Axed by a freak would surely be grizzly
Burning cooks you for the rats nice and crispy
Crucifixtion,party like romans and jesus did
Decapitation by a falling tree would be unexpected
Electrocution from a lightening bolt would shock you of your breath
Flogged untill your skins ripped off and slowly bleed to death
Gagging on a chicken bone in your esophagus
Hung for killing a horse,if you do it in Texas (dont know if thats still law?)
Impaled is slightly worse then crucifixtion
Jig-sawed into little pieces numbering a million
Kidney failures my demise unless i get surosis
Lynched by an angery mob,where the hell is justice
Mauled and devoured by a cannibal,you'd be surprised
Nuked at ground zero,and you'll be vaporized
Overdose and accidentally set your house on fire
Poisoned by your best friend so they can ******** your spouse
Quatered by four horses,ripping off your arms and legs
Russian roulette is pretty fun after a keg
Suicides effective,but its overly cli'ched
Trampled by bulls in Spain,on the streets you will stained
Unborn your better off then being still-born
Vivisectioned all cut up,then no one restitching whats been torn
War is always good for getting strangers to kill you
X-rays will get you if you sit for a day or two (blah,sucks!)
Years and years of living and you'll surely die of old age
ZZZZZZZZZ,is the last sound you hear when killer bee's swarm in rage
Comments (5 Comments)
- Glittering Insanity - 12/24/2008
- Xero, you forgot eaten by a "steak". That's the most common... rofl
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- Staring is Eye Rape - 07/17/2008
- exquisite ^.^ 5/5
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- Vampirebloodlust101 - 07/17/2008
freaking great! funny and weird... but mostly funny. :]
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- Xx_iNatRal_Xpressionz_xX - 07/17/2008
- very funny !
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- shikamary - 07/17/2008
- that's brilliant
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