> You drink bong water.
You take a drink of the bong water, and for a moment it tastes strongly of oxycodone. The sensation of the bong water is too strong, you can't handle it.
> You pour bong water on your eyes.
You pour the bong water over your eyes, and for a moment everything goes dark. You can't see what is there, but you feel confident that you are in the presence of a disembodied force.
> You roll around in the snow.
You roll around in the snow for a little bit, and then you feel a strange energy rush through your mind.
> You do a mind blast.
You do a mind blast. You feel your eyes begin to hurt, and you know that the bong water has been highly addictive.
You now feel as if you are enacting some sort of divine justice.
> You get holy sword.
You pull a slip of paper from the drawer. The slip of paper reads "Holy sword: Wind, water, fire, earth, and air", followed by a numeric code.
> You use wind water fire earth and air to make holy sword.
You use wind, water, fire, earth, and air to make the holy sword. For a moment, you feel some sort of strange sensation coming from your brain.
> You take the sword out of your brain.
You pull the sword out of your brain. The blade on the sword is covered in a kind of blue liquid. You touch it, and the liquid burns your finger.
> You drink blue liquid.
You drink the blue liquid from the blade of the holy sword. The effect is immediate and profound. It makes you feel a lot more powerful.
You now feel as if your mind is expanding in all sorts of new and exciting directions. You feel as if you are almost becoming a different person.
> You take your bong and fly away.
You take your bong and fly away. You fly through the window, and you fly far away. You fly through trees, and some structures that look like houses.
> You shoot blue laser from your eyes at the houses.
You shoot the blue laser from your eyes at the houses. The beam of blue light hits the houses and causes them to burn down. You scream with excitement, with a mix of fear and ecstasy.
> You drink bong water while doing tricks in the air.
You drink the bong water while doing tricks in the air. You feel exhilarated, and you know that you have almost become a god.
You descend to the ground, and you land on a snowy hill. You look over to your right, and you see an old church.
You walk towards the church.
> You go inside.
You go inside the church. The room is filled with metal objects and a single chair. You sit in the chair, and you realize that this is your new home.
You see some kind of blueprint on the wall.
You follow the blueprint and you find that it leads you to a room that is filled with computers.
> You play League of Legends on one of the computers.
You play League of Legends on one of the computers. You scream at the top of your lungs as you assassinate an enemy champion with a skill shot that kills the opponent in a single hit.
You hear some strange noises from the other room.
You go to the other room, and you see a very large object.
The object is covered in a kind of liquid. The liquid makes you feel very strong.
You take the liquid and you pour it over yourself.
You drink the liquid and you feel a strange sensation. But it feels quite good.
You find yourself doing things that are against your personality. You are almost addicted to the power that the liquid is giving you.
The liquid is making you feel very violent.
When you take the liquid, you feel the urge to murder some people.
You start to walk towards a human target.
You fire a large number of laser beams from your eyes. The beams hit their targets and they burn them alive.
You feel as if you have become a god.
You run towards the door.
You see your name on the door.
You read your name and you open the door to the outside world. You leave the realm of the dead behind.
> You drink bong water.
You drink the bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your head. You feel as if you are a god on the outside world.
You have a very strong urge to slaughter some people.
> You buy cheetos.
You look at the cheetos in the store. They look delicious. You buy a bag of them.
You eat all of that cheetos. They are delicious.
You feel extremely powerful.
You open the door to the outside world and you step outside. You feel magnificent.
> You shoot cheetos beams.
You shoot a large number of cheetos beams from your eyes. As soon as you fire the beams, they hit their targets, and they cause them to burn alive.
You drink the bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your head. You feel as if you are a god on the outside world.
As you put the bong down, you see a complete stranger on the street.
> You ask him what time is it.
The man sees you. He also realizes that you are a god. The man runs away from you.
You see another stranger on the street.
You look at the stranger and you realize that he is a thief.
> You turn the thief into cheetos.
You do a dance that makes you look like a cheetos container. The man realizes that he has been tricked by an evil god. He runs away from you, fearing for his life.
You see a car driving through the street.
You run towards the car and you hit it with an uppercut that knocks it out of its course. The car starts to roll down the street. It smashes against a lamp and it explodes into pieces.
You turn the car into cheetos. The man has been tricked by an evil god.
You go to the store and you buy a meat stick. You eat the meat stick. It is delicious.
You feel even stronger than before.
