The Girl with the Golden Bunny.
I walked into the small store and picked up one of the baskets for my groceries. It wasn’t to late at night and the cool spring air made wearing my jacket easier. Nervously i pulled my hood forward to hid my face more. I could feel the store owners eyes on me from the near by counter. I walked down one aisle and picked a few things. Instant rice, ramen, and a shrimp chips. Down another i looked for hot sauce and soy sauce, when i saw a little old lady. She had dark hair tired up into one of those weird Japanese/Chinese buns that hold all your hair and still kinda puffed out. She wore the stereotypical old lady dress and she struggled to reach a box on the high self. The old lady saw me and quickly turned around from the box, i must have frightened her dressed in black. What i did next was something i know i shouldn’t do in public. I raised my hand closest to the shelves and twitched my finger inward toward my palm, and the box fell into my hand. Quickly i tapped the woman on the shoulder and gave her the box walking away quickly. Before she got the chance to say “Arigato.” I hurriedly walked down the next aisle and grabbed some Pocky, Konpeito sugar candy, and a few green tea kitkats. After a few more aisles i managed to fill my basket and get to the counter to pay. The counter rung up 6,050 yen which is roughly 50 dollars in U.S currency. I paid the man and left the store.
I walked and walked along the streets of Ikebukuro Japan. It was quiet as expected for a school night, i fished the pocky from the bag and opened them, munching on them slowly. Lucky for me i lived around the out skirts of Ikebukuro so I missed alot of the noise. “Japan sure is pretty.” i sighed wishing i could stay longer, but i had a job to do. I tossed the empty pocky box into a near by bin and began snacking on the other candy. “Question is how far do i gotta go before anything interesting happens.” I mumbled sucking on a piece of sour candy, my jaw clenching with the tartness. Then i heard it a small miss step. I stopped and listened to the night. Car horn beeped in the distance and a siren began to wail. “Hurry up now, i have many things to do and standing around for you isn’t one of them.” I said. I looked over my shoulder to see them, two men dressed in suits that cost more than what ever i could afford. “Do you have it.” Said one man his face hidden by an old school fedora he spoke perfect english, which upset me i was hoping for a more anime feel to this situation. “Of course i got it. If i didn’t i wouldn’t get paid.” I stood under a streetlight, and they stood in the shadows. I pulled the hard drive from the pocket of my thin jacket. “All you want to know is on here.” I said holding it up to the light. “Give it to us.” Said the second man holding out his back gloved hand. I held my other hand out “Gimme the money.” I said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. ‘Crap.’ I thought. He pulled on my jacket trying to tear it from my body. “Oh hell no!” I yelled stomping my foot. A knife shot out and i kicked the fedora man hard stabbing and breaking the knife in his leg. Then i unloaded the hidden knuckle knife from my sleeve and held the tip of it against the other mans throat. “This was never about the Info from Coma Corps?” I asked meeting his eye with my own. “Tell who ever your working for that they’ll never get the damn bunny.” I said punching him hard with the brass knuckles connected to the knife. The other guy lay crying on the ground freaking about the knife in his leg. “Money, anything you got, before i put another knife in you.” I said knocking him to his back and using my foot to crush his ribs a bit. Panic was written across his face as he rummaged his suit for his wallet. After getting a few hundred yen from those a** holes i began to walk again leaving them behind. I heard sirens coming closer.
I ate a pre-made sandwich i bought while sitting on a swing it was now really really late. The sky was alight with stars and a brilliant full moon. “All alone in Japan, isn’t much fun.” I said out loud. “Yea, but I'm still here soo your not alone!” She said squirming in my pocket, She climbed out and sat on my lap, a little bunny, a golden bunny. “Toka, I told you you can’t be in a physical form in public.” i pulled my jacket to cover her, and looked around for any one passing by. When i looked back the fat a** was eating my sandwich! “Hey!” I whispered angrily. Her ear twitched and looked up at me as if nothing was wrong. “Thats mine!” I grumbled. “You don’t even need food you get all of your energy from me! Like a parasite!” I said as she swallowed the rest of my sandwich. “ True, but i like to eat something from time to time to. I can eat and make my own energy, but i prefer just to get it from you.” She said sitting up on her back legs. “I hate you, you that.” I said kicking my feet along the ground pushing myself forward a bit. “No you don’t. I’m part of your family, Usagi.” Toka said nuzzling my stomach. “That doesn’t say much Toka, you know i hate the Oribis family. And don’t call me that you know i hate that name, I’ve told you before my name is Anaya” I said gently lifting her from my lap. “I know you didn’t chose to be part of the Oribis family, but its been 10 years, can’t you just accept it?” Toka said her little green eyes staring at me. “We need to get back to the head of the house. That stupid Rat, he’ll hear about this incident tonight.” I said placing Toka on my shoulder and letting her become one with the fabric returning to the Gold rabbit shape on the back of my jacket.
