embrace, his hand behind her head, "D-Danny??", she stuttered, but she quit speaking and just let it happen, Vanessa grips his shirt and held on to him, "I'm sorry", was all she could say.
- - - - -
Winter break was here but Danny had to do buisness yet again which again wasn't any of her buisness, but still a little of his company wasn't too hard to ask for, she didn't want to tell him that his assisstant maid was kind of creepy, just thinking about her was enough to send shivers down her spine, she swore that something wasn't right about her.
Vanessa sat on a couch that possitioned itself near the whole wall window, there she watched the sunset while busying herself with doodling in a sketchbook she bought a few days ago in order to pass the time at Danny's place. "He will be back in thirty minutes", Vanessa felt that cold shiver run down her spine again when the maid spoke, it caused her to stop drawing, "enough time to rid him of such burden!", with enough since Vanessa jumped out of the way as a katana sliced through the couch with ease, "holy!!", again she dodged her attack by rolling over to the left quickly and getting up from the floor to only be grabbed by the hair and slammed face first into the wall, "UH!", Vanessa suffered a bloody nose from that assalt which made her a bit disoreinted and dizzy, "for years I've been by master Danny's side since childhood, caring for him and watching over him!", she tossed Vanessa to the side sending her crashing onto a glass table, shattering the whole thing, "uuuh...", her pained groans escaped her as she lay in pain, "I've protected him! Me!! But yet he cares for you unlike any", she kicks Vanessa onto her back and ready's her blade to be sheathed into her chest, "any last words before you die", the maid grins.
With a cough and a groan Vanessa grips a sharp enough piece of glass before throwing it directly at her face, which she easily blocked, "you dumb bi- -KUH!!", Vanessa slams her foot into her gut making her gasp from losing the breath in her lungs, "what did you say... I couldn't hear you over your jealousy", she makes her way up clumsily and used the wall to aid her balance, "I should have known something was off about you he moment you knocked on the door...", she winced in pain from all the cuts and or soon to be bruises, "I'm calling the police on your sorry a**", she says through gritted teeth while hobbling her way over towards the phone, it was the only thing she could do, her powers were gone, her weapon was placed some where she couldn't find it, and she got her a** handed to her... badly, but how would she ever know that Danny's maid who has a killer crush on him would be a trained killer!!!
"H-Hello?? Police I have an emergency, please hel- -!!", Vanessa was caught off gaurd when she ran directly towards her, "you b***h! I'll kill you for that!!", she yelled before tackling her so hard both her and the maid crashed into the glass window, breaking it in the process!
- - - - -
With a swift hand Vanessa took hold of a pole with the maid hanging onto her leg, "UH! GET OFF!!", Vanessa yelled out because not only did she have to hang on with extra weight clinging to her leg she also had to deal with the fact that her body was in a great amount of pain, "If I can't have him no one can!!", the maid says as she grabs onto Vanessa's other leg trying her hardest to pull her down with her, and it worked, her grip loosend and then she lost it, "AAAHHH!!!", Vanessa was in panic, they were falling to their deaths!! Damn it if she was going to die then she'd at least get one good hit on this dumb a** before she did!
"You're a complete MORON!!", Vanessa slams her fist into the maids face causing her to fall even faster. What was this all for?? Why did fate go against her so much! She looks over at the maid who at the this point fell uncontious from her punch, "why'd I have to die next to an idiot...", she groaned before closing her eyes. But as quickly as she shut them she opened them once again, "NO!!", she wasn't going to die, not today, not two weeks from now not even by this crazy chick!
She grabs hold of the girls arm that had the katana in her hand and took it, if it was strong enough cut through the couch then it should be strong enough to break through one of these windows. Vanessa wasted no time in stabbing through one of the many windows in this building, but at what price?
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!", Vanessa screamed, her arm popped from her socket as well as ripping every muscle in that arm to shreds, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!", how she was she still hanging on to the hilt of the katana? Simple, the joints to her finger are stuck like that, there are no nerves sending signals to her left arm anymore, she's just dangling there by her arm, "mnnnnnnngggg!! Uuuhhh!", she felt slob run down her mouth as pain took over logic and reasoning, what was worse, this or death? Vanessa dug her nails into the girls armso badly that she broke the skin and entered the tendons making her scream which she hadn't been able to hear because of the pain that kept ringing in her ears, "mmmnnnggg!!", her body shook as she faught the urge to just let go of the maid ad help her own self, but Vanessa wasn't that cold, and she wasn't heartless either, even if she tried to kill her.
Vanessa bit her bottom lip, huffing and puffing as she hauled the girl up, "aaaaahhhh!!!!", her eyes grew wide as she used all of her energy to throw the girl into the open window, that's when her dead arm began to withdrawl from the hilt of the sword, "s**t, s**t, s**t!!", she groaned as she tried to make her way up but was stopped as the maid placed her foot on Vanessa's hand, "AAHH!!", she wasn't going to beg for mercy or even play the help card, "only a fool would help an enemy who's trying to kill them", she looks over at her sword she held onto with her dead arm, her fingers not budging, "looks like a nasty wound, let me put you out of your MISERY!!", she kicked her off the edge causing her to fall back down to her doom, "aahhhh!!!!", she still looked up as she watched the maid looking back down at her, with a wicked smile acorss her face, "s**t, am I about to die?", she closed her eyes before braceing herself before she was caught in mid air.
- - - - -
"WHO DID THIS TO YOU??", it was Peter, he held the back of her head and placed an arm on her beat arm which for one wasn't a good idea, it caused her to scream in pain, "aahhhhhhhhh!!!", Vanessa thrashed about in his embrace before he realized he was hurting her, "damn it! This isn't good at all!!", he looks around until he spots the maid, her sword in hand, "you dare get in the way boy!", she was about to make her move that is until she was ambushed by Danny who subdued her quickly, "you're going to pay for what you've done Sia!", he held her arms behind her back roughly, "Danny! I did this for you!", she smiled a twisted smile that gave everyone a chill, "you're crazy! Uhg!", Vanessa yelled before cringing, "Danny please, we can be together like always", she begged but everyone inculding him went silent, she was already done for.
Vanessa woke up in the hospital hooked up to IV's and monitored every few minutes, her eyes trailed off to Danny who sat near ehr bed side, still awake, but tiredness in his eyes.
"Danny?", he looks up quickly before coming closer to her to stroke the side of her face, "Damn it I didn't know... You got hurt, and I wasn't there to protect you," he clinched his hand tightly, " he felt weak and useless, "Danny... it's not your fault okay", she says, "I'm not weak, I don't need to be watched after every hour of the day!", she sits up slowly, "I've been though worse", Danny looks at her, "but you dont need to be through worse anymore", she sighs maybe he was right or wrong all she knew was that what was done was done, there was no rewinding that, "Danny...", Vanessa looks straight forward, "I want you to train me", she felt useless with out her powers, "I want to help again! I can't just sit back and do nothing Danny! So help me! Please!", she turns to look at him and he nods, "I will, once you get better I will help you Vanessa... I promise".
Danny soon left her, it wasn't his choice but her own, he was tired and needed sleep, and she needed rest... she just couldn't wait to get better again, physically and mentally.
- by Robotic SaekoBusujima |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/28/2015 |
- Skip

- Title: Ultamte Age Re-boot
- Artist: Robotic SaekoBusujima
Chp. 8
Recovery... some what
- Date: 02/28/2015
- Tags: ultamte reboot
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