You run towards the door. The door opens for you. The outside world is fantastic.
You walk towards the door. The door opens for you. The outside world is fantastic.
You pull the door open and you step inside. You see a man wearing glasses. The man has a pleasant appearance.
You walk towards the man and you punch him in the face. The man loses consciousness.
You pull the man into cheetos. The man has been tricked by an evil god.
You touch the man's face and you realize that he is a cheetos container. You punch the man in the face a few times. He finally wakes up.
The man screams at you. He says that he is a man, and he is not a cheetos container.
You punch the man in the face a few more times. The man finally wakes up.
The man tells you that he is in fact, a cheetos container.
You punch the man in the face a few more times. The man finally wakes up.
The man tells you that he is in fact, a man.
You punch the man in the face a few more times. The man finally wakes up.
The man tells you that he is in fact, a man.
You punch the man in the face a few more times. The man finally wakes up.
The man tells you that he is in fact, a man.
You punch the man in the face a few more times. The man finally wakes up.
The man tells you that he is in fact, a man.
> You drink bong water.
You take a huge gulp of bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your brain.
You feel even more powerful.
You drink another gulp of bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your brain.
You feel very powerful.
You drink a third gulp of bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your brain.
You feel very powerful.
You drink a fourth gulp of bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your brain.
You feel very powerful.
You drink a fifth gulp of bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your brain.
You feel very powerful.
You drink a sixth gulp of bong water. The liquid in the bong is still going to your brain.
> You watch TV.
The TV comes to life.
You turn the TV on. The TV comes to life.
You watch TV.
> You ask the TV what's his name.
The TV says his name is James.
You ask the TV what's his business.
The TV says his business is working on a computer.
You watch TV.
You see a man walking up to the door. The man is wearing a suit.
You ask the man what time is it.
The man says that it is 12:45 PM.
You ask the man what year it is.
The man says that the year is 2008.
You watch TV.
You see a man walking up to the door. The man is wearing a chain mail.
You ask the man what time is it.
The man says that it is 12:45 PM.
You watch TV.
You see a man walking up to the door. The man is wearing a moustache.
You ask the man what time is it.
The man says that it is 12:45 PM.
> You close the door.
You close the door on the man. The door is starting to close on the man.
The man struggles to get out of the door.
The door closes on the man's face.
The man dies.
> You say "my bad"
You say "my bad" to the TV.
You watch TV.
You see a man walking up to the door. The man is wearing a tie.
> You say "go away"
You say "go away" to the man.
You watch TV.
You see a man walking up to the door. The man is wearing a cowboy hat.
> You go to your mom's house.
You go to your mom's house.
You walk into your mom's house. Your mom is sitting on the couch.
> You watch tv.
You watch tv.
The TV comes to life.
The TV says its name is DVD Player.
DVD plays a movie.
> You say "you're not DVD you're TV"
You say "you're not DVD you're TV" to the TV.
DVD says that, yes, he is a TV.
The TV is in fact, DVD.
> You say "no"
You say "no" to the TV.
The TV says "yes, I am TV."
DVD says that DVD is "a very advanced piece of technology."
The TV is in fact, DVD.
> You say "you're DIVX"
You say "you're DIVX" to the TV.
DVD says that, yes, he is a DIVX television.
The TV is in fact, DVD.
You find your mom's keys. You go outside with your mom's keys in hand. You walk towards the car.
The door of the car opens.
Your mother walks into the car. You put the keys into the car for her.
> You take your mom out of the car.
You take your mom out of the car. Your mom is starting to get extremely nervous.
Your mother says "I don't know what to do."
Your mom walks to your garage's door.
> You go away with her car.
You go away with your mom's car. Your garage is starting to close on your mom.
You drive your mom's car away from your garage. The garage door closes behind your mom.
Your mother says "I don't know what to do."
You say "go ******** yourself" to your mom.
Your mom says "you're being very childish."
The TV says "goodbye" to you.
You say "you won't miss me" to the TV.
The TV says, "yes, I will miss you."
You say "goodbye" to the TV.
The TV says "goodbye."
You turn the TV off. The TV goes to sleep.
You go away with the car. You drive your mom's car away from the garage.
The garage door opens.
You walk towards your garage with your mom's keys in hand. You walk towards the garage door.
> You go to texas.
You go to texas with your mom's car.
You drive your mom's car across the country.
The car drives you across the country.
The car leaves you in texas.