i stood and walked into the street. I faced north and got into a running stance. “Home.” I said and went full blast down he street i felt my back warm up and heard a swoosh sound and the world went really bright for a second. Next thing i know i was back peddling and managed to stop myself before hitting the edge of the lake and falling in. “We need to get better on this whole stopping thing.” Said as Toka climbed onto my shoulder in Bunny form. “Yea i know, but hey now where back on the Island.” Toka said a smile in her small voice. “Maybe if you did some squats or something, you wouldn’t have that trouble.” Said a male voice i knew who’s it was. “Oh, ew, its you creepy snake.” I said eyeing the man sitting on the boulder. He wore a pair of jeans and a very loose shirt. “Don’t call me a creepy snake, little bunny, ya know snakes eat your kind.” He hissed. I whipped out my knuckle knife. “This bunny gonna put up a fight, Eric.” He laughed and hugged me, i hugged him back. “How was the mission?” Eric asked as we started walking towards the gigantic house. I blew air threw my nose. “Sucked, the info i got was worthless, they really just wanted me. That Rat is gonna get us killed. To many people are learning about us, plus with technology the way it is, it’s getting harder to hide.” Eric nodded and petted the snake that suddenly appeared on his shoulders. “I agree, it’s becoming dangerous being part of the Oribis family.” He said. Unlike the others Eric and i aren’t ruled by our zodiac, we may share some traits with the animals, but for the most part we’re our own people. This meant we agreed on alot of things the Family disagreed on. “Is the Rat even here?” I asked, Eric shrugged. “I just got here, so i wouldn’t know.” He said pushing the gate from the garden open. “Oh, where did you go then?” I asked Eric always got the best missions. “No where special, just Italy.” Eric said with just the right amount of sass. “Oooooh, haha, what where you doing there?” I asked. “Just keeping an eye on things in Italy, a lot of crime there lately. Plus i was watching some lady for the tiger.” Eric said casually. “Lady? Tiger?” I questioned. He turned to me and smiled, a smile i knew meant ‘Sorry can’t tell you much more than that.’ I sighed and lifted Toka from my shoulder so she wouldn’t fall as we climbed the stairs to the front door. “You’re looking a bit pale, here.” Eric said giving me a piece of candy. “Thanks!” I said as i quickly unwrapped it, chocolate my favorite.
We entered the gigantic mansion of a house and instantly my skin crawled. ‘You don’t belong here.’ The words seemed to bounce off the walls. I pulled my hood farther down trying to hid my face even more. We left our shoes at the door and walked in silence through the ancient Chinese/Japanese style mansion. Then i heard a loud roar. “Huh, I guess the party already started.” Eric joked. I saw Manson, Eric’s snake coil tighter around Eric’s neck, poor thing was scared. Even Toka had retreated up my sleeve and into my hood. Her little ears twitching. Eric and i got on our knees and knocked on the paper gliding door. “Yes, come in.” Said the Rat. We entered the room.
All the zodiacs where there. In the middle was The Dragon, otherwise known as Long in Chinese or Draco in latin, Dragon in Japanese (pronounced kinda different.) Or as i liked to cal her Diana. Her face was stern as she nodded to us. Eric and i sat next to Monkey and Ox. Respectfully known in Chinese as Hou and Niu, Japanese as Monki and Osuushi, latin as Simia and Boven. But i call them Mochi and Oliver. ‘I’m getting really good as remembering all these different names now. We’ll it has been 10 years so i should’ve probably know them by now.’ I drifted in and out of listening to Diana’s speech. She was arguing about the how we don’t get enough money to support ourselves and stuff like that. The Rat sat quietly in his matt, his grey hair falling around his thin shoulders. The Rat was actually a pretty decent looking guy, it’s when he opens his mouth thats when trouble starts. And he was about to open it now. “Work harder and be more useful, and then i’ll consider letting you keep more of the money you make.” He spat. The Rat tapped his fingers against the oak table in-front of him, littered with papers. I felt the ice in his voice that sent shivers down my spine. Diana pulled herself to her full 5 nothing height. She bowed and turned on her heel her head down, a line of blood coming from her lip. “Usagi. Hebi” My body jumped at the sound of my name. I could feel Eric stiffening next to me. “Late again i see.” The Rat said writing something down on a piece of rice paper. We bowed out heads and said “Baoquin.” Sorry in Chinese. Though i in no way felt sorry. “Usagi, how did the mission go?” Rat asked sounding bored. I clenched my jaw to the name Usagi. Needless to say it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. “Well,” I started. And Went into a probably 10 minute rant about how terrible the mission was, how the humans are after us, how technology is getting to the point where its bad for everyone, and how Rat was terrible at choosing missions.
