Have you ever met someone that you just wanted to throw out a window? Like you're in a six story building, they start talking and you pick them up with Superman strength and toss them out the window screaming,"DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!"
Well, I have. I know MANY of these idiots. But none so much as a girl at my school. She's a freshman and don't think I'm saying all freshmen suck. I met quite a few that were decent, intelligent girls and I love them to death. But this girl. Oh. My. GAWD! She CAN be okay. In small doses. But she sat with me everyday at lunch. And all she talked about was all of her sexual escapades. About who she was sleeping with, who wanted to sleep with her, who she wanted to sleep with. . And do many other disgusting things that I will spare you all the details of. I wish that imagery on NO ONE. This girl is UUUGLY.
Now, when I say that, hear me out. I am not a beauty queen. I never have been. I never will be. I'm overweight and have stretchmarks and I find myself very unattractive as well. But I find myself unattractive because I am uncomfortable in my body. I know big women who are gorgeous. I just don't see myself as one of them. But this girl, her face is scrunched and her eyes are just. . . Deformed looking. Her body is not just overweight it's shaped oddly as well. It looks like she was kinda chunky and a bit tall and someone just scrunched her down like an accordion.
Anyway, one day she tells me that she is sleeping with an older man. Not a big deal to me. My boyfriend is twenty. We were dating when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. But she tells me that he is 22 and this girl had just turned 15 a week before all this. And then she tells me he's been having sex with her since she was 13. In my head I went,"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!" But out of my mouth came,". . . That's GROSS!"
Well, I guess this guy was a drug dealer and just got out of jail for bashing someone over the head in a bar fight. Now. Everything starts because she asked me,"If a guy has hit a someone before will he hit me?" So I asked her if it was an ex that he hit and she said yes. I told her it depended. If his ex was nuts and tried to claw his eyes out because he put the CD's back out of alphabetical order and he hit her in self defense? I'd say no. He wouldn't hit her. But if he was just a wife beater or whatnot? Yes. She tells me that his exes weren't nuts, he just had a temper.
I looked at her like,"Really? You just told me he hits people when angry and he got out of jail for being violent recently and you're asking me that?" But I told her that yes, it's more likely he'd hit her. That's when she starts telling me all about her sexual escapades with this guy and I really don't want to know. I'm trying to be nice. and it takes a lot to push me over the edge. Well, I guess she's telling everyone and their mother about this guy being 22 and whatnot. So someone told a teacher, the teacher told the counselors, counselors told the principal, and principal told the cops.
I kid you not. For over 7 school days straight she tells me the SAME UNGODLY STORY! How now cops are questioning her and now they're investigating him being with her and blah blah BLAH! Well on the last day she tells me about all this AGAIN, asking my advice, which I've been giving to her everyday in nice ways. On the last day, right before school my mom and I get into a huge argument right before school and. . Well, let's just say that P.O.ed does not even begin to describe my anger.
Now, everyday, I told her when she asked,"What's gonna happen now?" After hearing the story about cops investigating and what not over and over and over, I told her that now they'll look for evidence that he had sex with her and if they find proof they'll prosecute him because what he did was statutory rape.Well, on the last day I'd had enough.
She tells me this dumb story again and asks,"What's gonna happen now?" I got mad. Beyond mad. I got to the very highest degree of fury. And I yelled at her,"What's going to happen now? I'll tell you! Now HE is going to jail for the rest of his miserable f***ing life because YOU can't keep your legs OR your mouth shut!" And I walked away.
When I came back my friend told me that I'd made her cry. And as awful as it is, I'm glad I made her cry. Unfortunately she was so stupid that being nice did not work on her. I'm glad I made her cry because she needs to wake up and realize she can't keep running around with guys like that without there being consequences for her actions. In this case the consequence for her and his actions were him going to jail and me making her cry.
Now that I've said the bad part about her I will state this. If she wised up and stopped talking about sex she'd be a decent person. I'm not even sure if she's that stupid or just young and waaaaaay too naive. But she acts stupid.
Well anyway. I'm out for now! Expect more rants in the future. If you like my rants sweet, if not I'm sorry I annoy you.

- Artist: Lillith09
- Description: Mostly just a rant about how this girl makes me angry with her stupidity. She's a big slut. Sorry if that's bad language but there's no other way to say it. Other than sexually promiscuous but let's just be blunt about it.
- Date: 07/29/2009
- Tags: annoyance
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Comments (6 Comments)
- ryuzaki100 - 02/27/2010
oh i feel so bad for you....
ill help you kill her! XD - Report As Spam
- XxPlushxX - 12/10/2009
That is so totally...i've never heard of that....that's so disgusting,majorley ewwwy!
Your rants are very detailed and well written. - Report As Spam
- Quasar Quirks - 08/01/2009
- Wow, and I thought the girls at my school were awful. Most of them are cheerleaders (surprise) but there are the ones that you would never expect. Me and my friends have a running bet as to who will be pregnant by senior year, and who will have dropped out. Keep up your rants, I love it!
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- Dark Arashi - 07/31/2009
I knew people like that in high school.
Some of them ended up pregnant. Some of them ended up dead. - Report As Spam
- Deathly Black Rose 15 - 07/31/2009
- I want to read more from you!
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