> You say goodbye to car.
You say goodbye to the car. The car goes to sleep.
You get out of the car. You walk towards the first house. You look at the house next to you. It says "Welcome to texas."
> You say "thanks house"
The house says "you are very welcome."
You say "do you want me to play some guitar?"
The house says "yes, that would be nice."
You walk into the house. The house says "goodbye" "goodbye."
You say "goodbye house."
You walk away. The house says "goodbye."
You say "hi house"
The house says "hi."
> You drink bong water.
The house says "got any bong water?"
You say "yes, here you go"
You drink out of the bong. The liquid in the bong is going to your brain.
The house says "what's the matter?"
You say "I'm going to play guitar."
The house says "okay."
The sun comes out.
> You offer a joint to the sun.
The sun says "thanks, but I've already got one."
You say "so have I."
The sun says "then you're not new to this area. You must be from texas."
You say "Texas is a lot of fun, don't you think?"
The sun says "yes, it is. It's interesting to be here."
> You talk with the sun about the weather.
The sun says "oh, it's sunny."
You say "but what about the weather?"
The sun says "it's sunny."
You say "let's ask the house."
The house says "it's sunny."
You say "the weather in texas is nice, isn't it?"
The sun says "yes, it is. I'd like to see it for myself."
> You say "goodbye"
The sun says "bye."
You say "goodbye."
The sun goes away. The house says "bye."
You walk towards the next house. You look at the house next to you. It says "Welcome to texas."
The house says "goodbye."
You say "hi house"
The house says "hi."
You hear a loud noise. You look at the house next to you. It says "You're going to die."
You say "ah, that can't be good"
The house says "you're probably right."
The house says "but don't worry, your time is almost up."
You say "what do you mean?"
The house says "well, it's just obvious."
The sun comes out.
The house says "it's sunny."
You say "let's ask the sun."
The sun says "it's sunny."
> You drink bong water.
The bong says "thanks, it's good."
You say "the house said I'm going to die. What does that mean?"
The bong says "your time is almost up. You must die."
You say "what am I supposed to do? Kill myself?"
The bong says "you must."
The bong says "hang yourself."
You say "what am I supposed to do?"
The bong says "you must end your own life. And you must enjoy it."
The bong says "you must sleep in the sun."
You say "go ******** yourself" to the bong.
The bong says "go ******** yourself."
You say "your time is almost up. You must die."
The bong says "go away."
You drink all the bong water. The bong says "bye."
The bong says "goodbye."
The bong goes to sleep.
You go towards the corner of the house. You look at the corner of the house.You see a racoon standing in front of you. You are scared, but you want to know what this racoon is saying.
The racoon says "hello, i'm racoon. What's your name?"
> You say "I don't remember"
The racoon says "as you can see, i'm a racoon. What's your name?"
You say "I don't remember."
The racoon says "Let's ask the house."
The racoon says "The house says i'm a racoon. What's your name?"
The house says "hello, i'm the house. What's your name?"
You say "I don't remember."
The house says "Let's ask the racoon."
The house says "What's your name?"
The racoon says "I don't know."
The racoon says "Let's ask the house."
The house says "I don't know."
The house says "Let's ask the racoon."
The racoon says "I don't know."
> You kick the racoon and punch the house.
The racoon says "ouch."
The house says "ow."
The house says "let's ask the racoon."
The house says "what's your name?"
The raccoon says
> You go away.
The racoon says "hey, are you always this mean?"
The raccoon says "well, you do seem to be rude."
The raccoon says "let's ask the house."
You grind the racoon against the house walls until he's nothing but bones. You walk towards the next house.
You look at the house next to you. It says "Welcome to texas."
The house says "bye."
You say "hi house"
The house says "goodbye."
You continue walking. You look at the house next to you. It says "you don't want to know about me. I'm boring. I guess you should go back home."
> You burn all the houses.
The house says "ba ba."
You say "ba ba."
The house says "don't hurt me."
You grind the bbq against the house. The bbq says "ba ba."
> You eat house.
You say "ba ba."
The house says "go away. I'm tasty. And i know where you live."
The bbq says "ba ba."
You go towards the corner of the house.
> You dig down.
The house says "help me."
You say "ba ba."
The bbq says "ba ba."
The bbq says "fwafwaf."
You burrow into the earth.

- Title: AI
- Artist: crabdog
- Description:
- Date: 06/07/2022
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