The Rat just sat there for a moment. No one moved and no one made a sound. I ******** up didn’t I. I could feel his rage, my skin crawled and my heart beat faster in my chest.“Sit.” Was all he said. After a few more complaints and mission stories we where dismissed. Once outside I felt the cool summer air hit me like a slap in the face. I hadn’t realized how red my face must of been until then. “You know Rabbit’s aren’t suppose to be so bold and rash like you are, Usagi.” I turned to see Diana standing there arms crossed over her chest, black hair tied into a tight bun with chopsticks through it. She wore a traditional Kimono and those weird wooden sandals. I shrugged and pulled the hood down again. “How have you been, Diana.” I asked, Diana scoffed at the name. “You know my name is Dragon, why don’t you use it.” Diana asked. “Because you like the name Diana, not Dragon. Dragon was the name given to you because of your zodiac, but the name you where originally born with is Diana.” I said simply. “But fine, Dragon, how have you been.” I asked again. “Fine. But what you did Usagi, wasn’t right. You disrespected our Head of House. You said many many things that frankly could put you in a bad place with The Head. I am warning you again, behave like your zodiac, or things will just get worse.” Diana said angrily and stalked off, her wooden sandals clicking against the concrete. “Don’t mind her, she's just angry that the Rat talked to her that way.” Eric said suddenly by my side. I hunched my shoulders. Everyone was leaving, Monkey, Ox, Pig, Rooster, Tiger, Sheep, and Horse. They said they’re goodbyes to Eric, but only Monkey and Ox said a heartfelt goodbye to me. Everyone else just left. “Even after so long, they all still treat me like I’m not here.” I mumbled feeling my hurt growing. “Um, Bunny?” Said a small voice. I turned to see Dog had stayed back. He was a pretty small guy younger than Eric older than me. He wore a hoodie and ripped jeans, his hair was blonde with brown and silver highlights. His eyes where a pure bronze. “Yes?” I said, Dog had never spoken to me before. “Can i help you ummm,” I struggled to remember what he preferred to be called, I knew he didn’t like the english word for his sign. “Toby.” He said. I just looked at him. In Chinese Dog is Gou, in Japanese it’s Inu, in latin Canis, none of which are Toby. “Toby?” I said confused. Toby looked off to the left and held his hands together. “I like that you and Eric don’t follow the zodiac like you should. And i like that you two have actual names. I wanna be like you two, so please call me Toby.” He said innocently. “Oh, well, okay then, Toby you are no longer a dog, you are the cutie Toby.” I said giggling and ruffling his hair. Toby’s face lit up and I’m sure if he had a tail he’d wag it. “So where are you two going next?” He asked as Eric and I began to walk away, Toby trailed after us. “Home.” Eric said, “And good thing to i can smell that chocolate cheese cake all the way from here.” I said my mouth watering. I heard Toby stop, and i did to. “What?” i asked. “There aren’t any homes in this direction.” Toby said meting my eyes under the darkness of the hood. I pulled the hood farther down over my face, unfortunately for me it still leaves my mouth and chin out from the shadows. “Yea, we know we’re just walking until Anaya decides to make the jump.” Eric said giving me another piece of candy. “Jump to where?” Toby asked. I glanced and saw a smile come across Eric’s face. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Eric said slyly.
The wind blew slightly, and i held onto the edge of my hood. “You should go home to your parents.” Eric said coldly. Toby’s head dipped and he stared at his shoes. “They won’t be there.” Toby said softly. Then i remembered something a bit sad. “Wanna come home with us?” I said trying to make the situation better. Toby lifted his head a little bit of blush crossing his cheeks. He nodded. I smiled but i don’t know if he saw or not. “Gimme another piece of candy, jumping 3 people is harder than jumping 2.” I said to Eric. Eric gave me a pack of m&ms and i devoured them all. “Alright, smallest forms please.” I said. They nodded And transformed into their zodiacs. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Toby was a Yorke Terrier in his smallest form. Carefully i placed Them in my jackets pockets, their actual zodiac personalities returned to pendent form. I held tight onto the pendents. Then i got into running position, then burst into a run and jumped. I back pedaled and narrowly missed a trash can as we came out of the jump. We where in a small ally in downtown New York. “We’re here!” said letting Eric slither out of my pocket while Toby leaped out. “This is where you live?” Toby asked as he resumed human form, i gave him his pendant which for him was a small necklace with a dog charm on it. “No, not here,we live in that apartment.” Eric said pointing to a tall apartment complex just in the distance. “Woah!” Toby gasped. “Thats such a tall building!” Toby wagged his non existent tail. “Toby you go on missions all the time like the rest of us, why are you so surprised by-“ When i turned to look at him, Toby was gone. “Oh no, where’d he go…” Eric said looking around. “He’s a dog…” I said suddenly realizing it. Toby never goes to big cites and never anywhere alone off the island, his friendly and curious nature distracts him. He often gets lost.
“Toby!” I yelled as we combed the streets around the ally and apartment. “Toby!” I screamed into the crowds, pulling my hood down whenever i felt to many eyes on me. Eric had gone in the opposite direction looking for the damn kid, ‘Maybe i should get a leash.’ I thought absently turning the corner into central park. ‘Dogs like the park right?’ i questioned myself. “Dogs like parks its a nice place to met people.” Toka whispered in my ear. I nodded and began jogging calling out Toby’s name. I jogged for what seemed like forever. I shouted until my throat burned. New York isn’t the best place to get lost in. Then i saw him. I tried to shout out to him, but i couldn’t. I ran towards him. Toby was at least a good half mile away. But i knew it was him. I barreled down the sidewalk, and ran smack into someone.
The world spun around me as i fell with the other body into the grass. “Aw ******** man.” I groaned when we finally stopped rolling. “Oh crap I’m sorry! I didn’t see you ******** your bleeding here let me help you!” He said taking my face and dabbing a handkerchief against my forehead… Forehead? MY HOOD! I pushed him away and pulled my hood over my head, my heart hammering in my chest. “Are… Are you okay?” He asked putting a hand on my shoulder, i recoiled. “Don’t touch me…” I whispered. Out of the corner of my eye i could see his worried face. Hair blacker than night, skin a tan i’ve never seen, and eyes a green like the grass under my feet. “Hey, here take this your head is bleeding please use it.” He said handing me the handkerchief with my blood on it. As i was going to take it i saw Toby off to the left. “Toby!” I screamed. I snatched the handkerchief and took off as Toby was about to eat a chocolate ice cream. I grabbed it from him. “You little p***k!” I said horsely forcing out my words. “Oh Anaya, what are you doing here?” Toby asked innocently. “LOOKING FOR YOU!” I rasped and coughed painfully into the handkerchief. “I’m sorry Anaya, i didn’t mean to run off. This place is just so beautiful!” Toby gushed. His eyes shifted from me to something behind me. I whirled around to see the guy who i accidentally tackled. “Is this your boyfriend?” He asked. He was significantly taller than both Toby and I, though Toby wasn’t that tall to begin with. “No,” I said stepping back into Toby. “I’m sorry i tackled you, here your handkerchief, now leave. Turn around and keep walking, don’t look back.” I said my heart hammering in my chest again, he’d saw my face. The guy looked a bit confused and upset. “I’m sorry did i do something?” He asked. “Anaya you can’t give him that bloody thing. Thats gross.” Toby said eyeing the fabric in my hand. My blood, Toby’s right, i can’t give him my blood. “You can keep it. I just wanted to know if you’re alright. Can i walked you home, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be wondering around New York hurt.” He said. “My names Adam.” he said. “Anaya! Toby!” i turned and saw Eric coming from the left running at full speed, but he stopped abruptly when he saw Adam, and the melting Ice cream. “Eric, this-“ i began but Eric cut me off. “Oh man thanks for finding my cousins. They’re a really big pain in the a** ya know little kids running off like that.” Eric smiled cooly and grabbed Toby and I by our hands. “Alright then goodbye.” Eric said as he dragged us off. Eric began to lecture Toby, while pulling us along the crowded street. At some point i had eaten the ice cream.
Once home i ran to my bedroom grabbed some clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. Quickly i threw a towel over the bathroom mirror and then finally began to undress. I let the water run over me. Warm and clean. I sat there for a long time, my hair sticking to my back.
- by Brownkittyninja |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/29/2016 |
- Skip

- Title: The girl with the Golden Bunny
- Artist: Brownkittyninja
Anaya is apart of a secret family of members of the Chinese Zodiac, but she doesn't want to be. She is the bunny and while the whole family has special powers, humans wish to capture Anaya to get to her powers. And while Anaya avoids these people easily, what happens when a normal human decides to try and befriend her? Follow Anaya, as she tries to balance the world on her shoulders, while keeping her secret.
Comment and rate - Date: 05/29/2016
- Tags: girl with golden bunny
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